I literally cannot stop laughing about this.
I literally cannot stop laughing about this.
I literally cannot stop laughing about this.
The FBI outsourcing investigation to Twitter users.
Imagine the secret police of the most powerful empire in the world getting outwitted by some 12 year olds lmao
And it isn't anime
Top Minds.
Also, I gotta say those pictures look AI generated.
White hoodie rascal keeps the same design on it
Well yeah, we're all too busy posting here to be investigating
Imagine snitching on someone for fucking up a wells fargo.
Idk what kind of person looks at a monolithic human life destroyer like wf and thinks. "It is bad to steal shit from these villains".
Remember back in 07 when they just flat out stole like, what, several million homes from people? Just stole them? Thanks obummer.
Honestly, they should be encouraging this. It's way more productive than joyriding stolen Kias. The politicians certainly aren't going to do the wealth redistribution.
True, but the take from bank robberies is at a historical low bc they keep so little cash on hand. Like you're going to struggle to even get enough for a few months rent.
LOL you can just do a bank robbery in 2024? and the fbi will publicly state "hey, we have security cam footage of your uncovered face but have NO clue how to find you, someone please help"
this is good intel
They're working on changing that. Using these school shootings as an excuse to introduce draconian PATRIOT ACT stuff on kids. You're a criminal for existing. Your photo, biological data, school records will follow you through adulthood. They'll red flag you for shit you did in elementary in the future. You bet the crap-it-all-ists will be on this too (employment, insurance, credit, finances)
So in "zero tolerance" schools if you hit your bully back, you'll be marked for life.
That's the weird thing. The surveillance in the west is beyond anything even Orwell could dream of, yet the FBI struggles to find three teenagers? What is going on?
While the amount of surveillance is incredible, it's still being used by incompetent fascists.
Bruh, who doesn’t wear a mask when robbing a bank? Just wear an N95 and claim immune issues if nothing else when they call you on it. I applaud their actions but condemn their lack of forethought.
Look they were like, middleschoolers. Someone just needs to teach them how to do it right. (Masks, uniform black clothing, or otherwise something you never wear except when doing crimes etc.)
As of yet though they obviously got away with it if the FBI is resorting to twitter to try to identify them.
Afaik the cops "solve" a lot of crimes bc people snitch. "Nobody talks everybody walks" is such a real thing.
Agreed, kids need guidance.
There is a long tail to if your face is on camera, it could be heard but the possibility exists. I’m just worried for em, seeing as Texas often tries children as adults.
Hope they get away clean in the long run though, imagine after the statute of limitations expires and you can brag about robbing a bank as a kid.
They need to stand in each others shoulder wearing a Brink’s uniform. “Hello ma’am I’m here for my work job to collect the money in your vault.”
That's why it's being investigated as a little rascals incident instead of a crime.
Kids being kids 🤷
Help us send these children to live in a juvenile prison away from anyone who cares about them or their future.
"We, the people in charge of finding criminals, don't know where to find these people who stole from a company that everybody fucking hates. This projects power and authority and we're definitely doing a good job and people will want to help us."
Won't someone think of Wells Fargo
literally. all the money stolen from people's wages and savings through inflation is given directly to banks
How much did they get away with though
wait didn't the original Little Rascals also attempt to rob a bank by fraud? why are we acting like that's a thing they wouldn't do?
lil skamps!
I wish I’d had a cool, interracial friend group of bank robber boys when I was growing up 😞
I am so proud of them
When I was a kid we were playing Pokemon and smashing empty beer bottles we found on the side of the road. Kids today are way cooler.
It's Payday, fellas.
Vlone Thugs strike again