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Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe? - The Atlantic
  • Honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point if the whole thing was a psyop to create a database of future undesirables.

  • With Stickers on Phone Cameras, Clubs Defend the Party Vibe
  • The augmented reality was also causing hallucinations for people who used them for long periods of time throughout the day. When they took the glasses off, they'd see menus or pop-ups that weren't there. This doesn't even get into all the eye strain and damage done to people's vision.

  • Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • Yeah memes aside, the "NPC" shit is cover for fascism and justifying the murder of the out-group. Reactionaries are creatively bankrupt, so all they can do is appropriate. In this case, they took stuff from The Matrix (red pill, simulation, etc.) that was an allegory of capitalism and observations of social constructs (gender especially).

    It's ironic how they view others as "NPCs" when they're so easily programmed by outrage while being incapable of producing meaningful art.

  • Hezbollah confirms leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli strike
  • The US does most of Europe's dirty work since the end of WWII. Europeans are the main benefactors of America's wars in the Middle East. Iraq, for example, had very little of its oil being carted away to the US during the 2003 war. Most of the oil being stolen was sent off to Britain, France, and Germany. Heroin in Afghanistan was making its way to the States, but significant amounts were being funneled into Europe.

    The Imperial Core is aware of this, even if that awareness only exists subconsciously.

  • Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • What if we're already in that simulation and it's been 70 years so the chuds are still trapped? What if it really is the Immortal Science so the virtual simulation children turned out to be commies anyway?

  • Fuck it, I'm saying it dude - one state solution!..
  • I think the last line is missing "...for the children."

    My friend and I started using "like and such as" ironically when that first went viral and now I can't get it out of my vocabulary.

  • The latest Trump-branded swag
  • Yeah I'm surprised it's not got bald eagles and American flags or something with rubies and sapphires. I bet it's still garbage, though. Like it's probably not waterproof and its battery life is only 5 hours.

  • The only time gambling is based is when you do it in Red Dead Redemption
  • I will challenge any billionaire to a game of Russian Roulette using a Colt .45 and will even give them the courtesy of going first. I'm giving 500 to 1 odds.

  • bbc fact checkers jumping at shadows
  • What if the setback was they were gonna carry out an underwater gommunism plot by heading to bazinga brain territory, then test weapons on a specific bazinga brain vessel? Their target it turns out was the billionaire sub that exploded on its own, so they went home before they could finish their assignment.

  • You claim to worship the Blood God yet you're excessively cute very curious. smuglord

  • 👏 Prosecuting 👏 Eric 👏 Adams 👏 is 👏 antisemitic 👏
  • And whose political agenda would that be? Well, the same people who see Eric Adams’ refusal to welcome unlimited numbers of migrants to New York at the cost of collapsing city services as a moral and political embarrassment, rather than as basic common sense

    Hey guy remind me which continent Judaism originated on? Or is this article pro black Israelite and that went over my head?

  • The public intellectuals at The Atlantic review Ta-Nehisi Coates' new book
  • I'm growing increasingly hostile to journalists and their dumbass way of writing. Where the fuck do they learn this shit? What is being taught in journalism schools?

    that launched him toward fame lie strata not only of guilt but also, it seems, of searing anger.

    WHO WRITES LIKE THIS? Why are you like this? Where the fuck is your editor who tells you "No" before slapping the shit out of you? This entire sentence isn't benefitting from the puffed up language. It isn't more complex or nuanced. It's just convoluted.

    Thinking back to when he wrote it, he remembers himself as a journalist all too willing to tread tactically and tactfully at the “hallowed and lauded”

    Oh so you're a fucking mind reader too? Maybe instead of jerking and schlicking yourself off in front of a mirror you could quote directly from the person? You could delete "Thinking...wrote it," and the sentence would convey the same information. That is just fluff imitating analysis, but you're too fucking stupid to do that. So, you do what you did your freshman year of high school and boost your word count without saying anything.

    "...tactically and tactfully" is more dumbass fluffing. In this context, these words mean the same thing. You're not providing any additional description or information. You're skimming a thesaurus for ways to sound smart and nuanced instead of teaching the reader things they don't already know or understand.

    Jesusfuckmeintheshittingchrist I wish I could get paid $150k to write undergraduate essays the afternoon before they're due.

  • I want them to bring back Lovecraft Country (FINALE SPOILERS, SPOILERS, DON'T CLICK IF SPOILERS BAD)
  • Yeah it was a good show. HBO being ran by ghouls who only want prestigious dramas is really, really annoying. Raised by Wolves had a lot more stories to tell. I actually liked the last two seasons of Westworld and how it went full Blade Runner. And I think Avenue 5 got canceled.

    Good thing they have a bazillion reality TV/true crime docs/cooking shows to replace anything that wasn't rich fucks doing rich people things!

  • There's a reason Diddy's famous friends have stayed silent amid his arrest. PR experts say it's the best strategy.
  • I've had to explain the whole East-West Coast feud, the assassination of Tupac and Biggie, the rise and fall of Suge Knight, the Rampart Scandal, and subsequent aftermath of these events to my very white mother because she asked me about Diddy.

    I really hope they continue to stay silent because this stuff gets exhausting when I'm trying to do something and my mom wants to hear the entire history of the 90s (and I'm like "you were there too?").

  • Trump warns hostile migrants have machine guns beyond 'military scope,' 'massive machine gun-type equipment.'
  • o shit oh fuck the immigrants are coming from outer space now with their superior vacuum alloys

  • "How time flies!" says King Bazinga, hiding behind hundreds of treat printed cartoon versions of his own face. (CW: vague stench of transphobia)
  • SV "jokes" about his own daughters.

    Shit like that is a red flag. You're right to put that in quotes because a lot of those "jokes" aren't jokes. It's hard to approach the subject with children. You want to get them away from that situation but directly asking if their father is abusing them can backfire if it isn't done at exactly the right time.

  • It's over...Space Marine 2 is officially woke
  • Cadia literally has child soldiers. Like they teach their kids how to use a gun before they teach them to read. In the event of a demonic invasion, Cadians expect toddlers to man the front lines. Fact: adult women are stronger than a five-year-old boy.

  • It's over...Space Marine 2 is officially woke
  • Tabletop wargames aren't just 40k. 40k is just the largest group. A lot of places will play historical games (like War of the Roses or Napoleonics), small indie games (Gaslands, Turnip28, Trench Crusade), established franchises with a cult following (Battletech, Warmachine, Frostgrave, Confrontation), or internet community projects (Wyrd Wars, Renegade Scout, One Page Rules).

    So if you want to get into tabletop games, don't let 40k stop you. If you have friends who you play games with, you can always make forces for two players and play together like you would a boardgame or RPG.

  • It's over...Space Marine 2 is officially woke
  • Personally I don't think they sold like shit because they were women, either. I think they sold like shit because they look like complete shit. Even the best paint jobs on those two models still look awful.

  • Very cool, NPR. I'm sure there's no reason for an increased amount of Asian-American hate crimes

    I didn't click the link because I don't want to give them views. Unlimited WHATABOUTISM replies when you point out the United States is currently dealing with Bird Flu, Listeria, and more covid variants because Americans won't mask, vaccinate, or quarantine.
