A cruel irony
A cruel irony
A cruel irony
Aaaaaand sometimes is a "controlled substance" so you have to get a new prescription every month. No 90 day supply, refills, or auto renew. 🥲
What's that? You can message through the app to refill all the other ones easily but not the magic one requires calls and in-person visits to remember and juggle? Cool cool cool.
Fortunately they can write up 3 Rx and then send to the pharmacy every month until my next appt.
Of course my pharmacy can't get the stuff due to the shortage so I have been without for 2wks now. It's a process to have the Rx sent over to a different pharmacy. Easy for someone normal. But ADHD without meds? Yeah.
But with CVS at least, they won’t schedule out the fill, only place the second and third on hold on your profile. So you have to call and ask them to fill it 2/3 months , can’t do that part on the app either. So to have a continuous supply, you’ve got to do go doctors appointment, then pick up meds on first month (assuming no complications, there are always complications)… then the next two months you have to call like 28 days after your last pickup, ask them to fill, and pickup within 2/3 days.
I fucking hate this, and I moved so now my doctor is 30 minutes away. I could find a new doctor but, you know... adhd
I can deal with calling to get a new prescription every month but all the other bullshit that comes with my medication being a controlled substance is what I fucking hate. Oh we are sorry but your prescription is out of stock because the DEA is worried about diversion... Oh and don't call other pharmacies because you are shopping pharmacies and now we are going to flag you...
Also god forbid you might need to refill early if you're going out of town or something. I knew they'd get weird about that so I just refilled it late when I got back and they made me piss in a cup for two months in a row. For refilling late because that could indicate I was selling it apparently???? I still get so upset remembering it. I can't believe how they're allowed to treat us sometimes.
Stratera actually isn't a controlled substance since it's not a stimulant (it's an NRI), but my Ambien is, so I know the pain. It's literally easier for me to get legal weed in multiple states around me than it is to get Ambien, which I've been taking for like 20 years.
Ritalin is the only medication I've taken for the last 15 years and I stg someone still fucking hassles me at least once every few months. Either it's insurance, the doctor, or the pharmacy. Someone ALWAYS makes it a pain in the ass. It's beyond absurd how many hoops I still jump through after over a decade of the same dose of the same medication.
I have to renew mine every 28 days... Because it's so incredibly dangerous that they don't trust the public with any longer prescriptions. I hate it but ahhh, the things I do for that juicy methylphenidate...
Aaaaand if your doctor gets a stick up their ass they can humiliate you with piss tests all they want and you can either endure it or go back into the unmedicated TV static 🥳
That's terrible! Thankfully I've never had a Dr give me a hard time for ADHD meds. Is there any chance you could see a different Dr in your area? You don't deserve to be treated like that.
That's harsh. It's controlled where I'm from but that just means I can't refill on day 89.
Oh my God dude it's such a pain! Also I can't refill on day 30. I have to be completely out, but the pharmacies don't open until 9. So if you need to be a work at 9, you get to pick between being late for work or nit taking medication. 🙃
You can get it for 90 days. At least you can get Adderall for 90 days at a time.
Fking lol
And stimulants are insanley addictive, terrible for you, and make you go crazy
**in a non ADHD brain
Stimulates are not as addictive for people suffering from ADHD because it physically effects us differently. If you have ADHD then you have issues with negatively skewed dopamine responses and stimulates help by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine causing the dopamaturgic response to seem more powerful than what it is (because again I can't stress this enough the dopamine response does not function correctly) (source)
I'd probably get addicted to them if I didn't have ADHD and didn't constantly forget they even exist
Jokes aside, it is an invaluable medication (not a cure) for those that it helps.
I am addicted to my brain functioning normally and being able to accomplish things
It is terrible for me that I didn't get diagnosed sooner.
It made me go crazy with how big of a difference it has made in my life. I went from sluggish trash goblin hissing at the light to a productive wood elf singing and creating great crafts.
So, yeah, what you said.
Not nearly as addictive as alcohol or nicotine but here we are.
Look at those downvotes. People don't pause.
Not sure why your being downvoted because besides addiction that was 100% my experience. They ruined so much of my formative years.
I do acknowledge that they can work great for some people, but so does cannabis which improved my quality of life and emotional regulation directly rather then turning me into a docile mindless drone.
i understand the sentiment and I appreciate the irony but medication is only as much a 'cure' for ADHD as 'having no legs' can be 'cured' by a wheelchair.
Stimulant medication isn't a cure, you don't have to take it every day, and it doesn't matter when you take it as long as its far enough away from when you sleep.
