When I was a starting line cook, they told me to recirculate the air in the freezer. I said "what?" They said "recirculate the air in the freezer." while handing me one of those giant black trash bags. I opened the door to the freezer, opened up the bag fully, and then went "wait a minute..." they had a laugh, and I started eyeing all of their requests through the lens of "is this bullshit?"
Later on, at more professional jobs, they have the same sort of requests. Not ones that are hazing jokes, but just actual bullshit assignments that mean very little, are looked at by nobody, and that accomplishes nothing. Except now those assignments are like 90% of the job. Hooray office work among middle management!
If they’re yelling/aggressive about it, it’s not as funny. People are just going to feel pressured which is lame compared to someone subtly making a ridiculous request that has every right to be questioned