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Bulletins and News Discussion from February 26th to March 3rd, 2024 - Breaking The Siege Of Omdurman - COTW: Sudan

The war in Sudan has so far been marked by a lot of incompetency and mismanagement by government forces (the SAF). After months of bitter fighting, in late 2023, the opposing Rapid Support Forces suddenly expanded their control towards the southeast of Khartoum after not a lot of resistance, most notably taking the city of Wad Madani. This led the SAF supporters and officials to panic and point fingers at each other about what the hell the army is even doing, while RSF soldiers looted the city.

These victories led to a short period in late December and early January where diplomacy and peace talks were considered, but such attempts fell apart. The leader of the RSF visited various African countries, including meeting Paul Kagame in Rwanda, to boost his legitimacy. Then, the RSF attacked into South Kordofan and consolidated their hold on other areas.

The Sudanese capital of Khartoum sits on a river which divides it from the city to its west, Omdurman (see the post image). The SAF and RSF have been fighting over this grand urban area for the whole war, with the RSF holding most of Khartoum (with an entirely cut-off SAF force holding on in the center), with a similarly cut-off SAF force also in eastern Omdurman, up against the river. For 10 months, this force has been under siege - but no longer. In perhaps the first actual W of the war for the SAF, they finally managed to break the siege a week ago, pouring supplies in. This leaves a section of the RSF now cut off, though Omdurman is still not under full SAF control (and, who knows, the whole situation could once again go badly for the SAF).

Meanwhile, the Sudanese socioeconomic situation has completely collapsed, with potentially a 20% fall in GDP and 8 million people displaced, with 2 million from Khartoum alone. 18 million Sudanese, or about a third of the population, is in acute hunger, and 20 million children are out in school. The refugees streaming out of the country are causing knock-on effects in neighorboring countries like Chad. Nobody is even really counting the dead anymore.

Red is the government forces, the SAF. Blue is the RSF opposition. Other colours are various factions.

The Country of the Week is Sudan! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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  • Russia releases wiretapped recording of german military officials discussing Taurus delivery for ukraine

    FRANKFURT, March 2 (Reuters) - Germany is investigating an audio recording published in Russian media reported to be a conference call of high-ranking German military officials talking about weapons for Ukraine, sparking concerns of espionage in Germany and calls for clarification from Russia. A German defence ministry spokesperson said on Saturday that it couldn't confirm the authenticity of the recording, but the Federal Office for Military Counterintelligence Service was investigating the matter and all necessary steps would be taken.

    The recording can be found here on I listened to it and think that it's authentic. Around 30:00 one of them says: "Imagine the press gets wind of this"

    Edit: The German Ministry of Denfense confirms the authenticity of the recording (Article in germ*n)

    • It's a real embarrassment for the German Abwehr (or whatever they call it these days) and I can't help thinking it will make German war planners paranoid about being bugged. It might even make other members of the NATO pact cautious about sharing information with them.

    • Why is this damning? Haven't they already sent a bunch of missiles to Ukraine publicly?

      • It's not really damning that they talk about delivering weapons. The leaked meeting was about prep for briefing the german defense minister about the feasability of supplying Taurus to ukraine. The brts and the frnch already delivered comparable weapon systems.

        The spicy things from the recording are:

        • There are nato troops on the ground in Ukraine
        • Ukraine's air force is severly depleted (< 10 Su-24 is mentioned)
        • Attacking the bridge between Crimea and russia is explicitly discussed
        • Russia had the ability to wiretap into a meeting of high ranking militairy officials
        • They talk about how Taurus can be used in Ukraine while keeping direct involvement of germany secret (create "flightplan" in germany and send it secretly into Ukraine via car)

        And to a lesser extend:

        • Scholz lied about reasons why Taurus cannot be send there

        Edit: Word