You don't want to be impolite
You don't want to be impolite
You don't want to be impolite
When I was in college, a guy in my lab thought he's make some money by buying cheap Coldplay tickets and reselling them at profit. No one took him up on it.
Thanks, this story warms my heart. Anyone else got any good stories of someone who tried to be a scalper but instead ended up with too much of something they didn't want and less money than before?
I'll go, a coworker saw a story about one of the previous xboxes getting modded (case painted) and sold at a ridiculous markup, like something in the thousands, and bought like 4 of them to try that himself.
I'll give him credit that at least he was trying to add value to them, but in the end he sold them at about cost to people who just wanted xboxes and didn't care about his mediocre paint job.
Well, I bought some shitcoins...😔
Friend of mine thought he could make a quick buck on 4 tickets for a concert nearby, but since the ticket provider won't send out digital tickets until right before the concert he might not try this one again lol
I can tell you one time when I scalped enough gpus to afford top of the top pc and vr. I was so proud of that one
Is Coldplay the internet's new Nickelback?
Coldplay was one of the big popular bands back in the 2000's, and like any popular band, there were plenty of people eager to prove how cool they were by telling everyone that they hate their music. Social media was starting to get popular at the time, so people would take to Facebook to make their "Coldplay sucks" proclamations. As social media took off, the sentiment kinda got swept up with it, and so now even as Coldplay isn't anywhere near as relevant as they were back then, it's still a pretty common thing to see people say they suck online. From what I saw, Nickelback's wave came afterward, and while that sentiment reached higher popularity in its heyday, it hasn't stuck around as well.
No, Coldplay was incredibly well liked for close to a decade. The backlash against them really didn't develop until 2007/2008 when it was discovered they straight up stole a song.
Viva LA Vida was already sort of their abandonment of adult contemporary for a top 40 sound, and of course, it was released when I heart (then clear channel) was shutting down all the adult contemporary stations, so the pivot was going to happen regardless of whether they got caught or not, but it is interesting to note that their top hits since that happened have largely been written by others.
Nowadays, maroon 5 and coldplay are essentially the same band, its just a matter of who pays Max Martin more for the better song at album roll out time.
“You know how I know you’re gay? You like Coldplay” - 40 year old Virgin (2005)
Coldplay was the old Nickelback. That said, I still dig Coldplay's old stuff.
Yeah their old stuff was actually decent. Their new songs are absolute generic bullshit.
You are my universe and I just want to put you first
It sounds like it was written for the parody boy band from Bob's Burgers, Boyz 4 Now.
They are 2 different bands?
It's sooo trendy to shit on someone you don't like. Edge up!
I never have understood what the appeal of Coldplay was lol
I never understood the love or the hate for Coldplay. I think the best quote I ever read about them was "Coldplay is the musical representation of the color beige".
I'm not a huge fan but they make some good music. I really liked their debut album but completely fell off by the time they released that Daft Punk ripoff
Side note about that track: You don't even have to change the bpm or key. Just put the tracks on top of each other and line it up. It's nearly the same song with different vocals
They were playing at a festival I went to back around when Clocks came out and they were getting massive. I went to the second stage and watched Feeder instead. Best decision ever. Their album at the time was Comfort in Sound and you could feel the emotion the band were still feeling after their drummer's suicide on top of that they seemed really appreciative of the crowd watching them instead of Coldplay.
Silly fucks, finding some semblance of joy in this broken world... Let's make them feel bad about it!
their music is so lukewarm for a band with the word cold in it
The Swedish German?
The Swedish German?
Wait don't you want to hear the joke?
"Andy, which one of them gave you a nickel?"
I think about this one a lot. I love it so much. That and…
Plumbing’s just Lego innit? Water Lego.
Parachutes is an amazingly good album. I'll die on that hill
I was really into them when I was younger, and I still enjoy music from their first few albums. They are way more pop-oriented now though. Chris Martin is very corny, but is actually a pretty talented and creative pop musician. I don't get the comparisons to Nickelback. I like them when I just want something low key, and easy to listen to. I also listen to a bunch of other "real" music as well, but for me it's not an either or thing, but just depends on mood.
Was into em growing up too! A Rush of Blood to the Head is a pretty solid album and I still go back to it sometimes. Viva La Vida has its highlights too. Not wild about much since, though Coloratura was neat. But yeah like there's far worse out there
Literally never heard of them. I'm more about ColdStorage!
Coldplay after a long day sounds pretty nice tho.
Pretty sure that Coldplay’s cynical plan was to continue where Radiohead left off with The Bends. It didn’t really work.
Prog Rock has always been a double edged sword. Most of it is pretentious garbage, but then occasionally someone like Thom Yorke comes along who is an actual generational genius and completely reinvents the genre.
I give it another 15 years before he goes completely insane and moves to North Korea or something. Hopefully we can get at least one more album before then.
Isn't that Muse, anyway?
nah muse carried on from ok computer instead
That sounds cool, I didn't know about Muse
I once wandered into a bizarro social circle where people unironically listened to Coldplay and were completely unaware that they are an internet meme, and I ended up looking like a crazy person when I tried to explain it.