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Indiana Launches Anti-LGBTQ "Snitch Line," Users Flood With Memes In Protest

Benjamin, Get The Musket

Indiana Launches Anti-LGBTQ "Snitch Line," Users Flood With Memes In Protest

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  • In making the announcement on the Tony Kinnett show, livestreamed on YouTube, Rokita stated that investigators would pore over submissions and post any they believed to be credible onto a publicly viewable database.

    In other words, they're not going to act on the ones that don't align with their own political ideology.

  • I'm not gay right now but possibly when I retire I'm gonna retire as gay. This ruins all my gay plans! What's wrong with these guys? There's nothing wrong with two perfectly sound of mind adults loving each other mentally and physically. I think we just need a federal law to protect us all from religious nuts. The LGBTQ+A acknowledgement act of 2024? How about that? Need some bacon on it? Okay, in small writing it allows the invasion of Iran, and 3 trillion aid to Ukraine. Oh, and Republicans can own slaves now, but here's the catch, the slaves must be Republican originally and white and can only perform sex acts as slaves. If you own a slave you must carry said slave around with you at all times. Can that work? No? Ok if you're republican you can have sex with your own relatives given that your relatives are already Republican on their own and have down syndrome insurance paid for before the acts. Abortion will be fully illegal for any Republican male, punishable with removal of the balls or entire penile removal if it was outside of the Republican party. Also Republicans reserve the right to bare arms and run diesel engines within the confines of their garages... Preferably at the same time. Garages must be made bulletproof.