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always remember our heroes
  • Right, we got 3.02 percent more of the vote, and thusly were totaly justified in immediately having the opposing candidates arrested, executed, and expelled.

    And yes, you do kind of have to negotiate with the enemy forces from time to time from time to time instead of declaring that there can be no peace until all traces of you’re far larger and more heavily armed neighbor have been ethnically cleansed from the region, but go on and explain how lobbing RPGs across the border and directly into your enemies interceptors at a time when you can scarcely feed your own people is an incredibly effective use of resources that resulted in the complete collapse of Isreal.

    Or how the self described Sunni Islamic fundamentalists are really left wing because occasionally the far left PFLP supports them in trying to get Isreal out of Palestine.

    Do you also support Bibi Netanyahu, as he is also a far fight religious leader who has done more damage to Isreal’s settler-colonial project in one year than Hamas has achieved in nearly two decades of control?

  • always remember our heroes
  • Why are far right party known for focusing on flashy symbolic attacks over protecting its citizens the one that is integral to the resistance and not the State of Palestinian they oppose or the social democratic Fatal party Hamas imprisoned, executed, or expelled upon taking control in 2007? How is replacing one violent far right theocracy with another going to lead to liberation and peace?

    The enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy, nothing more and nothing less.

  • OpenAI, the company that brought you ChatGPT, just sold you out
  • What, founder of cryptoscam Worldcoin is going to cash out of a project sold primarily on hype. Say it ain’t so. /s

  • Why was Hurricane Helene so bad? Fossil fuel pollution.
  • I mean sulfur is also a natural part of our atmosphere that geologic activity has been spewing out into the air for as long as earth has had air, but I’m still going to call it pollution if you’re power plant pumps a vast quantity of it into the atmosphere and now it’s raining acid on me.

    We have more than doubled the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, with half of that doubling having been done in the last thirty years alone. The very oceans are acidifying to the point large swaths of marine life are being wiped out, and thousands to hundreds of thousands of people are being killled by the effects of global warming each and every year. It’s pollution, it’s just the pollution is on such a vastly larger and more dangerous scale than any acid rain or smog people are used to thinking about.

  • How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels
  • Plenty if you don’t want grid tied, otherwise your local utility probably has an list of the ones they’ll accept somewhere. There is a list of things an inverter will have to be certified to be able to meet for grid tied such as anti-islanding requirements, and in this case i’m afraid you’re almost certainly better off to be going with a reseller the inverter manufacturer actually recommends than playing Amazon roulette.

    From my understanding here it tends to be easier to just stay off the grid for very small systems, either by just plugging in a few panels to a battery and small dc to ac inverter(with appropriately rated fuses between all connections) or else getting an automatic transfer switch and treating the whole thing like a generator.

    That being said RVs and camper vans are a thing here, and there may be some more plug and play systems in that direction but small 12v systems are a bit out of my wheelhouse.

  • How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels
  • Unless you’re meters have a whole lot more protections built into them than ours I don’t think that they would have anti-islanding or grid frequency protections built in, that latter at least seems like it has to be done at the inverter level.

    If it is the case than why bother with any registration or monitoring at all beyond requing a smart meter for anyone with a grid tied inverter?

    As for the meter reading itself it’s going to depend on whether the inverter is connected to the gird, and if it is whether or not the inverter is set to grid export or only to provide as much power as the home is using at the time, possibly minus something for reactive power or some such.

  • How Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels
  • Surely ability is determined by having the proper inverter though? The panels are irrelevant as without a proper grid matching inverter all connecting to the grid is going to do is destroy the inverter.

    Also, as someone who is currently going through the process of registering a grid connected inverter here in the states, surely the whole point of the registration process is the part where an appropriately licensed electrician comes out to physically verify that the inverter is grid compliant and anti islanding, as that is the part that is likely to actually kill someone if it is improperly installed or configured.

    It’s also something the government/utility has to take on trust to be declared, as a miss wired generator or battery backup transfer switch poses the near exact same risk.

  • 2 Canadians killed in Lebanon, Global Affairs Canada confirms
  • Perhaps, but to people who have spent the last few decades in the halls of power surrounded by members of a western style military who take it as given that they are a western nation just as formidable as their close allies in Europe and Asia, the idea that the nation itself could falter in such a way is certianly far from many of their minds. Doubly so for a party that is used to bulldozing its way through critical media outlets, courts, and public protests.

