NYT going full on Nazi
NYT going full on Nazi
NYT going full on Nazi
One of my greatest pet peeves is when liberals misrepresent the animal kingdom to push their fascist bullshit
Also this is straight up Nazi "vermin/cockroaches" propaganda. Not even trying to hide their swastikas anymore
Wasps are an important part of the ecosystem, asshole
Wasps are an important part of the ecosystem, asshole
unlike thomas friedman
Maybe it would help if he was introduced to enough wasps?
As it is, sure, but he could be by becoming fertilizer
the author is a climate change denier who supported the Iraq war longer than anyone, and believes ashkenazi jews are genetically smarter than other groups
I guess he fits right in at the New York Times because he claims to not love trump
It's real, folks (the URL friedman-middle-east-animals
really sums it up)
Thanks NYT, very cool
edit: so this motherfucker comes up with the highly original idea "what if our enemies were vermin that have to be eradicated?", googles a few random articles about bug facts to pepper his musings with links, and then gets PAID to vomit this shit onto the screens of millions of people...and then libs will applaud the Times for having "diverse opinions"! hellworld
"NYT going full nazi"
goddamn.. how is this the first time i saw this? this should be talked about a lot more and more publicly
NYT going full on Nazi
Going? They have always been there.
Yup, that's Thomas Friedman for you. Man's never had a metaphor he hasn't completely butchered.
someone should put a glock 19 in his mouth, check the mag and make sure its loaded, make sure to rack the slide and ensure the safety is off, ensure there are no others behind him, and pull the trigger.
Why not some Russian Roulette? Just spin the revolver once, and let him experience the 6 waiting times of each round, before the inevitable round is discharged...
Either way, make it torturous for him and let him die in a satisfactory way...
There's a lot wrong with those few sentences. I'll just mention one word: jungle . Wasps are adaptive. I'm sure there are species that live in the jungle. It's also possible to set fire to a jungle. But using the word "forest" instead of jungle makes a lot more sense.
jungle is more racial
More malthusian too, law of the jungle and all that
all the Arabs are insects while America is lion and Bibi is a lemur.
America is lion
No, بشار هو الاسد
America delenda est!
And that's the fault of them, not of us.
nyt still has bedbugs in its editorial rooms
I've been told that Yemenis have a very effective WASP repellent. Maybe it can work in a pinch?
death to america
Thomas Friedman is a Nazi, can't say I'm too surprised
"Their 'barbaric jungle' versus our 'civilized garden'" god death to Amerika
Instead of Europe, it's "The West is a Garden, the rest is jungle" - quote by Josep Borrell
This is the countries with mc donalds don’t go to war with eachother guy right?