Ears? CLEAN.
Ears? CLEAN.
Thanks to all you comrades for the well wishes.
Ears? CLEAN.
Thanks to all you comrades for the well wishes.
Clogged ears are awful but they're one of the few ailments where you experience almost instant relief once they're taken care of.
OOO It was a wax problem. One of my partners has this, she found that she has to go in about every 6 months. It's remarkable how much stuff can fit inside an ear honestly
I should really invest in a syringe with the soft tip like the nurse used today, I've seen them on amazon, who just filled the water up with a little hydrogen peroxide and flushed them right out, little pressure and POP out comes a little beetle of ear wax.
little pressure and POP out comes a little beetle of ear wax.
Glad to ear that you’re doing better!
Be careful with headphones and loud noises for a little while! Your ears are going to be extra sensitive
I'm already being bombarded by the sound lol, like even Mr. Softie's meow is SO LOUD
ear wax is so fucking stupid man like what the fuck kind of design is that? let's make some wax and put it in a thing that gets clogged easily and then makes your fucking ears not work. How the fuck did people deal with it before we had peroxide solutions and little bulbs to spray water with?
and fuck, like, I think I need to see a nurse regularly because I can't ever fucking hear anybody and I'm pretty sure it's because of clogged ears. I tried to clean them recently and got a big chunk out of one but nothing from the other and I still can't fucking hear half the time
Apparently, the reason why is to protect your ears from directly hearing the impact of sounds and block away other unwanted material, I guess...
It's still a shit design...
Ear picks have been around for thousands of years, probably longer since its just a stick with a spoon shape at the end.
Also people probably moved around a lot more back then, not sure if that's enough to jostle earwax out but maybe it helps it fall out naturally.
Q-tips and physical implements being inserted into the ear don't help though. They jam the wax they don't get deeper into the ear, compacting it and making the problem worse. So this doesn't really answer @DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net's question since ear picks are not effective in the long term.
They are also very dangerous and it's easy to permanently damager your ear drums attempting this, do not stick anything INTO your ear. Q-tips are only for the rim/exterior.
Thank tovarshi your ears are now fine! :) (Not me but you know, the doctor who treated you)
Nurse was super nice, very professional and knew what she was doing.
I have weirdly shaped ear holes, which results in buildup. I really should see an ear doctor.
Do it, hearing is a bootiful thing.
Do you ever find yourself oddly irritated? I know someone who gets the wax issue and they will get so annoyed when it's really built up before they realize why, something about the way it masks the sound maybe. So it might help more than just hearing!
Hell yeah
did they let you keep the bezoar?
I should have asked but no she ditched it.
dammit no you could have squished it between your fingers
Put carbamide peroxide drops in your ears and let it sit for about five minutes once a week. I haven't had any problems with wax buildup since I started doing this. It basically makes your ear wax runnier so it will come out on its own like it's supposed to.
Puppy Basil & I are glad you're feeling better!
Yaaay Basil! Thank you comrade!
oooh, yeah I had that happen once, you can get a little rubber bulb thing and wash that gunk out with some warm water once in a while
careful though, high-pitched sounds are going to fucking hurt for a day or two
Yeah I tried looking for the ear wax bulb kit today at my store and they didn't carry it, so I said fuck this I'm going to the urgent care.
These work, especially with the OTC drops that help dissolve the wax.
Been there. Glad you got relief.
There is no analog for the sensation of when the obstruction exits.
Maybe when you're sick and you pull that gigantic booger out of your nose and it feels like it was so deep it was touching your brain.
Yo that's great to hear. I absolutely believe you on the size, I had a friend with waxy ears and I once helped them with peroxide. I swear there must have been an entire fucking mine in there.
Yeah I was floored over how something that big got in there. We're talking years of wax buildup.
I have to have that done every few years. It's shocking every time.
Congrats! I'm so happy for you! I was wondering about your since your last post.
hold on my libbrain is tingling
"alas, earwax!"
i've had that happen to me before. thought i'd just gone deaf in one ear somehow, but nope. just ungodly amounts of earwax
I got one of those little scrapers with the camera on them and cleaned out my ears a couple times and it felt very good.
Glad to hear you're feeling better! Health is wealth
Love to hear that. I think (hope) I have a similar issue. My right ear is very muffled, but my left ear isn't. I've been putting it off for too long.
Very well could be the wax
What the fuck I'm so jealous I gotta stop cleaning my ears
Happy for you, that must have felt amazing
Keep your ears clean but don't use qtips
ommggg i bet that felt so fucking good
one time i had one that was like the size of a pencil eraser they pulled out with tweezers. liquid gushed out behind it. felt so good the whole world increased by like 30 decibels and the headache went away instantly.
they sell these little kits now that connect to your phone and have a tiny camera and tweezers. i have one and it seems dangerous lol but i keep it as a backup just in case.
get a turkey baster/snot sucker and when you shower, GENTLY spray warm water into each ear while holding your head sideways so the wax falls out
I have had overactive ear wax production for most of my adult life and have had to have them cleaned multiple times. The drops they give me don't work, the remedies involving hydrogen peroxide don't work and actually make things worse. Just gently clean out your ears every day and you will never randomly go deaf again