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Bulletins and News Discussion for February 19th to February 25th, 2023 - The Shadow of Suharto - COTW: Indonesia

Image is of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia and the fastest sinking city in the world. A new capital is being built elsewhere in Indonesia.

I was going to make Indonesia the COTW anyway (unless something really massive happened somewhere else) due to the elections that might really designate the end of an era in Indonesian politics. Michael Roberts wrote up a big piece on Indonesia about a week ago, one day before the election began, so a lot of this information is coming from him.

Indonesia has been ruled by President Joko Widodo for 10 years, but is now barred from a third term constitutionally. Under his presidency, the Indonesian economy has seen fairly good GDP growth overall - about 5% per year, or an average of 4% per capita - and is broadly popular with the electorate. The biggest problems are the common ones, such as a lack of jobs and a high cost of living. Widodo's successors have naturally promised more jobs and an economic plan that clearly draws at least some inspiration from China's rise from the periphery to the heights of the world economy and manufacturing, but this seems pretty unlikely for Indonesia because, well, Indonesia is ruled by capitalist bourgeoisie parties and China is not. Indonesia's main gigs are palm oil, nickel ore, and oil, with internal manufacturing of these primary commodities only slowly growing and reliant on foreign labour.

Indonesia has a rather big employment problem. On the face of it, things don't seem bad, with an unemployment rate of only 5% - but this is only because it counts anybody who works even a couple hours per week. 60% of the workers in Indonesia are in the informal sector, with no real labour rights, sick pay, or guaranteed wages. And half of the ~8 million unemployed are young people. Indonesia is the sixth most unequal country on the planet, with at least 36% of the population in poverty, and the four richest men own as much as the bottom 100 million. This was a natural consequence of the policies of the dictator Suharto, who came to power in a coup overthrowing the communist nationalist leader Sukarno and killing one million communists, a period covered by Bevin's The Jakarta Method. At a fundamental level, not that much has changed since Suharto, and the country seems doomed to a path of slowing economic growth and massive amounts of environmental degradation under a plundering elite who will presumably fly off to New Zealand with the rest of them once the seas swallow the country, unless a communist movement can be rebuilt from ashes and can learn the lessons of 1965-66.

Though results have yet to be officially announced, it seems that 72-year-old Prabowo Subianto is overwhelmingly likely to have handily won the election. Once banned from the United States for human rights violations - a truly phenomenal feat - he has been the Minister of Defense since 2019, was an army lieutenant under Suharto and was his son-in-law. While this is obviously a particularly bad outcome, none of the other candidates seemed likely to fundamentally alter the trajectory of Indonesia, so the game was rigged from the start.

The Country of the Week is Indonesia! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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  • Trump was very uncomfortable during his meeting with milei at CPAC, he literally jumped and kept grabbing him and Trump of course doesn't like physical contact too much lmao. It's embarrassing, milei was like a 12 year old girl who just had a meet&greet with her favorite BTS idol or something. Grow the fuck up, fucking weirdo.

    But wait, milei is at CPAC? How? he's a Libertarian... not a Conservative, why is he hanging out with conservatives and fascis... oh.

    I will not post the vide of milei adoring Trump because it has levels of cringe so high I think Hexbear cannot handle it.

  • Hamas on China:


    We appreciate the position expressed by the People's Republic of China, during the public hearings held by the International Court of Justice, on the legal consequences of the occupation policies in the Palestinian Territory, and its affirmation of the legality of the occupied peoples' pursuit of self-determination, by various means, including armed resistance, and the necessity not to confuse terrorism with And the armed struggle practiced by the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation.

    We also value the positions of the countries participating in the sessions, which confirmed the widespread violations of international law practiced by the terrorist occupation entity against the Palestinian people and their occupied land, including massacres and genocide in the Gaza Strip, violations, killing, and expansion of settlement in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and work to bring about demographic changes in the Palestinian land. It aims to Judaize her and tamper with her identity.

    The terrorist occupation government’s boycott of the court sessions confirms once again its disregard for international institutions, and its policy of turning its back on international resolutions and commitments, which requires a clear position from the international community to end the rogue Zionist occupation, and to stop all its violations and crimes against our Palestinian people.

  • Our solidarity with brother Lula, unjustly declared as "persona non grata", for defending the life and dignity of the Palestinian people in the face of the genocide in Gaza carried out by the State of Israel. Being declared persona non grata by a genocidal government that carries out massacres against children, is a privilege that reaffirms the commitment for life and peace before the international community and the peoples of the world.

