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Napping after their first vet visit
  • Boudica has come a long way in just a couple weeks. She's nearly 3lbs and holds her own against Nini when they wrestle.They've become best friends so soon. They really were so well behaved at the vet, Boudica was even purring when she got her shot. Next round of shots is scheduled for next month, and theey are getting spayed a week before Christmas.

  • Napping after their first vet visit

    Finally got everyone to the vet today. Both girls were perfect and everyone there loved them. Absolutely no fussing, even when they got theor FVRCP vaccines. Now everyone is sleeping off the excitement. This is the first time i think i have ever seen them sleep in the condo at the same time

    Senate chairman demands answers from emergency rooms that denied care to pregnant patients
  • The risk analysis is really bad for those in abortion ban states. You can face a malpractice suite for allowing a pregnant woman to bleed out, which your insurance will cover, or you can face murder chargers for performing am illegal abortion, which can be 20+ years in jail or even capital murder.

  • Made my own Cincinnati chili
  • Most do have the cheese a bit finer than i did here. This was just pre shredded cheese from a bag. Of course, if you are actually concerned about getting the cheese melted, you should order it inverted with the cheese on the bottom

  • Made my own Cincinnati chili

    I do weekly baking challenges and decided to do Cincinnati chili since it's not a true regional delicacy unkess people argue about it anytime it is brought up. My friends have lived here in NW Ohio for 3 years and mever tried Skyline, so i brought it over to them. I forgot the oyster crackers, and they were hesitant to put the full mountain of cheese, but over all they enjoyed it.

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 37: Regional Favorite: Cincinnati Chili

    It's not a real regional specialty unless people get really angry about it online, and few regional delicacies stir up emotions like Cincinnati chili. I'm in Northern Ohio,which doesn't have anything special, but Skyline is decisive across all of Ohio. Posted about it in one group chat and a big fight aboit whether it was edible or not broke out. Another, more favorable chat, started arguing about chocolate in the chili. Since the chili isn't really a challenge, I decided to make the spaghetti myself. I already had the roller, but i have only used it once. The history of Cincinnati chili is actually fascinating. I didn't realize it was made by Greek immigrants, so there are loads of Mediterranean spices like cloves, allspice, cumin, and cinnamon in the chili, as well as a bit of dark chocolate.

    I'm a beans and onion guy, so i went for the full 5 way chili, although i forgot to bring my oyster crackers.

    French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • Because liberals in power would rather align with fascists than anyone to the left. Look at how US Democrats would rather debate the merits of executing abortion doctors than debate Medicare for All, how how UK Labour would rather argue whether transwomen should be allowed in public spaces rather than bringing back council housing. Corporate interests will always lead to fascism since it is the only way to continue selling the failed promises of capital

  • Back to office articles.
  • There are also loads of safety regulations on work sites. If someone is going into a confined space like a sewer, someone is monitoring their air, someone is in direct communication with that person, someone is watching over any lines or cables that have to go with the worker, and a whole group is directing traffic to make sure no one drives into the work crew.

  • 52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 35: Laminated - Plum danishes

    Made everything from scratch here! I picked up the plums from a local farmers market, but end of August/early September is tricky for fruits around northern Ohio since everyone is trying to get their corn, soy, pumpkin, and squash harvested and off to market. While this was a fun one, to quote Mary Berry, "life's too short to make your own puff pastry". Normally i only make my own for meat pies since you wont find any puff pastry with mustard in it state side.

    Niniane with her favorite toy

    Bonus pic

    That's her absolute favorite toy, so it stays inside the cat condo on my dresser. Both kitties like to nap up there, but only Nini ever goes in to grab her mouse. And yes, the mouse is named Merlin lol.

    Someone dumped her, soaking wet, in the lobby of a restaurant today

    Someone just walked into the restaurant i work at, dumped this soaking wet kitten in the lobby, and left without saying a word. I just got a kitten this month, so i took her home with me since i have kitten supplies and everyone else at work has too many pets.

