What's stopping us?
What's stopping us?
What's stopping us?
As a Dutch I don't understand this joke
After reading through the comments it could also be related to climate change but what first came to mind was the american housing crisis. Some people seem to think that the housing crisis could be solved by having more room for houses while, how I understand it, it is actually not a problem of available living space but a problem of affordable living space.
Ask your german friend about the logistics and they'll probably already have a slideshow ready to explain it.
If you're lucky they might have an extra about their vacation to Spain!
Looks like everyone is missing your joke.
The joke is that we have more land to the north so we don’t have to. We can just invade Canada before we start with polders
I thought you already did that in June 2072?
As an American I'm baffled also
Drive through a few underpopulated towns and tell me that there's no place for more people in America. Empty downtowns, empty houses, empty factories... There might be economic reasons why people don't want to or can't live in these places, but the one thing we absolutely have enough of in this country is space.
we get the dirt from the Moon
the Moon dirt will be even closer to the ocean when it's under it instead of over it, so the tides will work even better
By God, it's foolproof!
Couple Dutch engineers will get that sorted for you no problem.
Definitely, they could just drain it like they drained where I live.
It's actually not quite as crazy as it sounds. OK, it is as crazy as it sounds, but hear me out. Some inventor (Wolf Hilbertz) tried to build an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea through electrical mineral deposition on metal frames. He based the technique off of how coral plateaus accrete. There's a fascinating video essay on its attempted construction and failure on YouTube.
Edit: YT link is fixed. Thanks!
You could also destroy mountains and use the rubble to expand the coast.
It's really fucking stupid, but it would technically work.
Technically you could dig a huge hole, that would work too lol
Wouldn’t there be a lot of displaced water that needs to go somewhere?
It seems you put the Wikipedia link twice
Should be fixed now, thanks for the heads up!
Basically every coastal city in the US has significantly added to their land by doing exactly this (obviously far less…)
Boston is a crazy example of this. Original Boston is so insanely different than what's currently there. It's like 75% of the damn city used to be ocean lol
Biggest stopper is we dont have trillions of tons of sand and the oil money to move it, Dubai
So you're saying Dubai will pay for it
No im saying Dubai does stuff like that because they have all the sand and enough oil money
Why school bus? Is there a deeper joke here than just sinking a school bus? English is not my primary language...
they're telling them to go to school
I know there are a lot of complete morons out there, but this has to be someone fucking around, right? A little old school trolling just looking for a reaction. Right?
Who knows anymore.
Reverse Turing Test + Dead Internet. If your comment is stupid enough to be mistaken for a bot, are you really human?
Interestingly, lack of land.
Do we really need all these mountains?
Just trigger an ice age. Sea levels will drop. Plus think of all the extra ice you can live on.
Did I hear nuclear winter??
Can I put that extra ice in my drink?
No, but you can put the extra ice on top of the ice that is your drink. You’re in an ice age, after all.
Superman. Superman's stopping us. The deadbeat dad version.
I mean of we just blew up the Appalachia's that oughta get us the materials required
Gonna have to put the water somewhere though, I vote right onto Texas because fuck Texas.
Fun fact, Appalachian has some of the world's oldest mountains, older than the atlantic ocean, the Scottish Highlands are part of the Appalachian range.
Kinda funny considering how it was mostly scots who ended up settling the mountains during colonization.
Clearly never been to Boston
Where do I start looking for a school bus in the morning?
Random adult gets on local school bus in the morning. Ends up in jail.
It would work better on the west coast, tbh. Ecological disaster, aside from practicality issues.
Hold on y’all, we -justyoulistenhere- get a buncha bulldozers and push thems dirt into the water, just like Ja-apan did right? And get this! Then there’s MORE AMERICA!
Find a school bus in the morning and just get on it.
Funny you should say that... they're the ones that sent me here.
Half of it would be The South, though.
As in, it the South would literally have to rise?
Sell these houses to who, Terraman?
Only issue is pussy ass environmentalists fuck the fish get the l00tz