    • Evo Morales
  • Remember the sleezy asshole that defected from Russia to Ukraine in a Mi-8 helicopter for half a million dollars at the cost of the lives of two Russian crewmen, who were shot by Ukrainians without mercy, and was lauded around the world as a hero for truth and democracy?

    Well he was just found dead in Spain, probably enjoying the high life with his blood money, pumped full of bullet holes and ran over.

    Good riddance.

  • Love how i am a conspiracy theorist for believing the Mintpress article about how half of tiktoks board of directors used to be nato officials (source: their fucking linkedin) and also a loser if i dont believe that navalny was yeeted by Putin himself (source: trust me bro)

  • It's Israel that needs to apologize, not Brazil, but humanity

    "It's Israel that needs to apologize, not Brazil, but humanity," says Celso Amorim. The Brazilian President's international affairs advisor, Celso Amorim, defended President Lula's conduct in the diplomatic crisis with Israel.

    It's Israel that has to apologize, and not to Brazil, but to humanity," the former foreign minister and advisor. He also stressed that "there is no chance of an apology" from Lula.

    This has nothing to do with the Jewish people. We have the greatest appreciation for the Jewish people, who have made countless contributions to Brazil and the world - he said.

  • Gustavo Petro defends Lula da Silva: "He spoke the truth."

    Colombian President Gustavo Petro has spoken out on his Twitter account in defense of President Lula amid the diplomatic friction with Israel. The Colombian head of state says that the Brazilian president has not failed to speak the truth in his criticism of the actions of the Israeli army, and advocates joint action by South American countries in defense of the civilian population in Palestine.

    "I express my full solidarity with President Lula of Brazil. In Gaza there is a genocide and thousands of children, women and elderly civilians are being cowardly murdered. Lula has only spoken the truth and the truth must be defended or barbarism will annihilate us," said Gustavo Petro. He is the first representative from another country to comment on Lula's statement.

  • Thinking about the story from a couple days ago about that woman who was arrested in Russia for making a $51 donation to Ukraine.

    If I (a US citizen) made a $51 donation to the PFLP, and the feds wanted to make an example out of me, how much worse would it be for me than that woman in Russia? I’m thinking a lot.

  • Brazil denounces Israel in The Hague and says occupation is 'unacceptable and illegal'

    The Brazilian government denounced Israel for its invasion of Palestinian territories during a hearing at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

    The Brazilian delegation pointed out on Tuesday that Israel's occupations and violations "cannot be accepted or normalized by the international community". The government also called the Israeli acts "illegal" and equivalent to an "annexation".

    For Brazil, it is necessary for The Hague to pronounce itself so that "everyone knows" the implications of the legal consequences of Israel's actions. The government also pointed out that the seriousness of the acts is "indisputable".

  • Saw a video on MintPress last night of a little Palestinian girl talking about how her father was in heaven and she spends her days taking care of her little brother. She was able to hold it together until she started talking about how she doesn’t even have any bread, she’s only been able to eat some spices.

    The United States is such an evil fucking country, I really don’t know if I’ve ever hated this place more than I do right now. A century of humiliation is better than we deserve. Maybe the Zionist entity is more directly responsible but the US fully enables all of this, it would never happen without the material support given to Israel as well as the diplomatic cover the US gives all their actions.

    Sometimes I wish I was religious so I could believe that evildoers like Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken will get what’s coming to them in the next life.

    Death to America.

  • Lol, the Isrealis are still angry with Lula on Twitter. Meanwhile, Brazilians are spamming dick pics with the censorbar saying "Isreal is not a legitimate state" and "Ceasefire now" in the replies. :troll:

  • There's a "country" that is actively demolishing... dismantling an ENTIRE CITY, building by building, block by block while promoting it on social media and they SUFFER NO CRITICISM FROM THE "ENLIGHTENED" WEST (Let alone shit like sanctions or retaliatory strikes).

    But don't you dare mention "Israel" is carrying out a genocide, no, don't even think about it. They're literally promoting it every day, enjoying it even. Just like ISIS, they love showing how they kill people, even the Germans, known for being a genocide-loving nation, tried to keep the murder of millions under secrecy. These motherfuckers are showing it for all of us to see while at the same time mocking the entire world because "there is nothing you can do about it".

    However, what they don't understand, is that the destruction of the zionist entity is inevitable.

  • Palestine Has the Right to Armed Struggle Against Israel: China

    International law reaffirms the legitimacy of the people's struggle for liberation from foreign domination by all available means, Diplomat Ma recalled.

    On Thursday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague continued its hearings on "The Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem."

    During his intervention before the court, Ambassador Chino Ma Xinmin noticed that international law gives Palestinians the right to undertake the armed struggle to liberate themselves from the illegitimate domination of a foreign and colonial rule.

