Master Of Puppets by Metallica
Master Of Puppets by Metallica
Prompt was the full lyrics of a song. Test out your lyrical knowledge and try to guess which one was used. the genre is Thrash.
Master Of Puppets by Metallica
Prompt was the full lyrics of a song. Test out your lyrical knowledge and try to guess which one was used. the genre is Thrash.
The last stand - Sabaton?
Edit just realised there was a description, nvm.
Wrong anyway
I love this. Guess the song from ai art would be a great community of its own.
It is. Look at the crossposted community.
Feels like Tom Morello’s “Hold the Line”
wrong song, wrong genre...
Metallica, no remorse
good guess but wrong song...
For a hill
men would kill
why they do not know
stiffened wounds test their pride
Just say the title next time. For Whom The Bell Tolls is the wrong song...
It’s Raining Men.
War Ensemble?
Dropkick Murphys - Shipping up to Boston
Bodies by Drowning Pool?
Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the... FLOOR! Beaten... why for? Can't take much more Here we go... Here we go... Here we go (now) One - Nothing wrong with me Two - Nothing wrong with me Three - Nothing wrong with me Four - Wrong song and genre