    They’ve had general success in previous wars with most if not all of their neighbors, and something tells me the focus in their telling is not on the massive amounts of foreign aid they received in the lead up or duration.

    They may often talk about how any given threat may be an apocalyptic end of the nation, but I don’t think they actually believe it, at least when it comes to the court of public opinion in some far off foreign lands.

    Could a senior politician be so disconnected from the basic reality of their situation by yes men, loyalists, and wishful thinking? Well by all accounts Putin did honestly believe the FSB’s reports that Ukrainians would welcome any Russian forces in droves as liberators, and that any conflict would be over before well before the west could respond, so I’d say yes.

  • 2 Canadians killed in Lebanon, Global Affairs Canada confirms
  • The path they are seeing is the path for Benjamin Netanyahu and his far right party to hold on to power for a few more years, all else be dammed.

    His far right campaign and political messaging pre October 7th focused hard on how he was the only one strong enough to control Hamas, and on how he could ensure the fires of conflict would burn just hot enough that they would never find common ground and unite with the West Bank (the pretense that Isreal and the US demands they do before the West Bank authority can be recognized as a nation by the UN) but never got enough to possibly harm Isreal itself.

    Between constant legal battles and scandals with Isreal’s supreme court, he was just bearly able to hold onto power when Hamas demonstrated that they clearly weren’t actually under his perfect control, and so now he needs a win a war to play the strongman and distract everyone from what he had been saying up until that point. He needs a reason to shut down media outlets criticizing him, and war powers to run over the opposition.

    He also needs the votes of the farthest right of his far right party, and thusly needs to appear amenable to their position of complete Israeli annexation of the West Bank and Gaza.

    All of this means that the IDF must be seen fighting a great war for the very survival of the nation, not a series of hostage rescue or series of commando raids to capture high value targets and more importantly intel. It’s also why he cannot let this end in a ceasefire or give into Hamas original terms of a hostage exchange for the Palestinians being held without charges for years in Israel, but must fight on until whatever passes to the far right as a total victory.

    Little things like burning though most of Isreal’s foreign support and international reputation are at best problems for the future, and maybe even opportunities for campaigning, because when the world turned its back on Isreal only he and his party of strong men are going to be able to keep things going for the average citizen.

  • Video shows B.C. Conservative Rustad saying he regrets getting 'so-called vaccine'
  • Because evidently the people controlling him via microchip in the vaccine ordered him to say that, for some reason.

  • U.S. to ban Chinese, Russian software and hardware used in autonomous vehicles
  • Why should I be afraid of a foreign company learning my information, and instead trust a local one that proudly sells it on the open market to anyone that wants it?

    This proposal puts no fetters on what information amarican companies gather or sell to the Chinese.

    And yes, the largest nation in the world definitely stole all their technology, all thouse technology transfer agreements, companies outsourcing their manufacturing lines to it, and of course the hundreds of billions it’s government poured into the R&D of new energy technologies at a time when most western countries were slashing or eliminating their own subsidies and investments had nothing to do with it. Nope, none at all./s

    Don’t get me wrong, fuck the CCP. They are authoritarian imperialists who constantly cultivate racism and xenophobia while openly punishing anyone who speaks out against them, and are far, far more interested in protecting the power of the party’s leadership than even appearing to try and appear actually left wing, but this does nothing to protect american consumers.

    The only practical effect is to shield amarican manufacturers from competition with companies that have not colluded to focus exclusively on the largest, highest profit gas guzzlers they could fit on the roads during the last two decades the instant it looked like their customers might actually have had an option but to bend over and take it.

    Chrysler and GM could have focused their efforts on building cheaper EVs instead of half assing compliance cars and then selling them for enough to ensure that sales would never get big enough to divert manufacturering lines from their high profit margin Trucks and SUVs, but instead actually chose not to.

    Now the government is actively protecting them from competition on a thin pretense, and say it with me now, we know it’s a thin pretense because the government has no problem with Amarican, european, Japanese, and Korean companies doing the literal same exact thing and then selling the same recordings to the Chinese government.