    “In pursuit of the right to self-determination, Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and complete the establishment of an independent state is an inalienable right well founded in international law,” he said.

    Besides mentioning the United Nations General Assembly's resolutions related to the Palestinian case, the Chinese ambassador indicated that the armed struggle is usually one of the means to which nations resort when seeking to achieve their self-determination.

    “The 1973 UNGA Resolution 3070 reaffirms the legitimacy of the people's struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle," he stressed.

    "This recognition is also reflected in international convention. For example, the 1978 Arab Convention for Suppressing of Terrorism affirms 'the right of peoples to combat foreign occupation aggression by whatever means, including armed struggle in order to liberate the territories and secure the right to self-determination and independence'."

    Ma stated that the armed struggle waged by peoples for their liberation against colonialism, occupation, aggression, and domination should not be considered as terrorist acts. For it is grounded in the international law.

    "This distinction is acknowledged by several international conventions. For example, Article 3 of the 1999 OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating the Terrorism," he recalled."

  • Lula da Silva keeps his promise: Amazon deforestation reduced by 64%

    The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been in action for years, risking the collapse of the unique ecosystem. But the election of Lula da Silva as president in early 2023 brought hope. He announced that he would put an end to the deforestation of the Amazon. He seems to be keeping his promise as, compared to November 2022, deforestation in the Amazon fell by 64% in November 2023.

    The Amazon rainforest is one of the largest carbon reservoirs on earth. This makes it particularly important in the fight against climate change. Despite this, illegal deforestation persists. This was especially evident under the right-wing nationalist ex-president Jair Bolsonaro. During his time in office, rainforest deforestation increased by around 75%.

    The current president, Lula da Silva, promised to stop deforestation when he took office – and it looks like Silva is keeping his promise. Compared to the previous year, deforestation fell by 64% in November 2023. According to the Brazilian Space Agency (INPE), around 200 square kilometres were destroyed. This is the smallest area since the evaluations began. It is also the first time since 2018 that less than 10,000 square kilometres have been deforested in one year.

    Lula has the potential to reduce it by 89%, his final goal is 100%. Just a few days after taking office, Lula’s government took action and carried out controls in the rainforest against illegal deforestation. As reported by Reuters, checks were carried out in areas that are all within the Cachoeira Seca indigenous reserve, where deforestation is strictly prohibited.

  • Lula was asked why he hasn't commented on the death of Alexei Navalny today.

    Lula, who the media treated as guilty before proven innocent for years, said, "Why the rush to accuse someone? Do you know how long I've waited to find out who ordered Marielle [Franco]'s killing? 6 years!"+

    On Prime Minister Netanyahu's declaration that President Lula is a "persona non grata" in Israel , Chief Advisor Celso Amorim said, "this is absurd. Israel's isolation only grows. Lula is sought after worldwide, whereas Israel is a persona non grata."

    The Brazilian government has recalled it's ambassador to Israel, Frederico Meyer, after Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who once called Jair Bolsonaro his "brother", declared President Lula a "persona non grata". Meyer will remain in Brazil for an unspecified amount of time.

  • lula recalling his ambassador from israel is the happiest i've been with his 3rd term since the scholarship raises

    if this escalates to cutting relations with the zionist occupiers i'm not even criticizing his domestic policies anymore, just full, uncritical support to his government. i genuinely believe palestine is the dividing line, where all contradictions come to meet

    and not only are decisions being made right now gonna tell me whose side each group will be on in the future, but whatever comes out of this war has the potential to heavily impact capitalism long term

  • Future generations will look back into history. And much as we wonder how the Germans allowed the Holocaust to happen, those future generations will ask how in the 21st century, with live video of a genocide, did WE allow Israel to complete it?

    What is our answer? We had to go to work? A new binge able TV series started?

    Instantaneous world wide communication and video streaming, and yet we do nothing.

    It's doing my head in.

  • The Brazilian Senator Omar Aziz (Social Democrat Party) (A liberal center-right party) spoke today:

    "This senate was quiet about it and your excellency has brought up this subject (Lula's Speech). Explain to me what is happening there (In Israel). With the death of 10,000 children and women, and how many "terrorists" were killed by the Israeli government, and I say the goverment not the Jewish people."

    "The Jewish are not to blame for this extreme right-wing, Zionist government. Tell me who created and financed Al-Qaeda and Hamas. Who is behind all this?"

    "The President's words were solidarity with the 30,000 people killed, just as 700,000 people died in Brazil and the right wing said nothing and had no outburst. Tell me why so many innocent people were killed, and how many terrorists were actually killed."

