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1 yr. ago

  • See also with the Elon stuff the (pretend-) concern over gov agencies knowing your SSN. Like, what?

  • Wow I can't believe I'm still learning new ways the United States do voter suppression. Imagine if they put all that creativity in something other than white supremacy!

  • Yeah, the controversy over federal ID cards is completely bafflying to me as well, and I imagine like many things in the US it's some sort of libertarian bugbear or something? But considering the President has now mandated that one's federal identity is fixed at birth by the angels, it turned out to be a blessing.

  • I saw that yesterday. I was tempted to post it here but instead I've been trying very hard not to think of this eldritch fractal of wrongness. It's too much, man.

  • That's an interesting palette choice on your generated illustrations my guys

  • I know, that's what's beautiful about it! You used the "copyrighted" image!

  • beautiful job on the illustration here

  • I have to say, this is the first time I've seen "machine learning is psychohistory" expressed this frankly. This has been useful, thank you for your contribution.

  • The way the responses talk about "polarization", ugh fucking ghouls.

  • Well that's the stupidest most pathetic way they could have done it, bravo.

  • The only thing LLMs typically are bad at, are things that are seldom discussed or have some ambiguity behind them.

    yeah no wonder you're a racist cunt

  • I'm ... probably one of those people? I learned English from video games and message boards.

  • The Dickens parody in Ulysses* was enough for me to ensure I will never, ever read him lol. Though really his work is the sort of stuff that's fairly easy to absorb via cultural osmosis. So many Christmas Carol cartoons!

  • Basically this is the usual battle between the literal neo-nazi antisemites and the more mainstream fascists who've pivoted from virulent antisemitism to anti-muslim racism and support for Israel (but that won't stop them from having a go at the (((globalists))) every other day). Fun for all.

  • Fucking hell, I don't know how seriously I should take this (could it be Errol making things up?) but it is so utterly bizarre. I've just been staring off into space for a minute.