You're on your death bed, the end credits music to your life starts to play. What song plays?
You're on your death bed, the end credits music to your life starts to play. What song plays?
You're on your death bed, the end credits music to your life starts to play. What song plays?
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Highway to Hell
Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python
directed by:
Robert B. Weide
RIP Richard Lewis
Crub your enthusiasm theme song
lmaooo yes, perfect
Yakety sax.
Ha ha, that would be my choice too, to wind my friends up. That or Jeff Buckley singing Dido's Lament, everyone weeping into their hankies. "Remember me, remember me, but oh forget my fate...."
Nah, Yacketty Sax!
Don't fear the reaper, obviously.
Great choice. Such a good song and oddly calming.
Well it's got to be Frank Turner's "Eulogy" innit?
Not everyone grows up to be an astronaut
Not everyone was born to be a king
Not everyone can be Freddie Mercury
But everyone can raise their glass and sing
Well I haven't always been a perfect person
Well I haven't done what mum and dad had dreamed
But on the day I die, I'll say at least I fucking tried
That's the only eulogy I need
Anything by tropical fuck storm. Maybe "it's getting boring by the sea" by blood red shoes.
I don't think I can pick one. I don't know if that means I don't know myself or I know myself too well.
"The egg and I" by the seatbelts?
That's pretty good
You're gonna carry that weight
Wow. I’ve never encountered someone mentioning tropical fuck storm in the wild.
My Way by Sinatra
Kansas - Dust in the Wind
Metallica - Fade to Black
I like to think that'll be the day the music dies, so I'll go with American Pie.
Komm Süsser Tod - Evangelion
Black Hole Sun - Sound Garden
Komm, süßer Tod:,_s%C3%BC%C3%9Fer_Tod,_komm_selge_Ruh
It's not that song, it's a song that plays during the climax of End of Evangelion and has very strong themes of suicide and loss, played over an upbeat, lively tune. Just imagine these lyrics over something reminiscent of a Beatles song circa Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band:
*I know, I know I've let you downz
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else
But now through all the hurt and pain
It's time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything
So with sadness in my heart
(I) feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
what's done is done it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending
It's one of my favorite scenes in animation, just because of how utterly fucked up everything is and how many layers there are to everything
Those things you call dead haven't yet had the chance to be born
Scatman is legend. RIP. Just got done watching a few of his old interviews, what a nice, humble guy.
I would hope it's something good, something with a nice beat and maybe a piano. A song I adore but haven't heard in a decade.
My grandfather died listening to Willie Nelson it was peaceful at least.
John Cage, 4'33"
The true answer.
Side note, there used to be a YouTube video of this song where the audio was muted for a copyright violation.
Another One Bites The Dust
Sigur Ros - Hoppipola
Love that one. I'm partial to Agætis Byrjun as a closing song. Despite what Agætis Byrjun means.
Also great :D
I could probably pick 10 songs that fit this category from Sigur Ros~
Scratch that I could pick all 11 songs from "Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust" alone
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
probably one of these
My Grandad died while my uncle played it is well with my soul
Loser by Beck
Fuck you... By lilly Allen
Mr. Blue sky
George Harrison mortgaged a house to see this movie.
@NaibofTabr your comment led me to give op an up vote without listening because I knew exactly what song it was from yours!
Chris Smither - Place in Line
I really enjoyed that, thank you
So long, and thanks for all the fish
An old Mexican song, Guitarras, Lloren Guitarras., something like Guitars, Cry Oh Guitars. The music is fantastic and it seemed to me he wasn't singing about guitars at all.
Lyrics translation:
Guitarras, lloren guitarras,
Guitars, cry oh guitars
violines lloren igual;
violins you cry as well;
no dejen que yo me vaya
don't let me leave
con el silencio de su cantar.
with your song silenced.
Gritemos a pecho abierto
Let's yell with a full chest
un canto que haga temblar
a song to make tremble
al mundo que es el gran puerto
this world that is the great port
donde unos llegan y otros se van.
where some arrive and others go.
Ahora me toca a mí dejarlas,
Now it's my turn to leave you,
ahora me toca a mi marchar;
now it's my turn to part
guitarras, lloren guitarras
guitars, cry oh guitars
que ahí queda lleno de amor,
that there remains so full of love,
prendido de cada cuerda,
clinging to each string,
llorando a mares mi corazón.
crying oceans, my heart.
All the Small Things - Blink 182. Specifically the Puddles Pity party version.
Afroman - Because I Got High
Dr. Hook - I Got Stoned and I Missed It
Same song in two genres, really.
Colt 45 And two zig zags BABY THATS ALL YOU NEED
This brass band cover of Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
Body and blood by ghost.
It has nothing to do with my life, I just really like that song
My Way - Frank Sinatra. I've always said if I were to follow through on my suicidal ideations I'd do a cover of that as my farewell to my loved ones.
"Don't want to be an american idiot" -Green Day
Thought Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve was the one that played for everyone?
Sound of Silence cover by Disturbed
Legit a solid cover.
Edit: lol down voters, have you even listened to it? Definitely thought it was a meme until I heard it too!
Man has the voice of a god.
Videotape - Radiohead
No matter what happens now
You shouldn't be afraid
'Cause I know today has been the most perfect day
I've ever seen
Jesus Don't want me for a sunbeam, from the Nirvana MTV Unplugged Album
Dropkick Murphys - Going Out in Style -
Don't even need to click the link to know