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  • It seems like quite often, for myself included, "the best Star Trek show" is the one you first grew up with.

    So it will always be TOS for me.

    I don't dislike any Star Trek show, but TOS was my first love.

    • TOS is Star Trek in my mind, even though TNG competes with it for my favorite. The adventures of Kirk/Spock & crew are the core of Star Trek, and it feels like everything since is an encore because of how incredibly beloved it was.

  • I didnt have anyone to guide me in my late-90's pre-teen years. It was only with Jessie Gender's reccomendation that I dipped my toe in to lower decks, and then friends i met told me about DS9 being "the queer one", which got me hooked.

    Dont get me wrong, I'd seen TNG episodes growing up...unfortunately the connection/click just didnt get made. (I circled back, dont worry)

    Now for the heresy: From my perspective, the newer stuff, which folks so often gripe "change the format too much" or whichever (I wont even humor the bad-faith bigots complaints about how they cant slur people for intrinsic traits just for existing) -- I enjoy Strange New Worlds and Discovery a lot. They address something that Star Trek didnt (when I was young and media illiterate and taken in my bang-boom-Halo-style-scifi: i could suspend my disbelief. The costumes in TNG and even DS9 had taken me out of it before i ever got into it. No shade to designers...i see now the wonderful theatre they were making room for...and hey, Im a queer-anarchist so making things more easily digestable is the opposite of what i dig...but maybe consider that someone super enthused about a newer show may well be on their own path to a new appreciation for the older series <3

  • Enterprise was fantastic if you cut out the time travel episodes.

    Voyager took a long time to find itself and it was disappointing the direction they took with it.

    DS9 was a lame story with fantastic characters.