    "Israel removed 1 million people and put them in ghettos. I don't think it's right to compare it to the holocaust, but the President (Lula) is right. Unlike the other government that met on with Nazis, the granddaughter of one of Hitler's minister, I haven't seen anyone on the right complain about it."

    "And that guy who died in Russia (Nalvany), who was a Nazi who hung out with neo-Nazis and saluted the swastika. And I speak as the son of a Palestinian, I have always been in solidarity with the Jewish people and the people of Israel for not accepting neo-Nazism in Brazil. But I didn't see any hysteria like now when the former president met with neo-Nazis."

  • we will continue to actively engage in the hard work of direct diplomacy on the ground until we reach a final solution.

    AmeriKKKan official giving a prepared written statement on why they were veto-ing a ceasefire UNSC emergency resolution and restriction on Israeli use of force in Rafah.

    It’s obviously intentional, you don’t use phrases like “final solution” in written diplomatic statements while you are being accused of genocide on a whim, you do it on purpose.

  • Hearing the fucking spin on the US' counter proposal of a fucking temporary ceasefire is just so hilarious. "The US is afraid that the original proposal would interfere with its effort to negotiate its own peace deal" or "The temporary ceasefire will help us negotiate a more permanent peace." Absolute comedy considering all the support the US is providing to Israel's ongoing genocide campaign

  • President Lula da Silva on Twitter:

    "Just as I said when I was in prison that I wouldn't accept a deal to get out of jail and that I wouldn't trade my freedom for my dignity, I say: I won't trade my dignity for falsehood."

    "I am in favor of the creation of a free and sovereign Palestinian state. May this Palestinian state live in harmony with the State of Israel. What the government of the State of Israel is doing is not war, it is genocide. Children and women are being murdered. Don't try to interpret the interview I gave. Read the interview and stop judging me based on what the Prime Minister of Israel said."

  • It’s always weird visiting Upstate New York and having a good relationship with the police there because we all went to the same school for troubled kids. A lot of them saw it as a good alternative to what they were doing in their personal lives and liked that it didn’t take them out of the country like the military did. At the same time it’s unsettling knowing what I know about the police force they work for.

  • Lula won't apologize for criticizing genocide in Gaza, says Amorim. :chad:

    On Sunday (18), the president compared Israel's action in the Gaza Strip against Hamas to the mass murder of Jews by Adolf Hitler

    President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) will not apologize for criticizing the genocide in Gaza, the president's special advisor for international affairs, Celso Amorim, told CNN.

    "We've always treated it in a very respectful way and defended the two-state solution, but there's nothing to apologize for. Israel is putting itself in a condition of increasing isolation," said Amorim.

    "What is happening in the Gaza Strip and with the Palestinian people is like nothing else in history. In fact, it existed when Hitler decided to kill the Jews," said Lula.

    Today, Israel's foreign minister told the Brazilian ambassador that Lula would be declared a person non grata in the country until he apologized.

    Lol, good on Lula. Isn'treal supported Bolsonaro until quite recently, THEY invited HIM, A LITERAL NOBODY with no political rights and a CRIMINAL, but not the fucking PRESIDENT of Brazil. Really hope Lula breaks of relation with israel.

    Of course the Liberal Party (Bolsonaro's Party that is currently being investigated by the police) asked for an impeachment but they lack all 150 seats to do that, and so they decided ask the Supreme Court Judges for help, the same Judges that Bolsonaro attempt to kill and are close with Lula.

    Celso Amorim, who I believe was the advisor of every goverment in Brazil besides the Bolsonaro one, basically said that no one cares about what Israel thinks or says, and that Lula and Brazil will continue their trade and diplomacy normally with all other countries.

    • Open the Lulag

    • Oh no, Lula is banned from Nazi Germany, what is he gonna do

    • Lula should just declare the liberal party and its member traitors to the nation and replace their senate and congress seats, he has to channel that Old PRI energy if he doesnt want problems in the future

      • As far as I know, the executive branch in Brazil has been weakened since 1988, because the constitution is based on parliamentarism, but with direct voting for the executive branch. But that doesn't mean that Lula is weak, I think Lula simply doesn't want to get directly involved in this, but the Supreme Court can do it.

        They've already done something like that before, one of the judges who ordered Lula's arrest had been elected senator, Lula's party denounced that this man had embezzled public money during his campaign.

        The Supreme Court agreed and removed his seat and his political rights. His seat was given to a moderate conservative who votes in favor with Lula's goverment. This judge, now without parliamentary immunity, ran away to the US leaving his wife and son.