Apparently Keffals has deleted all her videos
Apparently Keffals has deleted all her videos
Idk I'm sleepy and didn't see this posted. Just popped over to her page and its true.
Now do
nextApparently Keffals has deleted all her videos
Idk I'm sleepy and didn't see this posted. Just popped over to her page and its true.
Now do
nextShe picked a fight with h3h3 over Vaush and got humiliated. Also a drama YouTuber is digging up dirt on her. The “Hasan must go” crowd been taking heavy L’s lately.
I think it's probably best to ignore this. Keffals did the "why I left the left" grift a long time ago. The last time I checked Keffals twitter was around October/November last year. She was harassing JT (Second Thought) for making videos against Israel and she was posting to twitter that "tankies" are worse than the IDF.
Also whoever is going after Keffals is probably a reactionary. They're probably going to say that Keffals is bad because she is a communist and transgender. The youtube drama community is very transphobic. Also Keffals isn't a communist.
Everything I know about YouTuber drama I have learned against my will
Keffals is anti-Cuba because she saw a Cuban nurse smoking while she was on vacation, black out drunk being treated at a Cuban hospital. True Facts
Keffals sucks, but her pronouns are she/her just fyi.
Thank you! I was unsure, will update da post
i think it's bacause someordinarygamers is making a big hit piece on her
rip bozo
whats a keffals
A miserable pile of liberalism
A streamer who is friends with Vaush, is constantly involved in the most annoying drama imaginable, and sucks
A really dumb username. The last time I said this a mod removed it FOR SOME REASON but I stand by my assertion that keffals is a dumb name. It names me think of offal
Keffals, you would not be having these problems if you were simply a communist
Toronto wept.
Proud of her.
We did it reddit!