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  • it's adorable the people in there saying "go to NPR, go to social media, blow this up!"

    most clueless white person thing to think ever. Pigs murder, what, 10,000 dogs a year on average? They're a dog killing factory. why would the bootlicking media give a single ounce of fuck?

  • RIP sweet girl

    I wish it didn't take dogs being shot for redditors to see how disgustingly evil cops are. You'd think young disabled Black men getting shot would've put us in the same page, but much like the border camps ("Tell a middle aged white lady they're holding puppies in overcrowded cages without feeding them and she'll become a terrorist. Tell her it's hispanic children...") you can't count on anyone having empathy for PoC.

  • a sad thought my partner and i had when we got our Belgian malnois:

    at least there's a smaller chance cops would kill her because it would be like killing their own (yes i know they often kill their own)

    lo and behold when they go out cops frequently want to pet her. at the very least it's sort of protection for my partner who otherwise looks very "woke" and the kind of person cops would fuck with