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  • Backwards thinking.

    Andrew Tate isn't creating these young men out of well adjusted people.

    Young men today face a mountain of issues with zero sympathy from the people or institutions around them. And grifters prey on these men.

    Having grown up in the "teach boys not to rape" era of progrssive rhetoric, it's actually insane to see all these people just insist being in a guy's world is all sunshine and rainbows and all these men are just awful people falling of their own accord.

    Young men get told some pretty damaging things growing up, even from progressive people.

    Everyone has problems, lots of people are coming of age all kinds of fucked up, and we can't fix this by implying it's all their own doing.

    • I had a teacher point this out to me too by just pointing out the percentage of girls in the class. They call them the lost boy generation because good intentions to get women into paths like STEM resulted in forgetting about investing in the boys.

      But also some of us boys need lots of damaging things its not a one size fits all. Not traumatizing stuff but damage is needed for boys. Boys need to be pushed and discipline and we need to break bones and fight and get dirty to become an adult who can go on to teach a new generation how to do those things safely and responsible.

      • I'm a stem teacher, and I work hard at trying to get more women into stem.

        1. More women reduce reduce the number of men but simply increase the number of subjects we teach.
        2. More women in stem creates normality and produces more women in stem. When we have open nights women telling women how cool and interesting the subject is excited them.
        3. It increases range and capacity, I have tasks that are designed to interest young men. As I started producing content that also interests women we got better and richer tasks.
        4. In my teaching area we moderate other teachers courses and every single teacher who whines about women in stem have boring single focused programs
        5. Men like courses with women. Especially if those women have similar interests

        The no opportunity for males to be exceptional is a dog whistle. Stem is still there for men. There are still high standards.

        The problem is a lack of men in teaching roles.

        Young men have few, sometimes no, men who act as role models..for example, I get comments from students who love the fact that I have a beard and they like that a teacher is proud to present in one.

        Secondly men and women have different skills socialized into them. Guys are better at exams and practical tasks while women are socialized to be better at communicating tasks. As men left education assessments moved from practicals and exams to essays.

        Socialized isn't entirely correct it's also a lack of focus on the difference between how young men and women develop in primary years which also leads to skill issues

        Anyway ranting on my phone sucks. More women in stem, especially in digital technology and engineering is great, women have ideas, they can solve problems, we should learn why engineering is a sausage festival instead of just assuming that it is because men are more exceptional at engineering than women.

    • Young men today face a mountain of issues with zero sympathy from the people or institutions around them. And grifters prey on these men

      Idk, I don't feel like young women are really offered any kind of safety net or support system that isn't being offered to boys.

      it's actually insane to see all these people just insist being a guy's world is all sunshine and rainbows and all these men are just awful people falling of their own accord.

      This is the thing, I constantly hear how awful young men are being treated. I don't ever really hear any specific reasoning that can't be explained by other means other than sexism against men.

      Imo this is one of the first generations of young men, especially young white men, that weren't born on third base. The men's right movement is a reactionary movement that's just upset about being placed on an equal footing, and then falling to achieve the same results of previous generations of young white men.

      That feeling of slowly rolling a stone up a hill all day as others unbound by such heavy burdens briskly walk by is the same feeling poc and women have experienced in this country since it's inception. You aren't being treated worse than everyone else, it's just that equality feels like prosecution to those who have traditionally lived charmed lives. Welcome to the jungle, I hope you learn to enjoy your stay. I think the affectations of the moneyed class have ended, they have decided they don't have to keep up the charade. We're all the same to them now, and will all be exploited as such.

      • Idk, I don’t feel like young women are really offered any kind of safety net or support system that isn’t being offered to boys.

        I mean, there are special scholarships and programs only for women, and explicit preferential hiring for women in some fields. There is nothing like that for men, even in fields men are grossly underrepresented in (which also tend to be fields where men are mistreated or have their duties restricted for more or less explicitly sexist reasons - like child care).

        This is the thing, I constantly hear how awful young men are being treated. I don’t ever really hear any specific reasoning that can’t be explained by other means other than sexism against men.

        Here's the trick - when you hear how say women or black folks are mistreated, you don't require "any specific reasoning that can’t be explained by other means other than" discrimination against them.

        I like using criminal justice as an example of this:

        If I asked you to prove that the criminal justice system was racist, you could throw a whole pile of statistics at me. A whole panoply of stats demonstrating how black people are treated worse by the criminal justice system. But if you take those same measures and break them down by sex instead of race, they more or less all have a sex gap, that sex gap favors women over men, and for most of them it's a similar or larger gap than the racial one. The core difference is that you will treat the racial gaps as proof of racism in and of themselves, while requiring the sex gaps to prove that there is absolutely no other hypothetically possible cause other than sexism.

        When a gap lies in one direction, blaming discrimination is the default move and when it lies in the other then every other possible explanation has to be provably false before it can even be considered.

        Imo this is one of the first generations of young men, especially young white men, that weren’t born on third base. The men’s right movement is a reactionary movement that’s just upset about being placed on an equal footing, and then falling to achieve the same results of previous generations of young white men.

        So long as you define "being on an equal footing" as others having explicit institutional benefits you don't.

        For example, girls outperform boys in education K-12 (and there are studies that suggest this is at least in part a result of bias in grading favoring girls), girls both enter higher education and graduate from higher education at higher rates than boys, etc, etc, etc.

        My favorite is people being angry when men apply anti-discrimination laws to things like differential pricing that favors women, differential benefits that favor women, literally any application of Title IX that benefits a boy, that sort of thing.

