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If intelligent life is found in the universe will it change religion(s)?

....with the James Web Telescope looking for sources of artificial light to identify potential intelligent life, and the news this week of Perseverance searching for microbial life on Mars it feels like we are getting closer to a major discovery. But what - if anything - would it mean for the religions on Earth if life is proven to exist out there?

  • Religion evolves, even if some creationists don’t believe in evolution. It wasn’t too long ago the the pope conceded that the church was wrong and Galileo was right. If extra terrestrial life is discovered there will be a period where all religions attempt to incorporate the news into their doctrine one way or another to keep the money rolling in.

  • Probably not, they will just interpret/twist their holy writings to support what happened. Or if they can't think of anything it will just be a "God works in mysterious ways" explanation.

  • 65% of Americans already believe that there's intelligent extraterrestrial life, which is about the same as the percent that identify as religious so there must be a fair bit of overlap already. Americans used to be a lot more religious just a few decades ago but I don't have historical belief-in-aliens percentage at my fingertips.

    My expectation is that a remote-radio-signal-only detection of alien intelligence will have almost no effect on society, not in the near term anyway. It's too abstract to factor in to most people's lives. Finding relics within our solar system from long-gone visitors might have a bit more of an impact because I expect there'd be a "gold rush" to find more, since they may have practical value and are limited in supply. The only thing that would have a serious and widespread impact would be actual live aliens (or "live" alien AIs, same thing really) in the solar system itself. At which point the outcome is basically "what outcome do the aliens want this to have? That's the outcome we get."

  • If they're more intelligent than us but with the same morals we're doomed, so we might have not time to adapt our religions.

  • The real chaos would happen if all the recent UFO stuff turns out to be true. Aliens existing RIGHT HERE ON EARTH could quite possibly cause changes in one or more major religions, but maybe not immediately.

  • Religions have for a long time evolved from "lets explain the world" to a perfectly effective brainwashing detergent. What is one more step.