Is there a pun here I'm not getting or is this just absurd?
🎵He's gonna take you back to the past🎵
🎵To play some shitty games that suck ass🎵
🎵He'd rather have a Buffalo take a diharrea dump in his ear🎵
🎵He'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a road killed skunk and down it with beer🎵
🎵He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard🎵
🎵He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd🎵
🎵He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd🎵
🎵He's the Angry... Videogame... Nerrrrrrrrd🎵
-- AVGN theme song
The Angry Videogame Nerd was a character played by James Rolfe, starring in a YouTube series of the same name from 2004 onwards. He would show off his outstandingly large collection of physical copies of videogames, primarily for the NES, and each episode was a (obscenity-filled) review of a different terrible game.
The series is still on YouTube if you can stomach the rather vulgar humor. There's nothing actually offensive, just... a lot more creative obscenities like the ones in his theme song.
He'd rather have A buffalo Take a diarrhea dump in his ear He'd rather eat The rotten asshole Of a roadkilled skunk and down it with beer He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd He's the Angry Video Game Nerd
--AVGN theme song
Eat a roadkill skunk and down it with buffalo diarrhea.
He's the angriest humanoid you've ever heard
Is that a civet and a gnu?
Is this a fedora thing? I tend to work with debian distros.
He'd rather wolverine a musk ox.
Hed rather honey badger his bollocks
He'd rather have a GNU contributor take a diarrhea dump on his pull request.
I'd rather... Play this game then not play it.
Is there a crappy game based on the Saw series? I have an episode idea for him.