ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer
ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer
ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer
In the past games since Dark Souls, the DLCs have consistently been some of the highest quality parts of the games. If they can do that for Elden Ring, that's good cause for getting hyped.
I have no idea what that trailer was about, so that tracks with FromSoft, and I love them for it, and I will be playing this. Probably after another base game playthrough
This gives me a deadline to actually finish the main storyline 😅. Absolutely mental how big the base game is!!
I reallllly hope we don't have to finish the story to jump into the DLC. After an almost 200 hour first playthrough I thought "oh man I want to do this again!" I got a quarter way through NG+ and put the game down and didn't get around to finishing it.
I loved Elden ring as a concept, I think it was an extremely interesting twist on the formula. However for replayability I feel like it suffered heavily. The vast open world takes a long time to get through (mainly if you're really trying to beeline directly from point A to B.) And if you need specific items or materials I feel like having to replay the various tombs /mini dungeons would be more chore like than fun.
I only came to this realization after playing demon souls and bloodborne for the first time recently. There's very little filler a person would need to go through when replaying those older fromsoft titles. I'm so torn though because I really liked exploring in Elden Ring.
Sorry for the novel lol
I totally agree about Bloodborne (and Dark Souls) being much more 'closed in.' I feel like Elden Ring's map should be 40% smaller as most of these open areas are completely pointless. There are typically zero items other than the environmental materials or random animals outside of central areas like buildings/towns/boss areas. Why even create all this extra space if there's no need to go there (which you only find out after wasting your time looking around)?
I think my favorite map layout has been the original Dark Souls. There are numerous paths leading out from the Firelink Shrine meaning you can still explore without all the pointless fluff.
I'm so fucking excited.
I’ve beaten the game with 7 characters and I can’t wait to do it with 7 more
What a banger trailer, felt goosebumps all throughout. And seeing how everything showed in it is from in-game engine is majestic
Ready to cry and be confused again
Looking forward to the Vaati lore breakdown already
I was not expecting that trailer to be narrated by the great George Guidall.
Heh. I'm still waiting for them to discount elden ring enough that I can buy, play to the first boss, die a dozen times and then put it down to nevenr play again like I do most souls games. $10. $10 is my limit from.
Just git gud!
Time to roll up a couple new characters! Currently grinding up a witch bitch. Kinda want to do a Metal Gear Solid Snake build that focuses on sleeping peeps.
Hit me with your favorites FUN builds, ideally viable for PVP!
Obviously early as hell, any idea what level one should be for DLC content?
I AM SO HYPED! Preordered right away (like duh)
Why would you preorder while you don't know whether it even runs on day 1? Especially with From, where the main game had serious technical flaws initially, too?
Because they wanted to.
Had the game day 1 (Xbox). I understand and appreciate it was a different experience for PC users but I experienced no major technical flaws specifically those that worsened my experience.
That said, never pre-order personally but I will be buying day 1 regardless of media.
It'll almost certainly not run very well, but I still played 100hr of the base game despite its poor performance. I preordered too because I know regardless of technical state it will be worth playing.
Preordered right away (like duh).
So they’ll have something to complain about later