Nonstimulant medication is also not a cure. There is no cure for ADHD. It's like saying there's a cure for schizophrenia (not comparing the two as issues). Some things don't get cured, they just get the severity lessened.
The thing that needs to be cured is the dizzying array of forces aimed at crushing ADHD people to pieces, at least in the US (can’t speak for other places).
You ever look at the number of people in jail with ADHD? Society is trying to kill us off I don’t really think there is another sober read of the statistics.
In other words there is a cure for ADHD to a large extent but it doesn’t involve curing the person with ADHD.
I could never remember if I took my pills, so I bought one of those weekly pill organizers. I used it for a few weeks...But now I don't feel like filling it up each week, so I just take them in the morning when I go to the bathroom... Then later on in the afternoon I wonder if I have taken my pills because I was on autopilot in the morning.
When I go to bed I put my pill bottle in one place. When I take the pill in the morning, I put it in a different place. I've considered buying one of those timer bottle caps. They fit generic pill bottles and have timer built into the top. You can look at the timer and see how long it's been since you opened the bottle last.
Hmm that's interesting.
I would go nuts or od if not for the pill organizer. Refilling sucks. But I sigh loudly every Sunday and manage to do it lol
I am currently sitting on the edge of my bed, scrolling, and most definitely not starting the ritual of opening a half dozen pill bottles, divvying them up for the week, and then opening one more bottle and going through the hassle of cutting some in half to get the right/current dose.
One of these hours that will change. Probably when the bladder starts screaming.
I bought a replacement pill bottle with a digital timer in the lid that resets when you open it so you can always see how long it's been since you last took it- it's been a huge help and managing my medication. It's called the BudCapTimer or TimerCap. Here's a link - https://a.co/d/iZJilMh
I had 3 or 4 of those organizers. I'd fill them all up at once and then only had to remember to do it, while medicated, once a month or so.
That's what my mom does for my dad since he takes like 10 pills a day.
Maybe get a 1 month organizer or a few more weekly ones so you only have to refill once a month. There are also timer lock box or pill cap gadgets.
I attempted to get a month one before, the problem is that they're huge and take up a lot of counter space.
Oh shoot! My Focalin!! Thanks for the reminder.
My insurance/doctor told me about focalin and I swear it sounds like some made up ADHD med like in South Park or something
soothing voice talk to your doctor about Focusil today
That’s honestly what it sounds like to me
Haha. Pretty much. It’s not perfect though. For me it definitely helps with focusing, staying on task and getting things done but if I take it for too long in a row, I get quicker to anger and more anxious. But a lower dose doesn’t have any positive effects, so I’m stuck choosing which week I want to be efficient and which eeek I want to lean off and chill out more.
What do you mean at the same time!?
Oh shit. I forgot to take my pill. Thanks for reminding me.
Huh? You don't need to take it at the same time. It'll just impact your sleep if you take it too late. If you have extended release you just have a smaller window of time. Having a structured routine is an important part of tx anyway
I always made it the first thing I did every morning. Get out of bed, pop a vyvanse.
Dont have ahdh, but i do need my routines and i agree with this. Get out of bed, take a glass and take my pills. I will forget otherwise
Reading the comments here makes me overly conscious about choosing my word carefully. Say “cure” instead of “medication” and there goes the point you wanted to make!
Lemmy definitely inherited reddit's pedantry, lol
Lemmy is reddit 3.0. Early on, Reddit was basically only a website for tech nerds and misfits; atheism and jailbait were some of the most visited subreddits, idpol and divpol weren't a make-or-break-your-family issue back then but there were still a ton of terminally online furries (yes if you're a furry you're weird, but weird is fine, let that freak flag fly.) I'm including myself in the group of outcasts and misfits, and my freak flag flies in weird ways too. I've been on Reddit since the default UI was
, although it hadn't changed much over the years before the redesign. Notice the quality of submissions though - it was a place for the intellectually curious.But you have a large subset of users who use pedantry and grammar nazi`ism as a way to feel powerful when they're powerless. It's like picking on those lower than you, when you're in the bottom of the pecking order.
Those people saw reddit go from their bastion of freedom to the corporate ad-haven it is today and all came here. You also have a lot of younger people with the time to kill and are just trying something new.
and also you have to take it for two weeks before you get any effects and if you miss a day at any time you have to go through this process again
I've been on Adderall XR for over a year and I feel the effects within an hour or two and I've missed days and it only seems to make that day and maybe the next a bit worse, but not 2 weeks at all.
Which one are you on that does that? Ritalin? Vyvanse?
Your thinking of antidepressants.
That’s how you know it’s working.