The Super Mario RPG remake has replaced the weird, dream-like aesthetic of the original with the most generic version of Mario.
Super Mario RPG Remake Is Utterly Dripless: They've replaced the weird, dream-like aesthetic of the original with the most generic version of Mario.
(Chris Pratt NPC voice) "woo-hoo!"
Most art, especially in games, is representative. The style of the original Super Mario RPG is not an accident or a compromise based on underpowered hardware, it is the result of artists working with intent within the confines of their medium. Simply filling in the gaps with more detail doesn’t serve the artist's intent or preserve the style of the original. You may like the way the new version looks - Nintendo has certainly spent a lot of time and money making this the default Mario style over the years - but it’s not authentic to the original and it doesn’t capture the original’s tone or aesthetic at all. All of the strange and dreamlike qualities that made Super Mario RPG unique have been replaced with the blandest, safest version of Mario. The new Super Mario RPG is utterly dripless, and it’s a shame to see such a one-of-a-kind game succumb to the lowest common denominator.
AI generated Mario in 4k is not what the fans want
"PMC isn't a Marxist term, it has no scientific explanatory power" NO ONE CAN EXPLAIN WHY CHOMSKY IS AN EPSTEIN GUY WHO LOVES WOODY ALLEN
Its a big club and you're not in it (well maybe YOU are, fucking redditors)
Woody Allen is the most bourgeois filmmaker I've ever seen. Can you name a single black person in his countless whitewashed movies about "iconic New York City"? There's the one sex worker named "Cookie". It makes sense that PMC class character would make even Jewish people hate their black neighbors as much as white nazis in suburbs...that actually explains a lot about Hannah Arendt's contempt for eastern European Jews in her holocaust revisionist journo propaganda lol
having them pay in work worth more than what they were lent
wage theft is in fact 5x more common than regular theft
neoliberal PMC at /r/Teachers react to Freddie deBoer's eugenics child labor book justifying the denial of education for (((low IQ ghetto kids)))
The essential argument of [deBoer's] book is that overwhelming empirical evidence shows that students sort themselves into academic ability bands in the performance spectrum early in life, with remarkable consistency
Downvote me now. 31 years, and my experience agrees with this.
"My entire existence is promulgating bourgeois false consciousness that obscures historical materialism of class war in favor of idealist utopian dogshit" tell me again how PMC are working class comrades who are actually fighting to collectively raise the consciousness of the working class lol, I don't see it
Does this mean I give up on students? Not in the least. But
"I am not a nazi, but,"
I don't believe that in high school I can dramatically change a student. Brain research supports this, as far as I know...
"brain research" lets do some research on these soul cancer Liz Warren radlibs
We cannot solve the problems because we are the tools used to educate, not the tools used to fix the educat