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It would be really funny if the next Fallout game took place in a communist country and you find out that instead of a dog eat dog wasteland, the people came together to create a decent society

It would be a good satire of capitalist "human nature" arguments and American individualism

"Those damn pinkos actually made it..."

  • Okay, so, for one of my capstones back in college (Yes, i have a degree in game writing, among other things) I did a design Bible for my vision for a Fallout game called Fallout: Great Midwest

    One of the factions was the Union of Atomic Workers local 158, who've basically been keeping the majority of southeast Wisconsin up and running with power, clean water and working industry

    Just a bunch of blue collar Joe's who watch out for each other and keep everything running

    • This sounds dope. I imagine Chicago is a nuclear wasteland at the bottom of the map, and Milwaukee is just... Exactly the same as it is right now.

    • that's awesome, now I'm thinking Appalachia could be a great setting as well, with the climax being the second battle of Blair Mountain

    • That's really cool!

      • You'll probably also appreciate that the villain was the Vault-Tec board of directors

        Having used the information of all the vault experiments to make it so that they can basically live forever in their own personal supervault

        Vault X

    • It's always bugged me that the Union of Atomic Workers has been in the story since '97 as a high-tech power-armor using faction and Bethesda is still like "Hmm what do people like about Fallout? The Brotherhood of Steel? Let's shove them in to everything no matter how little sense it makes".

      "I figured that for every successful organization that made it in the Wasteland, there'd be ten that failed, and so I came up with some organization for Jake that explained where he got his weapons that wasn't "I used to be in the Brotherhood"... it's a throwaway bit intended to make the world a little messier; it's more believable if everything doesn't tie together neatly."

      • Scott Bennie
      • Yeah, it's such an interesting idea that there's just some guys who know how the tech works, but they're not weird about it

        The main conflict with them is that they've settled into a comfortable place, they've never had to deal with a harder wasteland, so they don't really believe that the player needs any of their tech or expertise

        They're not trying to keep people out, they think they can just offer safety and stability to everyone and it'll be fine

        Not realizing that there are forces out there that might take advantage or even just try to take it away from them anyway

  • I remember someone saying this about Mad Max, like what if Australia is the only country that's fucked up and the rest of the world is doing just fine?

  • That game already exists, it's called Atomic Hearts.

    • Is Atomic Hearts good?

      • Its fine. The open world elements are annoying, and tbh it would be better if it was more pared down, but its very pretty, the gunplay is decent, and seeing all the Marx and Lenin statues throughout was nice. I can't really remember the plot too well, but its basically like, futuristic gay luxury space communism is cool, and then it gets sabotaged by bad guys for Reasons.

      • I wouldn't call it great but I also haven't finished it, though it was alright

        Definitely worth playing through (or at least watching) the first half hour or so just because of what a beautiful vision of what fully automated luxury communism could look like is presented

  • Back when Fallout 4 was announced, I actually thought the settlement system was going to be a step towards that and you would end the game by wiping out raiders and establishing the Commonwealth as a communal federation (with an obligatory evil option alternative, of course).

    God, how wrong I was...