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Golfers are another breed
  • When saudis don’t give us oil: “remember that time when they hacked a journalist into pieces?”

    When saudis give us oil: “we need to stand with them if we want to protect democracy in Asia”

  • funny post on the neoliberal sub /r/DogFree: "Lunatic childfree couple worship their dog"
  • I can understand not liking dogs or children, but the hatred of them as a personality traits just seems psychopathic. I recently read a BBC article about Americans paying Indonesians to torture and kill monkeys and record it, and the language they use is very similar to these child/dog free comments

  • Is Blue Archive made by pedophiles, for pedophiles?

    Normally I wouldn’t bother giving any of these games attention, but memes about this game keep popping up on my YouTube feed and it’s just the devs or players simping loli characters

    A dumb question but why are mass shooters always targeting normal/poor people in the US?
  • Because it’s easy. Criminals seek the target of least resistance, like how old cars are stolen a lot compared to luxury sedans with a bunch of tracking and security vehicles.

    A lot of the shooters are racist towards black Americans but they would never try a mass shooting in some Bloods infested neighborhood because they know the residents will shoot back. Others are racist towards Hispanics but they wouldn’t dare step foot in Juarez to do a mass shooting because they’ll end up headless on a sidewalk. So they go after people who have never caused any problems to anyone

    Not to mention, like many serial killers, they’re have delusions of grandeur and believe they’re on a mission that can only be achieved through violence. Not to mention, they also want to achieve maximum shock value. Eviscerating a woman’s guts and leaving her in the sidewalk for joggers to find is old fashion. Targeting old people and elementary school children and live-streaming it is the new normal.

    Rich and powerful people rarely get hurt.

    This is why leftist terrorism is rare. We have seen it in the past during the Cold War. The RAF killed politicians and fascist leaders and foot soldiers. The Japanese Red Army killed some civilians and hijacked planes, but they were part of a larger political goal that was immediate (I.e. the civilians were Israeli, the plane was going to North Korea). The Italians went on bombing and shooting campaigns during the Years of Lead because fascists targeted them with the help of NATO and the CIA. Most leftist terrorists target actual people with influence and power. That’s why they’re prioritized more than fascists when it comes to repression.

    The ugly truth that liberals don’t want to acknowledge is that there are only two ways for gun control to happen in the US. 1, if minorities start to become not only armed, but also resistant to the American institution. The conservative minorities who own guns don’t do squat to threaten any power. Or 2, rich people and their children are targeted by mass shooters. The rich will always prioritize themselves so if things get out of hand, they have no problem violating any gun rights. 2 will be unlikely to happen, but 1 is quite literally how gun control came to existence in the US, so it might happen again.

  • What is the social credit system?
  • It’s a credit system for businesses. It’s for consumers but I think mainly for other businesses to assesses the trustworthiness of individuals who own a business. So if you own some clothing shop known for reselling used clothing as new, you’ll be dinged and be punished. But I believe that only local governments have implemented it, so it’s like a few places have it but westerners extrapolated to Xi watching your every move

  • French police unions are now openly threatening mutiny against the government unless they’re given the green light to begin executing protestors in the streets.
  • From a state perspective, why would you even allow cops to have unions? They should be doing what you want. Like any military commander who demands something from the government is usually immediately shot. Are western governments just idiots? Allow the people with guns to revolt against you but not the hungry factory worker lol.

  • I'm a Virgo is fucking great.
  • When I originally read that it was about some guys wanting to “change the system” from the inside, I thought it was a bit out of character for Boots Riley. Glad he was just fucking around

    Also is that Elijah wood

  • Yet Another Stockton Rush Thread (YASRT)

  • Just remembered that my mom traumatized me as a child because she was briefly obsessed with the ‘miracle of Virgin Mary statues weeping blood’

    I remember watching the torture scenes from The Passion of Christ when I was 3 but it didn’t do anything because I didn’t know what blood and torture was.

    But then like 1st grade or 2nd grade or some shit, I remember my mom would constantly show me these photos of Mary statues weeping blood.

    Imagine just understanding what blood and death is, and seeing an inanimate object with a realistic face, that’s fucking slightly smiling and staring at you, and there’s blood flowing down its face. And your mom keeps going on about how miraculous and amazing and wonderful it is and how this woman bleeding from her eyes loves you.

    I genuinely started to think everyone has gone batshit insane and became too afraid to sleep because my bedroom was filled with crucifixes and Mary statues and drawings

    Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority
  • Even the cartels understood this lol. This is why a lot of poor communities support them despite their deranged evilness. At the end of the day, no matter how just and moral your cause is, humans have to eat. If your cause is too high and mighty to feed others, then you can’t complain when they choose the other options

  • Don't worry everyone, Beehaw's top minds are on the case!
  • you address tankies directly I recommend going for broad-strokes arguments and questions and refuse to let yourself be dragged into areas that can’t be wikipedia’d quickly, say, the status of unions in the USSR.

    Not doing basic research to own the tankoids

    And, just for the record, yes, even Anarchists technically form vanguards. From “farming commune doing its thing and writing revolutionary poetry” to “Let’s stop right-wing militias from slaughtering native people and then live among the natives and talk about humanism”, see Chiapas)

    Lmao I can tell this person is white. The Zapatistas aren’t “living among the natives.” They are the fucking natives. And certainly not anarchists

    Also, Tankiedom is a CONTELPRO programme, their purpose is to make lefitsts in general look bonkers and inherently oppressive. Convince me otherwise

    Things with evidence of CIA and FBI interference are just tankie paranoia. But thing without proof is an FBI op because they annoy me

  • Troop Wife moves to Germany, shocked when Germans don't appreciate her presence.
  • Excuse me. She has a very important job. She is a freelance marketer.