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What's the most cringy shit you've seen on reddit?

i'll start. i saw a ask reddit post saying something along the lines of "men of reddit whats something women can't understand" and the comments were just. oh my god. the main one that made me want to puke was "when dudes walk by each other and nod" and the whole fucking thread was just fedoras with arms soypogging like it was some secret language or something. "when you nod upwards, it means respect!!!!!1!!11 when you nod downwards its aggression!!!1!11!!!!!" as if women dont do the same shit.

do you guys have something similar to share?

  • One libertarian calling another one a tankie because he wasn't opposed to a tax on doordash.

    This was a couple years ago before tankie was being used by everyone.

  • The way gaming subreddits talk about devs. /r/pathofexile is full of some of the most entitled g*mers in the platform, which is obviously a bold claim. Minor bug on release day? Mobs dealing too much damage to your character that you rushed through the campaign and early maps with no gear? Worse performance (which is probably just your PC recompiling shaders, and it's gonna end up running the same or better than before)? The devs are clearly useless, China is ruining the game, they hate the players, etc etc.

    It's obviously not as bad as how racist and chauvinist other subs get, but it's very cringe to get so worked up over an online PVE game. Get a grip.

    • Oh man, the Tencent truthers on that subs are so annoying

      The trade purists are also another particularly annoying subset on that reddit

      • Hahah yeah the way they compare SSF players to vegans is so accurate, but in the opposite way than what they meant. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'll go SSF next league, last league I got 2 mirrors and the game felt so incredibly meaningless at that level of wealth.

    • I'm following a game that is in alpha, with the latest build just beig release under the name [EXTREMELY EXPERIMENTAL AND UNFINISHED.]

      Lo and behold the subreddit is full of nerds complaining about the FREE ALPHA INDIE GAME having minor bugs.

      The way they complain about it is so overdramatic and petty too. "The dev are lazy/ don't give a shit!"

      • if it helps, remember that most of these people are actually teenagers and children

      • Happens a lot, sadly. has been going at it with the thread explaining reddit gamers' tendency to endlessly complain about easily solvable problems. If there's a game breaking bug it's different, but so many threads ripping on known issues and armchair devs backseating with useless advice is just

  • The site's logo is the height of cringe.

    But probably whenever US army chuds talk about sex tourism, or frankly anything military related. Eeeesh.

  • The shermanposting subreddit. Their hearts are mostly in the right place, but god damn are they severely hampered by nationalist and American exceptionalist brainworms. Actually that dovetails with another cringe redditism: libs calling people traitors and insurrectionists and shit. It's such larping and it only serves to make the target of your ire sound way cooler than you. You can just tell when you read those comments that the people making them are thrilled to have some kind of relief from ppst-end of history alienation, to have some kind of historical conflict to participate in and people to participate in it with through the medium of heroic speeches and shallow redditisms.

  • unironicly think people who just post horny memes objectifying and degrading women on like r/animemes or whatever all the time should be taken out and shot

    ::: spoiler this accidentally turned into a rant about me being creeped on in reddit dms when i was still a minor even worse for people who do that but for femboys / trans people and then expect applause for sexually objectifying queer people instead with this fucking underovercurrent of "you should be grateful that i want to fuck you and then toss you aside, the other guys want to kill you". especially bad if the cropped hentai posted is shota or some shit (people used to do this on r/196 in the fucking early days of its creation long before the tankie purge but also before the purge of explicit pedophiles (who iirc claimed that telling them to stop posting lewd drawn images of children was "suppressing their queer identity" which is just such a fucking disgusting thing to say even leaving aside the ammunition it gives to pedojacketer conservatives (the purge did basically nothing though except make them stop openly declaring as i can personally attest given that because i mentioned a few times that i was a femboy and shit i had some late guy in his late 20s start to DM me sexually on there despite it literally saying that i was only 16 or 17 at the time and despite me blocking him multiple times he literally just fucking kept dming me from alts for like two or three weeks or so (no prizes for guessing that he was a

    fan)))). anyway that experience basically started me down the path of becoming an unironic misandrist

  • Back when Fox news did a piece claiming there were Muslim enforced "no go zones" in various UK cities and suddenly every American was an expert on what it was like to walk around these cities.

    I had an extended argument with this one guy who insisted he knew more about the place I was living and studying in at the time than I did.

    Like, unparalleled levels of smug condescension.

  • Where to begin, one of the latest disgusting ones I browsed was a worker on the Dollar Tree sub getting sexually harassed/assaulted while at work and per course misogynist, psychotic, classist redditors come out of the wood work to victim shame her.

  • the main one that made me want to puke was "when dudes walk by each other and nod"

    I still nod at the dudes, actually. I think it confuses them. I never see women nod like that, honestly.

  • One I didn't see mentioned yet, the r/jailbait subreddit, a pedo community about posting provocative pics of underage girls.

    In 2008 redditors voted it the "subreddit of the year", and it was protected by reddit at the highest levels.

    Erik Martin, general manager of Reddit, defended the subreddit by saying that such controversial pages were a consequence of allowing free speech on the site.

    It took Anderson Cooper doing a story on it for reddit to finally take action.