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  • my favorite "star trek v star wars" fanfic i ever read was actually really fair and obviously written by a fan of both star franchises (or stargate lol)

    i have no idea what it was called. but it acknowledged the strengths and weaknesses each would have an created a neat scenario that resulted in a plausible "worlds collide" event that in itself was very star trek (dimensional rift kind of thing).

    it was basically Empire v Federation. the Empire blew up Mars. hyperspace was insanely fast and gave the star destroyers a massive advantage but federation ships were packing incredible firepower and maneuverability. there were good stakes and it was fun.

    my only bias was enjoying space fascists eventually get fucked up by plucky inventive space communists once they realized they were basically fighting the equivalent of the "coast guard".

  • Wouldn't the Borg shields hold against the Death Star? Then again, the Death Stars cannon blows up planets so... yeah it would probably nail one Borg Cube, the Borg would adapt and then curb stomp the Death Star.

    • i am entertained by both of the universes, but the federation of Star Trek just plain has superior technology by several orders of magnitude. the federation inadvertently creates planet and solar system destroying materials fairly routinely that generally are meant to have some higher scientific purpose, but could 100% be weaponized... as is often the threat when some antagonist finds out about them so their development is tightly controlled.

      those two jumped into my mind first, but i'm sure every season of TOS and TNG have some doomsday b.s.

      meanwhile, the death star took like generations of theorizing and development by like the smartest guy they could find, a completely unique and entire planet's worth of extremely rare, ancient magic materials, and multiple planets of slave labor to make a single doomsday weapon.

      the regular armaments the federation tools around with are basically like the space faring equivalent of what the Garda Síochána roll around with in Ireland, because the whole point is find diplomatic solutions to every conflict and not be a cause for escalation. so like space pepper spray, space batons, and space handcuffs. none of that stuff did anything to the borg except when the borg attacked earth and they put the entire defensive armada on it. generally, they always ended up using some weird ad hoc move like hijacking the hive consciousness or whatever. the borg cubes could travel at warp speeds faster than the flagship of the federation.

      there is absolutely no chance "hyperspace" is comparable to Star Trek warp propulsion, because in ST they can use it to do time travel.

      star wars fandom weirdos usually try to insist that the size of star wars crafts is somehow correlated with their capability. to me, the imperial fleet is more like the absurd dreadnoughts of the late 19th and early 20th century, that were these relics of a mindset that was obsessed with having the biggest guns firing the biggest shells since that was the big scary technology: the ability to fire a giant shell from far away. in star wars every weapon is basically a laser beam and the variability is scale. even the capital ships and death star are just firing really huge lasers. their whole power is based around their unchallenged control of key areas. in Andor it's characterized as a lazy regime that invites rebellion because it is too arrogant to imagine being opposed.

      in ST they are always reprograming torpedos and probes to deliver weird ass payloads of bizarre energy, nanite materials or biologicals. the technology and mindset of the star wars deal always felt like it would have been part of the Eugenics Wars.... some supremacist bozos running around doing lots of genocide and slaughtering, but essentially primitive and limited compared to what the federation science would develop centuries later, after the dark ages.

      if there were an honest Borg Cube vs. Death Star, the death star wouldn't even understand what the cube was and be paralyzed by incomprehension when it just sort of drifted there and didn't open fire, engage, or even seem to respond. a handful of drones would be "captured" and brought on board to clumsily interrogate, resulting in the entire station being assimilated in like 36 hours lol. the only weird counter-shit SW has is their space wizards and i bet like one space wizard could kill like 3 borg before the borg would adapt and then assimilate the wizard. then there's Borg Space Wizards around, fuckin' shit up. that would be the most interesting legacy of Borg Cube vs. Moon Laser Base 1969.

    • I don't think so, borg shields had adaptive functions which worked against weapons based more on clever manipulation of energy than on the volume of energy. Death Star was just emitting enough of the shit to completely smash Earth-size planet not even into pieces but into dust (planetary scale dust that is) in split second. Star Trek pretend to not entirely ignore physics so that would be most likely way more then enough to destroy any vessel of borg, adaptation or not.

    • Yeah I don't really know any Star Trek but this feels like it should be an easy question. Planet busting is a pretty universal power scaling measurement, can a borg cube take a planet buster? If so, borg cube wins.

  • Now, once you throw a couple of Pegasus-galaxy replicator frigates into the mix, those little bastards could infiltrate both the cube and the Death Star. But if the Ori show up with their ascended Ancient weaponry, fuhgeddaboudit. Everyone's all so worried about Butlerian Jihad that they forget about Morena Baccarin Jihad.

    On a sidenote, does anybody know where I can get ahold of an Ark of Truth so that I can load it up with Yellow Parenti?

  • Nah, that's silly

    The Death Star is 80,000 times larger than a Borg Cube and can blow up an entire planet.

    Obviously anything's possible with some sneaky-sneaky assimilation growing out of control. But in terms of an actual ship to ship fight, come on, your body is about 80,000 times larger than a gnat.

    I get second hand embarrassment from people saying stuff like that. Literally if I asked a Marvel fan: Who would win, the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, or the titular character from my book, "Guy Who Automatically Wins Every Fight, Magically, Without Even Trying", like half of people would say my book sucks and so logically, the Hulk would punch him really hard, or whatever. It's so dumb.

    Like no, it literally does not matter how shitty you think this book is, it's literally canon that your favorite super hero can lose, and canon that mine can't. If you fail at objectivity that hard why even bother talking about anything jesus christ

    (Yes this is about Superman)