    She cried the whole ride home, and my kitten (13 weeks old), Niniane was not happy about the new cat. I took the stray into the bathroom and fed her. Afterwards i weighed her and she wasn't even 2lbs. She was absolutely filthy, so i gave her a quick bath without much struggle.

    I dried her off and groomed her with the slicker brush and then let Niniane into the bathroom so they could socialize a bit. Nini was curious, but very standoffish and mostly just hissed while the stray just wanted to climb into my lap. I put a cat hammock, scratching post, and some toys in the bathroom (none of which Nini uses) and have locked the stray in there until i know she is litter trained. Currently she is jist sleeping in the hammock, so i think I'll leave her there for the night and try to socialize the kittens some more tomorrow.

    Edit: i think i am gonna call her Boudica. It's much better than "the stray". She just peed in the litter box and even buried it, so that's a massive step. Unfortunately I'm still gonna keep her in in the bathroom for the next few days, but I'm so glad she used the litter box.

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 36: Plating - Ohio State Buckeye cake with raspberry sauce

    For those of you who aren't aware, the buckeyes are mascot for the Ohio State University, and college football season is back upon us! Ohio is the buckeye state due to the large number of buckeye trees in the state. While buckeyes nuts are toxic, the buckeye is the de facto state candy of Ohio. My grandma used to have a box them to share every Christmas when i was little, and the are the best chocolate and peanut candy you'll ever taste.

    The official colors for the Ohio State University are scarlet and silver, so i made a raspberry sauce and silver icong to decorate my plate.

    Go Bucks! And Muck Fichigan!

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 34 - Coffee amd Tea: Earl Grey and Lavender cake

    The only loose leaf earl grey that they had at the store was with lavender. So i ended up making a lavender buttercream to avoid too much earl grey in the cake. It was a big hit at work!

    Columbus Blue Jackets star, Johnny Gaudreau, and his brother killed by a drunk driver NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his brother killed when their bicycles hit by car

    NHL player Johnny Gaudreau of the Columbus Blue Jackets has been killed after being hit by a car while riding a bicycle in his home state of New Jersey. He was 31.

    NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his brother killed when their bicycles hit by car

    Absolutely devastating story. Gaudreau was supposed to be in his sister's wedding today. Instead, he and his brother were stuck by a drunk driver while cycling last night.

    Columbus Blue Jackets star, Johnny Gaudreau, and his brother killed by a drunk driver NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his brother killed when their bicycles hit by car

    NHL player Johnny Gaudreau of the Columbus Blue Jackets has been killed after being hit by a car while riding a bicycle in his home state of New Jersey. He was 31.

    NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his brother killed when their bicycles hit by car

    Absolutely devastating story. Gaudreau was supposed to be in his sister's wedding today. Instead, he and his brother were stuck by a drunk driver while cycling last night.

    My new kitten, Niniane, that i got last week

    Never had a kitten before, but i got her from a friend of a friend for free. She is a couple weeks shy of 3 months old and is an absolute sweetheart. No accidents outside the litter box after a week, and she has even let me trim her paws!

    She was 2lbs 5ozs when i got her and she is growing well. She's way less shy than when i got her and has become super curious and playful the past week.

    Can't submit images

    I am axtive in communities that requite uploading images, but i haven't been able to properly upload any images using Sync in months. The communities are across multiple instances, so I believe it is a Sync issue.

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 28: meringue- strawberry and blueberry pie

    I'm having trouble uploading photos, so i am hoping that i can post this and upload in the comments

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 27: Chocolate work - dark chocolate bundt cake

    Currently getting settled into my new apartment, but it doesn't have in unit laundry, and the laundromats around here are stupid expensive. So i hit up a friend and askedif i could do laundry at their place and baked them this cake while i was there

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 25: monochrome - lemon bars

    Been a busy couple weeks, but i am finally starting to get settled into my new apartment. Unpacked enough to make dinner and even bake something last night! I'm pretty crunched on time, energy, and money right now so i couldn't do anything to fancy unfortunately. But lemon bars are perfect for a hot American summer!

    52 Weeks of Baking BakerBagel
    Week 24- seasonal ingredients: blackberry gooey butter cake
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