Oh for real. I got one on a whim and used it with an LCD first and it was already a major improvement. Once I tried it on a CRT I knew I had to set it up somewhere permanently. Really smooths out the n64s combination of jaggyness and blurriness lol
Getting an s-video cable was one of the best decisions I've ever made, lol. It looks really good through a decent CRT. Its still a very blurry console but the extra bit of visual fidelity makes a huge difference.
I'm not opposed to upscaling if its done really well, playing the switch online n64 games with the switch online n64 controller is a really good experience. But I have no interest in playing those games, I'm really enjoying diving deep into the library.
If you get something like these https://handheldlegend.com/products/n64-silicone-button-pads and replace them they should be good as new. The replacement membranes I've got work just as good as the originals. Broken controller could probably be used for parts here too, it probably broke in a different way than just bad buttons.
Edit: part of my reason for posting this was in the hopes that someone would see it and ask questions about their own n64 controllers. They are a precious resource!
I'll look into it before I take any action, thanks for the idea!
They're pretty much LIKE new, but no they aren't sealed, they feel like they were barely used tho.
I'm not a collector, n64 is the only console I play on real hardware, and I use an ever drive, not real carts. Controllers are the thing I care about a lot tho. For most consoles I have USB or Bluetooth controllers that replicate the original feel, either the Nintendo switch online options or a ps3 controller for ps2, etc. The real n64 with s-video into a real CRT is the only extravagance I indulge myself with. I did preorder the analogue 3d and the NSO n64 controller is actually very good, so I'm looking forward to playing around with that, but n64 is a console that benefits a lot from a real CRT, so I "need" good real controllers
Yeah, they aren't sealed (though I would absolutely open them if they were, the allure of playing with a 10/10 stick is too great. Maybe when communism comes I'll take an extra dangerous job to earn the privilege.)
Its possibly to just squirt some lube in from outside and call it a day, but I really SHOULD open it and get to the parts you can't reach from there. It would be irresponsible to let these controllers degrade any faster than they have to.
Edit: I just noticed you said dry lube, I dont know anything about that, does it work pretty good? Would it maybe distribute itself better than a liquid lube?
N64 dilemma!
OK, its not much of a dilemma but hey, made you click! While I was visiting family across the country I picked up a couple really REALLY good n64 controllers, like 9.5/10 sticks! Can't find anything like that where I live, no chance, but these were just on the rack at a retro game store for 30 Canadian dollars each!
For non-n64 heads, the controllers had one major design flaw (aside from the layout, which may be controversial but is a matter of taste.) The joystick and housing are both made of plastic, and even through gentle use, the plastic slowly erodes over time from friction with itself. That's why n64 controllers are pretty much ALWAYS dusty in the little joystick well, that fine powder is actually joystick powder. The result is loose sticks. Not drift like with newer controllers, the input interpretation isn't failing, but the stick itself becomes very slightly smaller and so is able to move and jiggle a bit before the mechanism is actuated. Pretty much every n64 controller yo
"I don't even hug women" lol
"It could be even better" is a funny thing to say loftily about a game that has a whole bunch of unintentional bugs like some items just not working and whole systems that don't function lol
Allegedly! They are really suggesting that it might be some unrelated space debris in the video. Which would be a hell of a coincidence imo
Hopefully the little nub that actually connects is rubber, otherwise yeah it'll break off the first time you drop the switch 2 with the joycons connected.
The rails were brutal tho, I'm sure this will be an improvement
Someone earlier said they needed a guide. I don't use social media apps and I don't know Mandarin.
Anyway it looks from the reviews like they have the UI auto-translate to english based on location now
Is there a good guide on how to sign up? I never used tiktok but I kinda want to try this out
Most Canadians would agree with this take, as (CW: description of the average anglo-canadians opinions and, therefore, racism) ::: spoiler spoiler Trudeau has turned Canada into a vassal state of India (by forcing upon Canadians the indignity of having Indian people move and live here) :::
They don't have the regular vanilla and chocolate cookies with the filling anymore? :(
I do like Shakespeare and gay rights but I don't know how popular those things are with your average Canadian right now. You have to study a bunch of Shakespeare in high school which people generally don't like lol.
And the right has been having just as much success in the culture war here as they have in america. I dunno if Canadians would vote away gay marriage if they could, but we are just as stupid and bigoted as americans unfortunately
When I say "my culture" I'm referring to anglo-canadian culture, Russia actually has a culture to salvage lol
From this dataset alone I can conclude safely the specific 4 percent of respondents that definitely dont live in BC lol
Best Mount & Blade: Warband mods?
Just playing Prophesy of Pendor for the first time and it's pretty fun! Never modded it before, what are the good ones?
I first heard about mount and blade when I saw there was the beginnings of a Darklands mod (which is still an incredible idea even though they didn't end up making it) so I'm particularly interested in mods that focus on small parties and roleplaying, but I would check out anything!
Forgotten highlights of 2024
Everything moves so fast nowadays that its easy to forget some of the funny events from the year. I posted the financial columnist getting scammed article recently, that happened in February, seems like a million years ago! Even the Trump assassination attempt barely stuck in my mind. Please share your faves!
Puerto Muerto - Walking Boss
YouTube Video
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I never hear anyone talk about this band, you can't even find most of their lyrics online. Def one of my top three man and woman fronted folkish bands.
Bonus song including maybe my favourite song where a woman screams her ass off. The last chorus is like folk Battle of Mice vocals. Gives me CHILLS.
Rock Plaza Central - I Am an Excellent Steel Horse
YouTube Video
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GraphineOS laggy and buggy :(
It hangs up going between screens and even stutters scrolling sometimes. Its forgotten how to do widgets and I cant add them anymore. If I turn night light or grayscale on the colour shifts but doesn't go back if I turn it off, requiring a reset. A few other things... Should I reinstall it? Is there a chkdsk or malwarebytes type program I can use? Is it possible to reinstall the original pixel OS?
Funny lil thought
To some extent there has to be panic in the government, law enforcement, ceos obviously trying to figure out how best to handle this whole situation. I'm sure theres a lot of meetings and phone calls and ideas bouncing around among the ruling class...
So its really funny at a possibly crucial moment for the empire, when clear, careful and decisive leadership is required, there might as well not be a president at all because the husk that was once Joe biden is incapable of understanding or even remembering what's happening
More shooter snooping, nine years ago this was posted in the video game dunkey subreddit
And this was from his high school yearbook:
What an enormous unforced error it was to make the words on the casings public
They literally put a unified (and cool sounding) name to the previously unnamed resentment simmering in every working class person. I'm sure they will eventually have some success diffusing or co-opting DDD, but holy shit, I hope someone got fired for that blunder
How to not use phone
The other day my phone wasn't charging for some reason and I had it off all day. I felt better and got more done and spent time with my family. No joke.
All I use it for is scrolling reddit, scrolling hexbear, listening to podcasts, and occasionally getting a text or phone call. Scrolling reddit in partucular is bad because i pretty much hate everything i see there, I dont know whats wrong with me. I can't just get rid of it because I like podcasts and need to get phone calls.
What do?