Favorite games for traveling?
Favorite games for traveling?
What are some good games you play that you think are good for extended travel (i.e. battery friendly)? Emulation and TDP-adjusted options count!
Favorite games for traveling?
What are some good games you play that you think are good for extended travel (i.e. battery friendly)? Emulation and TDP-adjusted options count!
I really enjoyed Dave the Diver on my deck, I'm only 9h in but didn't play for a while due to lack of time.
Another one that isn't really my thing but uses practically no battery is Minecraft through PrismLauncher (I don't like playing Minecraft on controller).
And some other games from my library that play nicely on deck, some might take a little bit more power:
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion was a fun one! I didn't know Rayman Legends had a patch to skip Uplay; I'll have to look into that!
Here's the relevant comment on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/242550/discussions/0/3647273545686004759/#c1642052612837096572
I've been going hard on Balatro lately. Fun rogue-lite deck-builder.
That and of course Slay The Spire, IMHO peak rogue like deck builder.
You can turn down everything to minimal (so maximal battery life) and have a perfect playing experience with that.
Same here. My only issue is sometimes I mix up some card suits due to the lower resolution and smaller screen size, and because I'm not paying close enough attention, end up playing a high card hand instead a flush.
Might help to turn off the scanline effect.
Otherwise it's a perfect Deck game.
I'm old, so I like playing nostalgic NES era games. Super Mario, Double Dragon, Final Fantasy 1, Tetris classic, etc.
Hotline Miami is a good one. Not super demanding and great for short play sessions
Been a while since I played that one!
Darkest Dungeon is probably top of my games not already mentioned, Slay the Spire is definitely up there too!
I haven't actually benchmarked this, but I believe Dead Cells is pretty battery life friendly.
Hollow Knight lasts a good amount of time on airplane mode (no online connection is needed)
I'm currently traveling and really enjoying Against the Storm on the deck. Its easy to pop in for twenty minutes or just sink a couple hours into it. Runs super smooth on the deck.
Openttd and openrc2 I can get 20 hours easy
It's technically "unsupported" for steam deck for some reason but one of my absolute favorites.
Heat Signature
It's a top down shooter roguelike with tight controls and and tons of replayability and it's extremely battery friendly, i remember being trapped in the woods for a few days and I was able to get 8 or so hours of play from that game
Yo thank you for the suggestion, this game looks hilariously amazing. For anyone else, its also in space and looks like a darn blast if you love space themes. Only 15$
Do you have to use the touchpads?
Not at all, its totally built for controllers, I'm really not sure why it's unsupported, i even started an entirely new save and played through the game again and had not a single issue, not one
@Telorand I play Stardew Valley for days without charging, so I guess it could definitely last you an entire trip.
Why aren't you taking the train? Depending where you live, they might have power sockets in there (trains here usually have)
The train is, unfortunately, not an option. Trains are my favorite form of travel, so I would be taking a train if I could!
Slay the spire and FTL are my two go-to travel games. They don't use much battery and give hours of entertainment
Oh god. Do I chance another bout of FTL addiction? Makes me wonder if Into the Breach would be similarly low-power.
Can confirm that into the breach is similarly lowpower. It's absolutely great for deck. It isn't time-based like FTL is, which makes it even better suited. (FTL makes me miss a mouse sometimes)
I play Slay the Spire or Into the Breach on my phone on every flight I take. Both are light on the battery.
you can easily get 8 hours emulating ps2 games at 4w tdp and 1080p resolution, been playing persona 3 fes mostly because of that. I've also been able to push 4 hours emulating the switch version persona 5 royal at 7w tdp and 900mhz
though I'm not sure what extended travel means, I "only" travel 3 hours to class over one day
What are your favourite games? What genres do you like? It would be difficult to recommend without knowing your preferences.
Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast, you'll need to use wine/proton tricks to get the water rendering correctly or Ys games before 8.
Same here, recommended it to a friend recently but it is not available on Steam for purchase anymore! Something with the Ferrari license.
Easily available via AbandonedWare though
How did you ever get the controls mapped correctly? I LOVE Outrun 2, but my ZR /ZL were mapped to a single Z axis, meaning I can't break and use the gas at the same time, making drifting almost impossible :(
Worked out of the box for me, no need for steam input of anything else.
Dwarf Fortress, Skyrim, Valheim
Traveling right now and I am playing Dead Cells. It's gentle on the battery and I am fairly new to the game so lots to explore.
In a weird way it is the really really fast paced games I like the most when on the go.
If I play 5 mins of Voidigo, DIG or Enter The Gungeon, I can potentially experience a lotttt of gameplay .
Playing Xonotic against bots is a blast, Xonotic probably uses less battery than any other 3D game in existence lol. Similarly 5 mins of Xonotic is a LONG time.
Motor Town is a great driving game to play while traveling, so is Snowrunners.
I only know one of those! I'll have to check those out.
Noita 👍