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1 yr. ago

  • I saw that yesterday. I was tempted to post it here but instead I've been trying very hard not to think of this eldritch fractal of wrongness. It's too much, man.

  • That's an interesting palette choice on your generated illustrations my guys

  • I know, that's what's beautiful about it! You used the "copyrighted" image!

  • beautiful job on the illustration here

  • I have to say, this is the first time I've seen "machine learning is psychohistory" expressed this frankly. This has been useful, thank you for your contribution.

  • The way the responses talk about "polarization", ugh fucking ghouls.

  • Well that's the stupidest most pathetic way they could have done it, bravo.

  • The only thing LLMs typically are bad at, are things that are seldom discussed or have some ambiguity behind them.

    yeah no wonder you're a racist cunt

  • I'm ... probably one of those people? I learned English from video games and message boards.

  • The Dickens parody in Ulysses* was enough for me to ensure I will never, ever read him lol. Though really his work is the sort of stuff that's fairly easy to absorb via cultural osmosis. So many Christmas Carol cartoons!

  • Basically this is the usual battle between the literal neo-nazi antisemites and the more mainstream fascists who've pivoted from virulent antisemitism to anti-muslim racism and support for Israel (but that won't stop them from having a go at the (((globalists))) every other day). Fun for all.

  • Fucking hell, I don't know how seriously I should take this (could it be Errol making things up?) but it is so utterly bizarre. I've just been staring off into space for a minute.

  • really enjoying (?) the implication that anything less than extreme genocidal resentment is considered left of centre these days

  • i want to slap each and every one of the people of X replying with something about autism

    bad faith is actually incredibly easy to detect with a little practice if you're not a bad faith idiot yourself