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New York Times rejects Quaker ad for calling Israel’s actions “genocide”

After receiving the text for the ad quoted above, a representative from the advertising team suggested AFSC use the word “war” instead of “genocide” – a word with an entirely different meaning both colloquially and under international law. When AFSC rejected this approach, the New York Times Ad Acceptability Team sent an email that read in part: “Various international bodies, human rights organizations, and governments have differing views on the situation. In line with our commitment to factual accuracy and adherence to legal standards, we must ensure that all advertising content complies with these widely applied definitions.”

  • the New York Times Ad Acceptability Team sent an email that read in part: “Various international bodies, human rights organizations, and governments have differing views on the situation. In line with our commitment to factual accuracy and adherence to legal standards, we must ensure that all advertising content complies with these widely applied definitions.”

    They're god-damn right. "War" is not an appropriate word for this. The consensus amongst international human rights orgs is that its a "genocide".

    At first I thought this was a quote from the Quakers as to why they wouldn't run the ad with the word "war"

  • I worked along side some rad Christians in Palestine (doing human rights work, documenting Israeli war crimes, etc).

    Please donate to Christian Peacemaking Team. They're awesome.

    They're founded by Quakers and other nonviolent Christian sects. I also learned that their members pay less taxes because they legally dont have to pay taxes that go to the US military. So if you pay taxes in the US and dont want to support genocide, consider changing to one of those religions.