The year is 50424
The year is 50424
The year is 50424
Are pixels like super valuable that far into the future?
It takes a lot of energy to send them back in time
Verison charges an arm and a leg to time-bandwidth
It probably won't be that long before some organism evolves the ability to digest plastic.
maybe we will evolve crab-like anyways.
Y'all aren't crabbing-out yet?
Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek?
Long days and pleasant nights
That's enough time for us to evolve into carbon dioxide plastic eating beings, isn't it?
For something completely new like that 50k years is not all that much.
Perhaps enough time for the existing plastic eating bacteria to spread across the world, tho a lot of plastics are buried deep in soil already, so artefacts might survive. Same as with wood, before the wood/cellulose eating bacteria got all over the place, dead trees just for buried. So at high pressure plastic might turn once again into oil.
Tf is that?
Hatsune Miku
My innate otaku sensor says it isn't.
Weebs are eternal
It would probably just be microplastics by then?
Those crabs will probably just be microplastic by then, at least if our trajectory as a species has anything to say about it.
Always has been.
I think 50k years is a bit too short for major evolution to happen. And 5 million years too long for plastic figures.
We needed about 100k to adapt our body hair to clothes.
curious what reference they use for year 0.
any theories?