Pigs murdered a Redditor's dog during an illegal raid
Pigs murdered a Redditor's dog during an illegal raid
Rare good Reddit post.
Pigs murdered a Redditor's dog during an illegal raid
Rare good Reddit post.
it's adorable the people in there saying "go to NPR, go to social media, blow this up!"
most clueless white person thing to think ever. Pigs murder, what, 10,000 dogs a year on average? They're a dog killing factory. why would the bootlicking media give a single ounce of fuck?
yeah if I recall it's like 1 dog every hour in the US, quite frequently its their own police dogs too
Common reddit L
A while ago I did see "1313-1" which is apparently the length you must go to in some subs w/ automated filters.
I wonder, does (UTF-8/ASCII) {65 67 65 66|A C A B} work?
Also I stg if this turns into a struggle session about pitbulls I'm locking the thread.
Kill cops not dogs.
Please ban anyone who engages in the racist bullshit against pits. I hate those pieces of shit so much
There was a thread a {couple years back|don't read the comments lmao} about a study in behavior differences between dog breeds. The behaviors that actually reliably differ by breed are:
Which notably doesn't include whatever people keep saying about pitbulls.
Also look up Stanford, horse breeding and eugenics. Horse and dog breeding are literally where the idea of human eugenics came from.
The book Palo Alto goes into detail about this.
People who set out for a certain breed of dog and buy from breeders suck. Adopt a rescue dog if you want one and you can care for one. My dog is a rescue and it took us a while to teach her what she can and can't do, but she's a perfectly innocent dog and has never hurt anyone.
RIP sweet girl
I wish it didn't take dogs being shot for redditors to see how disgustingly evil cops are. You'd think young disabled Black men getting shot would've put us in the same page, but much like the border camps ("Tell a middle aged white lady they're holding puppies in overcrowded cages without feeding them and she'll become a terrorist. Tell her it's hispanic children...") you can't count on anyone having empathy for PoC.
Meanwhile, what is it that actually makes it to the front page of that shithole copaganda site?
I hate myself for saying this, but burning such a horrific way to go. I’d temporarily put my hate for cops aside if they saved my dog from that hell.
Oh definitely. I'd be eternally grateful to any person who saved my best friend from death, even if it weren't such an excruciating one as burning. Whatever cop saved that dog did an undeniably good thing and I didn't mean the comment as a condemnation of that one. Cops in general are actually capable of doing doing good, actually. It just doesn't change the fundamentally evil role they play in a capitalist society nor the fact that on the whole they're prone to doing despicable things as a result of that position... and the sociopathic feedback loop of that role attracting people who want to do despicable things in the first place.
I was just pointing out that what gets boosted and celebrated on reddit is the copaganda stories. It's the post linked by OP that everyone on reddit should be made aware of, and how common the practice is of cops murdering dogs. Instead, I found it really ironic that literally minutes after seeing this post, the thing I see on reddit's front page with tens of thousands more upvotes is yet another heroic cop story, pretty much the polar opposite of this one.
There were 2 other similar copaganda posts in 24 hours. I'm sure they were boosted because of this post.
this fucker's either bootlicking or brand new
So a group of police conducted a pre-planned raid at your house without a warrant and shot your dog, due to something your minor brother is into?
This is ragebait, guaranteed. OP is a liar.
I wish I had time to drop on them a pile of articles about that exact fucking thing happening. Not that it would affect their "thinking," but I prefer when there's a cited refutation for passersby.
wow that sounds so out of place for Yankistani cops, usually they're beacons of virtue and honour
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This is my fucking nightmare scenario. Gonna hug my Husky for a bit.
PSA: if you’re anti pitbull you aren’t a comrade
k bye
Please help my ignorance I know nothing about dogs and their breeds so I cant tell fact from fiction.
So reactionaries have a flawed association between certain types of dogs and what they represent.
(X breed) are more badass, they're more violent, they're more masculine, they're more acceptable for a man to own, they're more loyal, etc. Unfounded associations, ofc.
Bulldogs (esp French bulldogs) were a lot more bourgeois than they are now. They were associated with bloodsports, yes, which earned them a certain reputation for being a masculine fightin' dog. But it was more likely due to them being smaller (but not too small) and cheaper to feed for said bloodsports while also having a shorter snout, compared to something like a borzoi which would have been detrimental to fighting.
Aforementioned reactionaries seek out those particular breeds associated with violence and machismo and whatever.
Said reactionaries are reactionaries, and are therefore bad at raising dogs.
Said dogs are neglected, not trained or actively trained to be aggressive
Said dogs get the blame for their behaviour if something bad happens and not the humans that created it. After all, they're already associated with violence!
Said breeds are strong enough to cause severe damage IF they act out, which gets reported.
Future reactionaries continue the trend.
It's a feedback loop. Within pop culture, the established "violent" breeds are depicted as violent. It's not a poodle that's attacking strangers in the street. """Smarter""" dog owners are turned away because the "violent" breeds are less safe! Which in turn boosts the desirability of those "violent" breeds to future reactionaries. A shitty dog owner's dog mauls someone? Don't self crit, blame it on the dog. Others see and are like "oh shit! That's what I need, a badass dog because I'm a badass". Gets said dog, ends up being a terrible owner. Ad infinitum.
Brb need to go hold my sweetheart.
a sad thought my partner and i had when we got our Belgian malnois:
at least there's a smaller chance cops would kill her because it would be like killing their own (yes i know they often kill their own)
lo and behold when they go out cops frequently want to pet her. at the very least it's sort of protection for my partner who otherwise looks very "woke" and the kind of person cops would fuck with
my partner who otherwise looks very "woke"
I hate to ask but what does this mean?
what chuds would consider "woke"
dyed hair, half shaved, commie tshirts, piercings, tats, etc etc etc
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