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Comic Strips

I'm in this comic, and I don't like it


Git Commit

Hover Text:

Merge branch 'asdfasjkfdlas/alkdjf' into sdkjfls-final


Functional (27 Sep 2013)

Hover Text:

Functional programming combines the flexibility and power of abstract mathematics with the intuitive clarity of abstract mathematics.


Halting Problem (18 Sep 2013)

Hover Text:

I found a counterexample to the claim that all things must someday die, but I don't know how to show it to anyone.

Open Source

This blog post was posted two days before the discovery of the XZ utils backdoor. It shows the increasing popularity of Docker and NPM. Rust is not in this preview of their report, but all the crates used for compiling a Rust program bring in dependencies. Years ago, xkcd showed the problem already.

Comic Strips

Greenland Size


Bonding (20 Mar 2013)

Hover Text:

I'm trying to build character, but Eclipse is really confusing.


Ineffective Sorts (13 Mar 2013)

Hover Text:

StackSort connects to StackOverflow, searches for 'sort a list', and downloads and runs code snippets until the list is sorted.

:::spoiler Transcript (from explainxkcd)

define HalfheartedMergeSort(list):
    if length(list)<2:
        return list
    // ummmmm
    return [a,b] // Here. Sorry.

define FastBogoSort(list):
    // An optimized BogoSort
    // Runs in O(n log n)
    for n from 1 to log(length(list)):
        if isSorted(list):
            return list
    return "Kernel Page Fault (Error code: 2)"

define JobInterviewQuicksort(list):
    Ok so you choose a pivot
    Then divide the list in half
    for each 

Debugger (21 Jan 2013)

Hover Text:

It can take a site a while to figure out that there's a problem with their 'report a bug' form.


Good Code (7 Jan 2011)

Hover Text:

You can either hang out in the Android Loop or the HURD loop.


Tree (17 Dec 2010)

Hover Text:

Not only is that terrible in general, but you just KNOW Billy's going to open the root present first, and then everyone will have to wait while the heap is rebuilt.


DFS (2 Jul 2010)

Hover Text:

A breadth-first search makes a lot of sense for dating in general, actually; it suggests dating a bunch of people casually before getting serious, rather than having a series of five-year relationships one after the other.

:::spoiler Transcript

        [In a caption that breaks the top of the first panels frame:]
    Preparing for a date:

    [Hairy with wet hair and a towel around his waist thinks with his hand to his chin. There are four situations, but it is not possible to read the fourth line.]
    Hairy: What situations might I prepare for?

        1) Medical emergency
        2) Dancing
        3) Food too expensive

    [Close-up on Hairy's face, who is still thinking. There are again four situations, but again it is not possible to read the fourth line.]
    Hairy: Okay, what ki

Dependencies (16 Jun 2010)

Hover Text:

The prereqs for CPSC 357, the class on package management, are CPSC 432, CPSC 357, and glibc2.5 or later.


Recipes (29 Mar 2010)

Hover Text:

To be fair, the braised and confused newt on a bed of crushed Doritos turned out to be delicious.

:::spoiler Transcript

[Three people sit along a table with dishes and drinks in front of them. Cueball is walking in, a plate with food on it in one hand, a laptop in the other.]

[Blondie looks down at her bowl. She has a cup with what appears to be a lump of coal in it.]
Blondie: I've got... Cheerios with a shot of vermouth.
[Cueball 1 has a plate with some kind of cubic food on it. He has a cup of what appears to be two lovebirds in it.]
Cueball 1: At least it's better than the quail eggs in whipped cream and MSG from last time.
[Cueball 2 has a plate with a several lumps of some form of white stuff on it. They have a cup of what appears to be some kind of superf


Academia vs. Business (18 Nov 2009)

Hover Text:

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine. For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

:::spoiler Transcript

[Cueball sits at a desk in front of a computer, leaning back in his chair with both hands down to his side. There are cans on the desk and more crushed ones on the floor.]
Cueball: I just wrote the most beautiful code of my life.

[Zoom in on Cueball and top half of desk.]
Cueball: They casually handed me an impossible problem. In 48 hours and 200 lines, I solved it.

[Curved lines with arrows divide the comic into two possible end panels, labeled "Academia" and "Business."]

Professor: My god... this will mean a half-dozen papers, a thesis o


CNR (13 May 2009)

Hover Text:

Can't and shouldn't.


Not Enough Work (11 Mar 2009)

Hover Text:

It's even harder if you're an asshole who pronounces <> brackets.

:::spoiler Transcript

[Above the first two panels there is a caption:]
Signs your coders don't have enough work to do:

[Cueball sitting in an office chair at his workstation, with Ponytail standing behind him.]
Cueball: I'm almost up to my old typing speed in Dvorak

[Cueball is standing next to a server rack pointing at it while looking the other way at a Cueball-like guy. There are three sections filled with servers, two of them together, and space for several more above and below and between those two and the one at the bottom. Behind the rack wires comes down tot he floor from all three servers together and the wires then exits the panel to he right along the floor.]
Cueball: Our serve


Genetic Algorithms (23 Jan 2009)

Hover Text:

Just make sure you don't have it maximize instead of minimize.


11th Grade (19 Dec 2008)

Hover Text:

And the ten minutes striking up a conversation with that strange kid in homeroom sometimes matters more than every other part of high school combined.


A Bunch of Rocks (17 Nov 2008)

Hover Text:

I call Rule 34 on Wolfram's Rule 34.

:::spoiler Transcript

[Cueball is standing in a desert with lots of rocks lying around. He is narrating his own situation. The first panel spans the entire width of the comic. The first line of text is written to the left of him, the second line to the right.]
So I'm stuck in this desert for eternity.
I don't know why. I just woke up here one day.

[The next four panels take up the second line of the comic.]
[Cueball stand in the desert.]
I never feel hungry or thirsty.

[Cueball walks in the desert.]
I just walk.

[Zooming out while Cueball continues to walk in the desert.]
Sand and rocks

[Zooming far out as Cueball again just stands in the desert. First line of text, above him, is a continuation