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Thank God for books [War and Peas]
  • These socks ruin everything

  • i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper
  • Same me, thought it's rather nothing bad in OF work

  • free license key included
  • Fredom to what? To wasting time on configuration of every basic functionality of my computer?

  • free license key included
  • The CLI installer was not a problem. The problem is complete lack of stability, inability to use software like AutoCAD, Inventor or CorelDRAW, and wasting hours of short life for configuration of things, about which you just do not need to think on Windows. Anyway, the least useless distro I found is MX Linux, but after few years with experimenting with Linux, I happily went back to Windows.

  • free license key included
  • after i did such a harm to myself (installing arch), now i use windows 11

  • Why do we put up with this crap?
  • Totally, soviet planes where known from luxury and totally not from accidents /s

  • Simple, really
  • Was Lenin the major leader of the red terror or not? Was he responsible for Cheka or not? What kind of bullshit you trying to sell?

  • Simple, really
  • Some description about tortures during the red terror:

    " At Odessa, the Cheka tied White officers to planks and slowly fed them into furnaces or tanks of boiling water; in Kharkiv, scalpings and hand-flayings were commonplace: the skin was peeled off victims' hands to produce "gloves";[58] the Voronezh Cheka rolled naked people around in barrels studded internally with nails; victims were crucified or stoned to death at Yekaterinoslav; the Cheka at Kremenchuk impaled members of the clergy and buried alive rebelling peasants; in Oryol, water was poured on naked prisoners bound in the winter streets until they became living ice statues; in Kiev, Chinese Cheka detachments placed rats in iron tubes sealed at one end with wire netting and the other placed against the body of a prisoner, with the tubes being heated until the rats gnawed through the victim's body in an effort to escape.[59]"

    But yeah, " It was very restrained in numbers", so it's fine /s

  • Simple, really
  • I suppose this is a tankie trying to hide under the blanket of "a cool socialism" and later to sell some authoritarian shit ideology with red aesthetics.

  • Simple, really
  • No, Stalin was not the only genocidal dictator of the USSR.

  • Simple, really
  • Ever heard about red terror? And guess who was responsible for that?

    Whom did he genocide according to you?

    Among many others, industrial workers who failed to meet production quotas, non-bolshevik socialists and anarchists.

  • Simple, really
  • Downvoted because of Lenin-like person in the pic. Lenin was a genocidal dictator. If you want to promote a just socialism, remove authoritarian shit like this.

  • You don't have to fear these things
  • Science says there is no healthy dose of alcohol - no moderation, but complete absence.

  • You don't have to fear these things
  • Okay square

    I'm not even mad

  • You don't have to fear these things
  • Artwork is perfectly fine, but shaping your view about the reality and directing your life based on tarot is pure superstition and stupidity.

  • You don't have to fear these things
  • You SHOULD fear alcohol and cigarettes, but from scientific reasons. Tarot is also unaceptable for a scientific mind.

  • Tough choice
  • 2, without hesitation. Can't be so bad.

  • The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅
  • I fucking desire it

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    China a ‘decisive enabler’ of Russia’s war in Ukraine, says Nato in stern rebuke
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    I wonder whether the author discussed the horrors of 19 century capitalism, since he despises "tariff barriers, building regulations and confiscatory taxes".

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