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Key difference
  • USB DVD drives are super cheap.

    Just saying.

  • Republicans want someone younger than Donald Trump as president: new poll
  • He was forced to, how? Nobody has the power to force him do anything.

    He read the writing on the wall and stepped aside. Something Trump would never do.

  • Girl rule
  • Too many of them weren't joking. That was a rather popular conspiracy theory during the Obama years; that Michelle is trans (or, to hear them tell it, "really a man") and their daughters are actors.

  • rulie xcx
  • The one I was thinking of is, "It's somebody's fetish. No exceptions."

    Found a citation:

  • _____ Rule
  • Brings new meaning to the Salt-N-Pepa song.

  • rulie xcx
  • Everyone talks about Rule 34, but nobody mentions the equally valid Rule 36.

  • Pardon me, do you have the rule?

    A comic strip titled "WONDERMARK by David Malki!" featuring five panels. In the first panel, a dodo bird asks a seated man, "Pardon me, do you have the time?" The man responds, "Yes, it's—". In the second panel, the dodo exclaims, "You have the time!" The third panel shows multiple dodos excitedly saying, "He has the time," "The time! He has it!" and "At long last! Our desperate search is at an end! The time has been found!" The fourth panel has the dodos whispering, "PSSHHWSSSPTT SSHSSHPSSSTT." In the fifth panel, the man finally says, "It's nine fifteen," and the dodos shout, "AAAAAHHH NOW WE HAVE THE TIME." The comic's footer reads, "the big hand is on WONDERMARK.COM."

    Rule Scutigera
  • He made The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. I will love him forever.

  • Graduate's father arrested for blocking Black superintendent from shaking daughter's hand
  • Again, you're giving massive benefit of the doubt by assuming the psychotic parent is not racist and that he's telling the truth about the bullying situation, especially when his actions don't seem to match his words.

    Just because he says he's not racist, doesn't mean he's not racist. And his actions look pretty damn racist.

  • Graduate's father arrested for blocking Black superintendent from shaking daughter's hand
  • Because even a moment's consideration will tell you a situation where the district superintendent and only the district superintendent is responsible for poor handling of a disciplinary situation is extremely fucking unlikely.

    You are going out of your way to give a psychotic parent who assaulted a school official benefit of the doubt that he has not earned.

  • Graduate's father arrested for blocking Black superintendent from shaking daughter's hand
  • Then why specifically the superintendent? Even if this was a bullying issue with an unsatisfactory conclusion, there's no way he would have engaged with the superintendent of the district without engaging with the principal first. They would both have failed to resolve the problem, so why would he have gone after the superintendent specifically and left the principal there to shake his daughter's hand?

    And, of course, the other issue is, even if that was true, that doesn't make what he did OK. He's marginally less shitty by virtue of not being openly racist, but he still made sure that his daughter's last memory of high school is him getting arrested for assaulting the district superintendent and embarrassing her in front of the entire graduating class and their families.

  • there is no rule
  • You should watch the movie. It's all kinds of fun.

  • Chasing your dreams rule


    Gump rule
  • and salsa?

  • Gump rule
  • So, we eat the cops as a side dish when we eat the rich, right?

  • Gender rule
  • Same.

  • Enshittification Rule
  • XP actually wasn't great on release, though I don't know anybody who clung to ME, considering it was itself a huge dumpster fire. It wasn't until SP1 hit that XP got really good.

    Most of us were just riding out 98SE as long as we could until MS got their shit together. Some people had 2000, but it wasn't really a consumer-class OS; it was meant more for the enterprise.

  • Enshittification Rule
  • At the rate we're going, this is what Windows 12 will look like.

  • Right wing humorule
  • I always looked at Team America as a satire of right wing thought. Basically the Bush worldview taken to comical extremes.

    I know Parker and Stone are lolbertarians, but they managed to actually skewer the right pretty well back in the day.

  • Trump floats idea of three-term presidency at NRA convention
  • And what chance do you think the Democrats are going to have to reform after Donald Trump undoes the entire democratic process and proclaims himself president for life?

    He's not going to go away quietly. We know this. He proved it on 1/6, and he's outright saying it out loud again now. Stop pretending he's just another politician. He's a wannabe despot, and we need to not give him another chance to become an actual one.

    Look, Biden is garbage. The Democrats are garbage. But at least they're garbage that play by the fucking rules. If Trump wins, I honestly do not believe we are going to get another chance at this.

  • Egg_irl

    Alt text:

    Men in a sports utility vehicle speed past a pedestrian and shout "you're fucking gay, man" and "gaaaaaay." The pedestrian waves at them, with joyous tears in his eyes and says "thank you boys, you've helped me come to terms my with my sexuality!" The men in the car consult a list of names and one asks "ok, who's next on the list?" They pass by another pedestrian and shout "you're trans!" and "admit you're trans, idiot!"

    Also, pretty sure those guys have been in my subconscious every night.

    Love rule

    Alt text:

    "Always Has Been space meme" where the first astronaut is saying "wait, I am worth of love?" and the second is standing behind with flowers saying "always have been"

    Barbruleians at the gate

    He who controls the spice controls the rule

    Alt text:

    Predator handshake meme. "Paul is surrounded by spice and doesn't know how he feels about it." One side is labeled Great British Bake Off and the other side is labeled Dune

    FakeGreekGirl FakeGreekGirl

    She/they. Greek-American. Trying something new.

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