        You aren’t being treated worse than everyone else, it’s just that equality feels like prosecution to those who have traditionally lived charmed lives.

        Ironically, the oldest known expression of this notion comes from a proto-MRA on USENET in the late 90s, except he was talking about women.

      • it’s just that equality feels like prosecution to those who have traditionally lived charmed lives

        I cannot speak for "that country", assuming you mean the US, as I don't live there. That said, I think people don't have actual past lives as a reference. If my grandfather or father lived in a different world, this can at most create expectations, but cannot be really generating a feeling of prosecution, because the current one is the only life I have actually lived and I know.

        Then there is another issue, which is that in reality there are a lot of factors that determine whether you are born "in third base". Gender, historically, has been one of them, but it's far from being a guarantee. However, the political discourse often flattens this issue and makes it almost two-dimensional. If you are a white man, you are privileged, period. Fact is, there are tons of white man that are absolutely not privileged, and are also victim of an unequal and oppressive society. These people are substantially alienated because their voice is simply not represented anywhere. My leftist interpretation is that some of the egalitarian discourse (feminism, LGBT rights etc.) has been to some extent swallowed by the status quo, and lost a lot of the revolutionary potential it had, becoming more focused on individual perception and rights, rather than on systemic issues that therefore could capture also the dynamics of a white man being also oppressed, even if from a different angle. In other words, if feminism is purely focused on battles of women as a group of individuals, and not as part of a system that oppresses them within a wider mechanism, then oppressed people that don't strictly belong to that category have a much harder time to see in women a reflection of their own oppression.

        Basically, a realization such as:

        We’re all the same to them now, and will all be exploited as such.

        was true already decades (centuries) ago, and that's why lots of feminist battles were linked to socialism and leftist ideologies. This is nothing new, really, and forcing to read the current issues only from the racial perspective or only from the gender perspective (etc.) makes it much harder to build solidarity between groups who are instead left to fight battles within the system, without a perspective or a struggle to move past it.

      • Ignoring the issues people face becuase they come from what you determine to be a "privileged" class is just another form of bigotry.

        Young men don't stand to benifit from the same patriarchal systems we do, nor do we stand to benifit from the patriarchal systems our fathers did. And even if it did, one privileged doesn't nullify the issues faced by other inequalities such as race, wealth, class, ability.

        The issues they face are real reguardless of what privilege they have or are assumed to have.

        Equality should be about giving every individual a fair chance at life regardless of who they are or what they came from. Not some team sport where "one side" must be crushed under to goosestep of self proclaimed progress seekers.

    • You mean there is more to this than a black and white interpretation of the issues??

      Young men in many areas are ridiculously hopeless with despair - its not really something that is talked about.

      • Young men in many areas are ridiculously hopeless with despair - its not really something that is talked about.

        With uncontrolled climate change slowly destroying the world as we know it, can you blame them for being hopeless with despair?

    • On top of all that, these days most rejection of men happens before there is even any opportunity for the men say anything. With dating apps putting so much emphasis on looks (a very small minority of users of these apps do anything but look at the first photo before swiping left or right), and surveys finding that women consider over 80% of men less attractive than 'medium' (i e. a 3 or lower on a 7 point scale), mean that tons of men reach that conclusion in the final panel simply from getting no traction with women at all, making whether they're a Tate acolyte or whatever not even relevant.

    • Believes all Staceys just want Chads
    • Become a Chad by getting all roided up and crazy
    • Staceys don't want anything to do with me


    • Reminds me of a post I saw yesterday, of a white supremacist finding out the german catholic descendants in red 'murica don't share his ass-backwards views of race.

    • Tbf being ripped does get the Stacies. Just not 8%bodyfat freakbeast roidmonster ripped.

      Hitting the gym is the one thing self help gurus are right about.

  • For me, the reason it is hard out there is because I am super careful when trying to pick someone up and they end up mistaking my pickup lines for friendly banter and I end up getting friendzoned.

    Plus I am super choosy myself and take long to crush on someone and then take super long to get over a crush. (o﹏o)

    But I agree that listening to toxic males like Tate will likely not make it easier.

  • I'm not a Rogan meathead, but women are absolutely super choosey these days. Dating apps have given women an inflated sense of their own (dating) worth, and they largely want tall, handsome, well-off, slightly older men.

    Of course I'm painting with a broad brush here, but this post is talking in generalities anyway.

    • I’m not a Rogan meathead, but women are absolutely super choosey these days. Dating apps have given women an inflated sense of their own (dating) worth, and they largely want tall, handsome, well-off, slightly older men.

      If this is happening even a little bit it is because of the distorting forces of capitalism and addictive phone apps are warping peoples interactions on dating apps.

      I promise you, if you are genuinely a pretty nice human being who tries to be a good person there are plenty of women out there who want to fuck you. Really, the world is full of horny women who get hot and bothered by realizing that cute man they just met is also really sweet and kind. You don’t need fit any particular idea of a man, I understand it feels like you do and that is an awful feeling but it is a feeling not the reality.

      Also women are probably more choosey because they are by large exhausted from work places that grind them down, trying to make rent, healthcare bullshit and any number of other struggles of modern life, just like you. They want to make sure that use their vanishing amount of free time, energy and money pursuing somebody that isn’t going to be a dead end.

      If you want the quickest route to more men finding women who are interested in them, then support unionization, the social safety net, workers rights, and progressive legislation on housing. We need to take better care of people so that they have more free time, energy and money to pursue love and sex.

    • It's nice of you to display your red flags so obviously