Midvale school for the gifted
Midvale school for the gifted
Midvale school for the gifted
A real classic!
I randomly a number of years ago came across this drawing and ever since I have been travelling down the Far Side rabbit hole.
My original intro to the comic
remember this getting changed to “Betsy DeVos School for the Gifted”
This is one of the best
A clear representation of gifted people being neurodivergent rather than better in some way. Sure the divergence can be beneficial in certain circumstances and at certain times, but that is not always the case.
There's two kinds of "gifted" in American educational parlance, one has a sweet af special bus and the others are ADHD kids that like to read.
American educators today don’t use the gifted label for either of those. Here’s a bit about current gifted education: https://nagc.org/page/Gifted-Education-Strategies
This is funny because “push” sounds similar to pull in Portuguese. So it’s very common for new English speakers to read a push/pull sign, get confused, and do the opposite. All of us Portuguese speakers are “gifted” when we are just starting to learn English. 🤣
Nearly 25 years of living in the us and this is my curse, I'll stare at the door for a second independent of which language it's written in.
Poor guy’s just catching his breath, missed the bus and had to bike it all the way before he gets a demerit for tardiness.
Imagine someone opening that door. It is gonna be a bad time!
I had this on my coffee mug back in the late 90s.
Oh the memories
I had this on a T-shirt in the '90s
I still do, but I also had it in the 90's.
You get extra mitch love today! hug
Coffee mug for me
I had this on a short. Probably my favorite farside comic. So simple so brilliant.
"Stubbornly protesting improper installation of outer doors in violation of OSHA regulations."
Doors opening outward is usually safer in case of a fire or other evacuation scenario.
Well, isn't he just special? 😊
This is a joke about your own ignorance.
CHILDREN BAD. Reply to this post with an AMEN if you agree 😄😄✝️
Amen and hail satan