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Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism Audit

(the infographic is near the end, the article describes some gradations jc used (e.g. swastika with an n-word is unlikely to be purely anti-semitic)

around 1/6 is anti-zionism


Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism Audit

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  • (Long quote, sorry)

    the more time we spent with the ADL’s antisemitism audit, the clearer it became that the dataset itself is severely structurally limited—and may significantly *undercount *right-wing antisemitic incidents. One fundamental problem is the way that the audit’s data is separated from other categories on the H.E.A.T. Map: White nationalist incidents that don’t explicitly name Jews are tracked as White Supremacist Propaganda or White Supremacist Events but not as Antisemitic Incidents, leaving them out of the audit. There’s a strong case to be made that all such incidents should also be included in the audit, even if they do not include explicit antisemitism. (Our cursory survey of those other datasets did turn up explicitly antisemitic incidents that should have appeared in the audit based on the current methodology, like an instance of Patriot Front passing out flyers with the Nazi slogan “blood and soil” and references to antisemitic websites, as well as a handful of overtly anti-Jewish events hosted by the virulently antisemitic GDL.

    Well, well, well...

    Based on this reporting/analysis which is extremely fair and even still gives a slight pro-ADL bias (imo), the exact thing everyone on the left has been saying was happening... was indeed happening.

    The ADL, Greenblatt as their little Nazi mascot, are incredibly far right wing. In bed with Elon Musk, an out and out white supremacist evidenced daily in his own posts. They support Israel perhaps the furthest right wing country on earth currently. Even further right than the US somehow... etc.

    The ADL is going out of its way to downplay or ignore literal actual Nazis/KKK/etc. which would include basically all the people Elon retweets on any given day. Any reference to "great replacement" or any coded language around it is, imo, but I don't feel this is actually debatable, antisemitism. Any reference by churches saying Israel must exist to bring Jesus back or that Israel is righteous or whatever I'd also lump under antisemitism and also Islamophobia. Because it is just plainly is.

    But the ADL ignores all of these actual, literal antisemitic references/beliefs that lead to actual violence or threats of violence against totally unrelated-to-Israel Jews to instead spend their time focusing on the left broadly. Specifically young anti-Zionist Jewish-led groups, all pro-Palestinian groups broadly, and other explicitly non-hateful groups that seek to end the apartheid, occupation, etc. to varying degrees. Some don't even want to see Israel dismantled; they just want to see Israel held accountable and made to stop being allowed to do very clear and obvious crimes. Nope, that's antisemitism according to Greenblatt. But not the local KKK rally as long as they don't ever actually literally say the word "Jew" in their racist rants.

    A person could not better devise an organization that is more harmful to Jewish people broadly than the ADL (and all pro-Israel groups/lobbies) if you tried. Greenblatt and all the people like him, Jewish or not, are actively complicit in the rise and support of far right, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ, anti-black, anti-indigenous. Really just anti-humanity beliefs.

    Hope they all have the worst fates