    If the government was actually even the slightest bit concerned about amarican car buyers privacy, it would not allow a company like Tesla where employees regularly pass around clip compilations of the funniest things they’ve seen on the car’s internal cameras to have cellular modems, internal cameras, or over the air updates.

    Instead it says if you want a car with bluetooth speakers or over the air security updates, you must buy the land yacht from the good amarican company that just donated to our campaign and is making a killing on the margin shortly after it looked like even a hundred percent tariff might not be enough to protect amarican car manufacturers from the consequence of their own direct choices.

  • U.S. to ban Chinese, Russian software and hardware used in autonomous vehicles
  • Boy, it sure is a good thing that there is only risk from low cost Chinese vehicles, could you imagine if security researchers had been demonstrating that these theoretical attacks have actually been trivially done on American and european vehicles for decades now? Thankfully all other car companies are bastions of cybersecurity best practices, near impossible to hack or slip malicious code into via an over the air update.

    Also could you imagine if a Chinese company could spy on you directly and learn personal infomation though your vehicle, instead of buying that same information on the open market from a good american car company instead? The horror.

    It’s just a convenient coincidence that this comes at the same time as the american car industry risked actual competition with competitors that didn’t spend the last two decades building half assed compliance EVs while focusing on selling the public on the largest, highest markup truck and SUV that can still theoretically fit on the road.

    Ohh well, guess Amaricans are just going to have to pay three times as much for new vehicles than the rest of the world for vehicles with similar manufacturing costs, wouldn’t want to risk GM or Fords profit margins after all.

    I sure am glad that the government may not be willing to provide social housing without a five year wait list while you to live in a tent under the freeway and get all your worldly possessions, photos, and documents thrown out by police, but is always proactive about ensuring that billion dollar companies never have to worry about facing even the slightest consequence of their own active decisions to undermine the fight against climate change.

    Biggest /s possible.

  • The residents of an English housing estate commissioned a 150-meter tall, 4.2 megawatt wind turbine they now 100% own to combat local poverty.
  • I can imagine it pretty well, seeing as in my neck of the woods a local village or neighborhood owned conventional power plant or desalination plant arn’t common, but they arn’t unheard of either as an alternative to everyone having their own individual generator and water maker. You just generally find them on small islands or very remote towns and villages.

    Wind and solar have proven useful in augmenting these generators, and given how expensive diesel is they were some of the first to use it, but yes, people have been doing this for quite some time with conventional power generation.

  • Why Britain can't just return migrants to France, as Reform says
  • The UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 14, proclaimed Dec 10th 1948, drafted in part by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    Next question please.

  • Three Mile Island Plans to Reopen as Demand for Nuclear Power Grows
  • Hopefully they’ve fixed the printer .(a really good talk on systemic failures by the way).

  • Chinese solar panel boom threatens Pakistan’s debt-ridden grid | Industry rushes to switch to clean energy as cost of state power network becomes crippling
  • It will probably happen eventually for gas stations in very rural areas, but keep in mind that you only really need one gas station in a given county staying open to keep gas vehicles viable, and you don’t really need all that much traffic to keep a pump open, especially if there arn’t any other options and as such you can increase margin drastically.

  • California man finds he’s been paying his neighbor’s electric bill for 15 years
  • I know what you meant and what they should do, I was just repeating what they actually did so far.

  • California man finds he’s been paying his neighbor’s electric bill for 15 years
  • It’s PG&E, so they said that he’s still on the hook for this months billing cycle. Starting next month though, he’ll be billed correctly, hopefully.

  • Matt Taibbi: House Committee Rips State Department Over Censorship
  • Ok, i’ll bite.

    While I get the instance name is lost on some visitors, it’s fascinating to see Republican campaign material posted here in complete seriousness. So much about how dare the government possibly have impeded people heavily involved in far right campaigns in making money off distracting the working class with made up culture war. How dare other private businesses want to throw the out and proud Nazi’s off their platform.

    A few offhand points, it is absolutely within the State Department’s remit to identify foreign infuance campaigns, even if they don’t always get it right.

    The fact that the Twitter Files also showed that companies can and did push back on numerous recommendations after their own investigation disagreed without repercussions would seem to be pretty damming evidence that they really were recommendations about potential misinformation accounts and not government censorship.

