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I get angry every time a car passes by my house

I think I might have an issue, this cant be normal right?

Every time a car passes by my window I want to scream because the noise disrupts my concentration. It's seriously tiring me out, they're not even loud or something like that.

It's the same with other noises but cars in particular (cause they pass by every 20 minutes). Its not something that would normally bother me this much :/

  • I absolutely feel you. Every single one needs to have a loud exhaust and the tire-noise drives one insane. One thing that helps me somewhat is white noise or other background sounds (like rain and wind, I use blanket for this). I haven't tried noise-canceling headphones, but they might help in your case, though I can imagine that they will get sweaty in summer. And I don't want to carry a device everywhere I go just to drown out the unnecessary noise others make.

    Though my usual methods only help up to a point. Motorcycle season has started here, and the road 700 m away from my flat is used by these idiots. Every fucking minute I get interrupted by backfiring modified motorcycles even when I close my windows. Yesterday I tried to go reading by some trees behind the house (that are more than 1 km away from said road) and my ears started to hurt from the noise. I didn't get any reading done either... And don't get me started on lawn tools...

    Sorry for the rant, just nice to know there are others who feel the same way.

  • I can hear the cars outside my home and it drives me nuts too. A break is what helps me. I've tried everything below.

    If you can take time away from home on vacation or camping, that may be best. Alternatively, something that can help cover the noise, such as a fan or adding noise absorbent materials to the room it's the biggest problem in may help. Drapes, home-made sound panels, something along these lines.

  • they are expensive, but im a much happier person with really good noise-cancelling headphones in my life. also loops are cheap and good for going out.