Map of the Midwest and its territories
Map of the Midwest and its territories
Map of the Midwest and its territories
I giggled at the bulk of this, but actually laughed out loud when I got to "cold Midwest".
As a midwesterner, we're happy to share the term. We like to include people. And to feed people. And to make sure they have a place to stay tonight that isn't too far away to drive safely, there's a pull out couch, I can put a fresh sheet on it, it's no trouble.
"cold Midwest" is fuckin true about Alaska, though
Yeah. Watching reality TV out of Alaska, there's some solid Midwest vibes. They have every cultural right to claim the term, if they want it.
Canada is just Northern Midwest
as a canadian, yes
Don't forget Puerto Ridwest, American Smidwest, and the Virgin Ismidwest.
I live in the Midwest and I still don't really understand why half of it is on the eastern part of America.
I’m open to being corrected, but my guess would be the long time gap between the original colonization of the east coast and the spread west of there. In 1776 US borders extended to Pennsylvania, so when settlers started moving to Ohio and beyond I imagine they would have called it “The West” until they realized how much west there really was.
It's from an east coast mentality. If you're sitting in New York City, everything else is west. You have middle way west (Midwest), the West, and the West Coast.
Same goes for Europe. You sit in London and you have the middle east, the east, and the far east.
Is Mexico Lowest Midwest?
Spicy midwest
I told a guy once I was from the Midwest and he was like oh cool me too! I asked him where he was from and he said Texas.
Thats a weird one because Texans get oissed when you say they are Southern. Seems like a California transplant because to them there is west coast, New York, and everything in between is the Midwest
Need more subdivisions: Northern Western Midwest, Eastern Lower Midwest, etc. Also annex Canada for extra hijinks and shenanigans.
Why stop at Canada? Let's get Mexico and have a lower left Midwest
Southern Lower Western Midwest
Hot Midwest.
hey where's Pittsburgh
No Yinzers allowed in our Midwesterner Utopia
Pittsburgh is the Midwest/East Coast neutral territory.
Not in college football it ain’t
Can the Midwest have a Midwest?
Yeah, it's Missouri.
This has legitimately always pissed me off. The mid(dle) west is not in the eastern portion of the country. The first thing I'd do as supreme leader of the united furry states of america is put everyone that says things like "Ohio is in the midwest" onto a boat headed to the Bermuda Triangle. Then sink it when it approaches, just to be sure.
I've heard arguments "but in 1612 we didn't know that if we kept walking we would find more land" or "the population density is what matters". You know what I say? On the boat.
The crux of it is that the name developed along with the expansion of the US, ie from the east coast. From that reference point, everything else was "The West", just with varying degrees of distance.
I remember being very confused about Ohio being part of the Midwest when I was learning geography in school. It's literally one state away from the east coast.
Of course, the concept of "Midwest" as a whole is pretty confusing. I get that it's meant to be about halfway to the western part of the US, since we started on the east coast, but it's a bit of an antiquated term at this point.
If anything, we should call it the Middle-North or Midnorth for short, since that's a more objective description of it's placement in the country, without the old east-coast-centric viewpoint featured in "Midwest."
I'd say it's all mid, along with Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and uhhhh I'm too tired to look at the picture again to see if I'm missing any other worthy candidates (brace for ninja edit)
Ok yeah Louisiana too. Fuck it the whole US is mid Mexicanadian
"Great Lakes" is a regional name, but it isn't used all that much since it's sometimes too narrow.