    Similarly, the comments on identifying misinformation is based on the ludicrous idea that there is just no possible way for an investigation to tell the difference between a truth and an outright lie, and thusly anyone attempting to do so or tell others about the serial liar much be censoring them.

    The best evidence that the government isn’t actually trying to censor these group is government doesn’t use this sort of lukewarm, you might want to take a look at these accounts methods on pleople who it actually wants to censor like leftists, they just declare them a potential terror theat and send the FBI or police in to rough up the environmental group or activists.

    But hey, they called the New York Post sensationalist and massive transphobe campaigning to get trans people banned from public restrooms prone to misinformation, so I guess the deep state really is censoring poor Donald Trump and his friends and we should be outraged not at the blatant campaign to mislead the poor into voting against their interests, but of the most lukewarm, liberal, halfhearted response possible to it.

    In short, get back to me when they’ve done something more than politely ask the mods to look into a questionable user, like have even approached the sort of things they do people trying to block pipelines on a weekly basis.

  • "Stalin starved his population!”
  • Personally I tend to think that the Bengal famine is better compared to the Holodomor, as it is closer in time, area, and effect. If there is a lesson to these things though, I think it’s that it doesn’t matter what economic system you use of the people in charge are fans of eugenics, and that’s why it’s so important that there be strong independent checks on the government and politicians, minority representation, multi-party rule, etc…

  • The Great Housing Hijack - with Cameron Murray

    If anyone here is interested in a more technical interview, here are two socialists with doctorates in economics talk about why after two hundred years of talking about fixing the housing market haven’t gotten anywhere.

    STEAM Education: Putting an A in your STEM.

    Not sure if this fits here given it’s more foucued on prek-12 than Academia, but I figure it impacts the students going into college quite heavily and most of the same points still apply.

    Spacex team’s Starship partially melts during renterty of test flight 4, makes soft splash down anyway.

    Evidently the joints on the flaps still need a little work into not letting gases through, but it seemed to still have enough actuation to keep the spacecraft stable until the engines took over for the landing burn.

    The Space Shuttle: A $200 Billion Lesson in Risk Management

    A detailed discussion of the Shuttle program as well as some ethics in airspace.

    United States | News & Politics Sonori
    Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for minors Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for minors

    All six of the court's conservative members voted to allow the law, while the three liberal justices said they would have kept the law on hold.

    Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for minors

    Party of personal freedom everybody.

    Rings of Power is a Disappointment, Here’s why | An Overdue Critique

    Come for the two hour review of Rings of Power by a guy who has elvish on his wedding ring, stay for the Hbomberguy style twist into discussion of the way the far right uses the appearance of media criticism to radicalize vunrable young men and draw them into the manosphere.

    Vape-o-nomics: Why everything is addictive now.
    • A video about disposable vapes, and how addiction became the goal of every single company on the planet.
    Watch ULA launch their Vulcan rocket for the first time ever! Watch ULA launch their Vulcan rocket for the first time ever! #Vulcan

    This is the first launch for ULA's new Vulcan rocket and will also be the first flight of Blue Origin's BE-4 engines. The payload is the Peregrine lunar land...

    Watch ULA launch their Vulcan rocket for the first time ever! #Vulcan

    It’s their first ever attempt to launch a Vulcan, and their launching an lunar lander. Window opens at 1:53 AM EST. Here’s to hoping for a successful launch.


    Liftoff at 47:40.

    We saw a successful launch, translunar injection, and the Peregrine lander successfully powered on before detaching from the Centaur upper stage, which proceeded to relight its engines and complete a burn into a solar orbit at part of its memorial mission.

    The lunar landing attempt is expected to be on Feb 23, and it is expected to remain operational on the surface of the moon for at least ten days.

    According to NASA, “-Scientific instruments will study the lunar exosphere, thermal properties of the lunar regolith, hydrogen abundances in the soil at the landing site, magnetic fields, and conduct radiation environment monitoring.”

    More on Vulcan and its history.

    Starship & Superheavy Become The Biggest Rocket In Space.... Before Exploding

    I don’t think that this has been posted yet, but if not here’s the summary.

    Just the highlights.

    sonori Sonori
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