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Dpad vs analog stick

Which do you prefer? Why?

I'll be honest, I prefer dpads, they are more compact, more tactile and more precise. If I could I'd not use an analog stick in smash bros and just use dpad.

  • Dpad for precise timing (like movement). Analogue for precise looking (like aiming).

    If I could use the dpad to move in a souls game (especially the ones with movement based combos) I would. But I'd still want the analogue stick for the camera.

  • Usually analog sticks, but it depends on the game. Something like shovel knight is better with the dpad.

    I just happen to play more games that are better with analog sticks.

  • Analog stick. Most of the time I end up finding that the dpad on my 360 controller doesn't feel as good to me compared to as an analog stick. That, and the majority of games I used to play growing up used analog stick for movement, so it's engrained in me.

    • Part of the issue there is actually the 360 controller, from my experience. It has one of the worst D-pads ever made. That said, platformers and fighting games are typically the only ones I use a D-pad on anyway, so if you don't play those you'd likely never use it.

  • D-pad for precision, analog for thereabouts.

    Or in monster hunter, d-pad for camera with index finger, analog for movement with thumb, embrace claw until everything cramps.