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Where to host a personal site

I'm considering creating another personal website, but for more formal things like writing articles and programming updates, as opposed to the usual blog stuff I have on my Neocities site. It'll also have a simpler design, optimised more for reading than having a fun appearance.

Unless the generic domain is particularly nice, I'll buy a domain from Namecheap; but Neocities requires a subscription in order to use a custom domain, so does anyone have any suggestions for cheap or free web hosting that I could use?

  • You haven't told us much about your skills and requirements. For example, are you thinking static files (either manually or from a generator like Jeykll), or something more dynamic? Are there other things would you want, e.g. database, email, SSH access?

    Without knowing that stuff, I'll just note that you can probably use the free tier from various places, e.g. you can do a lot on Cloudflare without spending a penny (and they're a good place to buy domains).

  • There’s always doing it yourself unless you have the misfortune of being behind carrier nat. If you’re address is public facing however it only takes a few minutes to set up a web server and dynamic dns.