Our women will wear what we'll tell them to wear. Your women are whores.
I know Novartis made Ritalin.
I only take 1 20mg extended release a day. I used to take about 40 10mg children's per 3 days that I was constantly awake but I gave up that habit.
Novartis is a Swiss company bucko. America got shit to do with my post.
I don't just say that because I'm some jingoist hirka dirka, but I have first-hand experience with both. StimDate is much better than Novartis' Ritalin. I am a recreational user of Ritalin (I'm bipolar and been to the nuthouse twice over it, so Ritalin is not what I should be taking but I my medication makes me so tired) and I get my stuff off the black market. StimDate costs $20 per 100 tablets. Novartis costs $60 per 100 tablets. All the other brands cost some where in between. Novartis is still good though. The WORST Ritalin is made by India/Pakistan. These fuckers can't make shit, so they should not attempt to make shit. Last time I took Indian Ritty, I was manic for a month and broke several plates and a jar of olive oil.
Fire up WSL2 and type man grep
. That's a pager showing the man page for grep. The pagers used are usually more or less (it's literally their names) but sometimes most is used. Now this does that, but to markdown. Imagine you're viewing a formatted markdown page, but in terminal.
Not Markdown 'from' terminal, 'in terminal'.
I think I need to work on sizes and line breaks more. I also need to make a border. Will see with MDP.
But I dd post an screenshot? When I was making the thread I could upload an image, and I uploaded an image of it.
Yeah I think you're right about that one. The pagers are more/less, not nroff. I'm not sure how I can combine key in ncurses. Gotta look it up. Thanks again.
Remember that we Iranians will soon force murrikunt out of middle east and whatever unfortunate president is there will be the clown of history. It just takes one more idiot like Trump to make a 'mistake' like killing Soleimani for Iran to gather enough support to storm American bases with the ballistic missles it sends satellites to space with. All the filthy American soldiers will be reduced to dust.
It does not insert a newline. It let's the terminal emulator decide.
I know this is Wendy's goddamit. I have made a Markdown pager and I'm currently busy with my other stuff such as my compiler, but I will add more features to it soon. I did not put much time on it and there was not much of fanfare for this, although what fare could be? I spent 5 days making an application that is only useful for me, myself and moi. But if you are terminal gang like me, use will find use for it. It can be a very useful tool for authoring markdown documents. You don't need to be a programmer to use it.
It's upsetting because it's a representation of how Yellow Journalism, Tabloids, Paparazzi etc operate in the US. I have the least amount of compasssion ofr Americans, still find this intrusive and I can empathize how annoying it is.
How does that work? It takes a second to pick up dog poop. It takes less than a second to utter 'you're nominated!' This is virtually impossible. Unless she was like, picking up shitloads of dog poop?
I'm not trolling I have stayed up 24+ hours and my brain is not working I'm quitting hookah my brain is a mush.
Apostasy is not a Western concept moron. But the LGBTQ+ culture is specific to West. I admit that 'homosexuality' is a global concept, semantically speaking at least, and these people who fucked each other in the ass never considered themselves to be 'gay'. The correct word is 'Queer Culture' I believe, the homosexuality native to West. That is what I don't want in Iran. I want Iran to develop its own homosexual culture. And I don't agree with Islamic Republic's apery, they are on the wrong side of morality even by Islamic philosophy and law standards, let alone, Western philosophy.
Why sshoudl I care if my spelling is correket when I hate the pipl who speek the langwich.
I learned how to be passionate from Westerners I met on 4chan. All I know about West is 4chan. And Reddit of course. Given these, I despise every Westenrer who exists. No Westerner has EVER done anything positive for me so why care about these vermin.
Good. Homosexuality is incompatible with Islamic culture. I am personally an atheist, but I believe Iran's redemption is in kicking all Western influence out. I basically hate all Westerners, their culture, and their entire being. btw I am aware it doesn't say Iran and says Yemen but Iran is probably going to execute these vermin soon.
Btw, Iran gives less than two shits about these militants. US intentionally waited so IRGC advisors would leave, What a fucking shitshow. America realizes it's in Iran's trap, it just can't get out, because Americans can only eat burger and shit it out.
Yeah I guess so. I know this sounds cringe btw but Natalie Wynn used to shitpost her videos on /pol/ in ~2017 and she did so until a lot of people did a face-heel turn. I dislike her immensely.
I am probably not the only one who has noticed how calm and 'non-toxic' (as much as I hate this word) 4chan has been lately! Where did the poison go? If we say /pol/ is the containment board, and /pol/ is much. munch tamer than it was in say 2015, what about 'nice' boards that just rarely had a shitlord show up and ruin things (like a certain someone who kept insulting everyone on /int/ 12 years ago, yes it's been 12 years).
I'm just sad that I cannot post on 4chan because they have banned my VPN's IP. There, here's my answer.
PS: rules say 'anything 4chan' and I hope this post is not against the rules, I am new to this fora echosystem (I come directly from Usenet) and I cannot find like a large rule statement to see what is allowed and not. I would not be upset if you removed this post in case it's against the rules.