@technomad@gabboman ok so reddit is like a forum. Tumblr is twitter without sucking that much ass. I mean, it does because ceo has gne full cunt mode, but anyway
Tumblr is short-form blogging platform, inspired by tumbleblogs, which were a thing back in the day (another example of Big Tech lifting an idea and then walling it off). So it's like micro-blogging but without the word limit, so you can throw out a thought or a picture or a video, or go into greater detail if the mood took you. On Tumblr people would tend to have a few on different topics.
I much preferred it to Twitter as it felt a lot more free-form but usually focused on a topic.
Keep making open source projects words no one can pronounce or spell. I love using stuff no one uses… glad it’s being worked on but wow it’s like a battle to name things confusing sets of letters
Wafrn, in MY Lemmy?? It's more likely than I thought!
Seriously though I LOVE Wafrn. I got into Tumblr right at the tail end immediately before it went to shit, and I always regretted not doing it sooner. Wafrn rules.