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How Many Episodes Should You Watch Before Quitting a TV Show? A Statistical Analysis

  • I started watching The Leftovers, and stopped after 3 episodes because it was so depressing I wanted to jump off a building. I tried to clear that experience from my mind, and was successful, until a couple years later I started noticing the second, and what was then the third season of the show had been getting constant 8-10 star user ratings, which had me questioning my own sanity. I decided just for the halibut I'd reinvest some time muscling through the remainder of the first season of pain ..... so much pain, to see what all the hubbub was about in the next season. Glad I did, because it became amazing, as was it's third and last season. But I would not revisit that first season if you backed a Brinks truck up.

    • I put the Leftovers down early as well as well, but now I'll consider soldiering through. I assume you can't just skip S01 altogether? That's what I did with Parks and Recreation, but it's not a drama.

      • no. you can't. you need the canon/backstory. gird you loins, and dip yourself deeply into the pain, the second and third seasons are worth it.

  • Parks and rec is one of my favorite shows. I revisit the show every couple years for a rewatch. I hated it the first time I watched it. Then someone told me to make it into the first 3 episodes of season 2 and see how I felt. Turns out season 1 has a very different vibe from the rest of the show going forward. Glad I stuck with it.

    I watched 2 and a half full seasons of the sopranos before I gave up on that show. I don't know why but it just did nothing for me.

    Most shows I give them ~2-3 episodes to grab me. If they haven't done so by that point I generally move on.