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Can I ask for how to remedy my build here?

I don't want to visit reddit, so I came here; Yet this community seems so small. I wanna ask how to build something that is not ugly mess, is it fine to ask it here? Would the Minecraft Forum be a better place for this?

EDIT: Added the screenshots of my atrocious buildings.

  • I imagine it’s fine to ask for a critique. Where I think it starts becoming an issue, however, is if people spam the community for every little detail through multiple posts.

  • I learned this technique from a video, I don't remember who the author was.

    Their idea is to start by building hollow cubes of somewhat random sizes, each connecting to the other and possibly merging (some parts of a cube inside others). Once you have enough cubes, you use those as the skeleton to build the final structure. Square-ish cubes become rooms, tall and skinny cubes can become stairs, really big cubes can be multi-floor open areas. The hollow cubes act as a canvas with structure, so that you can "paint" your build on something more than just empty air.

  • Not that I'm any good at building, but a common strategy I've seen on various YouTube channels is to have a rough reference picture for what you're working towards. An image search for something and adding the word concept or concept sketch usually gives back something good. It helps you remember the final look you're after.

    Eg. Image search for desert castle concept

    Nb. Ignore the sarcasm at the link, just using it to explain what I mean