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2 yr. ago

  • Depends on the car brand. Some kept their dependance on software quite low like Mazda. Some decided to take a risk with the software gods and tie their entire functionality to it while simultaneously laying off good workers and rehiring the lowest bidder.

  • If only the Liberal Party hadn't broken their promise to reform our electoral system. 10 years to change it, now I bet they'll cry about it again. It's funny how Trudeau decided it wasn't a problem anymore once it put him in the PM's office.

  • If you ever diverge away from proprietary Synology solution, NextCloud has 100% integration with Collabora too.

  • A lot of government programs don't really make sense and are there just to put a name on a CV sadly. Collabora Online does exactly that and is primary licensed under Mozilla Public License.

    They could have easily expanded Collabora. But you know, can't stamp your name on it.

  • I'm convinced you're trolling or genuinely really dumb.

    I'm off, enjoy your monologue rants.

  • Yeah, I can't wait to trust the feds that can't even work out their stupid CRA website with being a source of reliable news aggregation. Just last year I SAW someone else's tax reports on my account.

    If you want to go on full /r/communism about Google, there's a subreddit for that. But giving the finger to Canadians and internet freedom just because you hate Google is wack. City Nouvelles is not getting a dime from this bill.

    Google doesn't control the news as you tried to imply in another comment. That's ridiculous. People that use Google made the choice to use Google for their news. Just like you chose Lemmy, some choose Meta, others choose Reddit, MSN, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

    All this does is kill independent news sources and cutting choices from Canadians for the profit of the few rich corps in Canada. It's a pure money grab.

  • The amount of people that don't understand how important a news propagator like Google is is mind-blowing. Access to information is a right. This beats this right down to a pulp.


    Really sad. This fucked every news org. Hard. Except the big ones that own everything.

  • I've lived in Montreal for 22 years and I can comfortably say that Montreal is an amazing city. Probably one of the best in the world. But holy fuck does the province suck ass. 40%+ income tax, 15% sales tax, tax de bienvenu, tax over tax, etc. only to get treated like a second class citizen if I start a conversation with "Hi" instead of "Bonjour" with the wrong person.

    The weather, the healthcare system and the infrastructure are by far the most miserable things about the city. The rest is fantastic. But those 3 together make it a rough pill to swallow sometimes.