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This thread is articulating my profound sense of despair in how Gen Z is locked in a societal cage /_tedks/status/1742610444706107413

Someone is truly in here going

The hundreds of people gunned down daily is really a small percentage of the population so it's all just scaremongering. Several dozen people are upvoting it. I think I'm done with hexbear for a bit. Thanks for the fun posts, everyone

Being a child is criminalized. And the children are suffering. The point of childhood anymore doesn't seem to enjoy some innocence and learn life lessons and make mistakes in a loving or caring environment where you're shielded from most of the consequences. The purpose of childhood is to mold you into an ideal member of the proletariat. And to never ever misbehave, because the Eye in the Sky (whether that's your parents or the police state) is always watching and you'd better get used to it.

I've talked about the atrocious state of childrens' rights in this country, and had some really good discussion here about it. It's only getting worse. Don't walk or bike home from school, wait for your parent to come get you in an SUV. Don't go skateboarding, you hooligan. Don't hang out with friends or other kids in the neighborhood with only the admonition of being back before dark. Don't drink a beer, even as an adult- you'll go to jail. Don't host a party, you'll go to jail. Don't have awkward teenage sex. Don't go hang out downtown or explore the woods, you'll be raped and abducted and sold into slavery! Just stay home, on your phone where it's safe.

I fucking hate this. This shit honestly makes me despair more than climate change. I'm not sure why that is, obviously what we're doing to the climate could well spell the end of human civilization. I think I'm just really upset at this very clear, yet less dramatic impact of living in a fascist society. Being a child is criminalized.

  • Yup. I'm 100% on board with the "it's illegal for kids to be in public" and walking, being in a park, or being in a city center all carry a small (

    ) but real chance of police harassment. Malls barely exist. Public transit sucks.

    I spent one summer really in to home automation. I realized that the door locks could log, with a time stamp, when people went in and out, the cameras never saw anything but my roommates and neighbors, i could get logs of whose phones did what interactions wit the " smart" homes, when motion sensors were tripped, when lights were turned on and off, even when sensor equipped windows were opened and closed.

    At the time it creeped me out bc it was a perfect toolkit for domestic abuse and rigid, to the second control of your partner's or family's movements. I didn't consider it in the context of "normal" parents monitoring their children but it's a 1:1 fit and, frankly, just as abusive to monitor your children on that level. Something I didn't see mentioned; once kids had cell phones they were expected to carry those phones at all time, and answer immediately when their parents called no matter what they were doing.

    Also, the cops can see some or all of the recordings and info from Ring cameras, no warrant needed.

    I turned almost all of it off except being able to unlock the door with your phone (one of the only actually useful things the system could accomplish), the camera i had aimed at my back yard to watch the opossum, and the open/closed sensor on my bedroom windows (it'd send me a push notification if it was going to rain and the window was open).

    Idk much about the academics side of it. I graduated right before "No Child Left Behind" was brought on line and the destruction of the education system kicked in to high gear. As an older Millenial the mantra was "go to college go to college go to college" without any real guidance beyond that. Why? For what? Then everyone graduated in to the wreckage of 2007 (and in 2005 Biden made it illegal to discharge your debt under the pretense of someone, somewhere, might "cheat" the system somehow).

    Where are kids supposed to party? They're under constant surveillance from countless cameras, cops, and concerned parents. Same with sex and dating, there's a ton of ways for parents to intrude on you at all times, even if it's just calling your cell to demand to know where you are. And all the cool places shut down in 07, the survivors crashed and burned in 19, so where do you go? The mall? Do malls even exist? And $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    And "school resource officers" installed in schools to enforce submission, criminalize dissent and any attempt to push back at school as a system of control, reinforce us state race terrorism, and simplify the slave procurement system.

    Also, "school shootings" given so much media attention people think they're common and widespread and kids are legit terrified they're going to be gunned down every day bc it's plastered across the news 24/7. "Active shooter drills". This is a personal peeve, I became sentient right when the 24/7 cable news cycle industry started with the First Gulf War. I've watched them go from war to PCP to salmonella on your kitchen counters to workplace shootings to "urban youth gangs"

    to trrrism (Al-Qaeda is in your shitty town!) To heroin, trying everything to discover what could create maximum terror in their viewership to ensure maximum engagement. Well the fuckers found it; there's nothing more terrifying than your helpless children being murdered at school where they're outside your control and observation. And the news has just hammered and hammered and hammered on that for years to keep people afraid and eyes on advertising, never you mind how low the odds of it actually happening are (i have a separate screed about "mass shooting" being cynically refined in the public imagination from meaning situations where a person deliberately intended to kill strangers to any shooting where more than one person was hit).

    It's all very fucked. "Kids staring at their phones!" aren't the problem (though social media as a form of ruthless sousveillance, all kinds of gambling bullshit, attention stealing is). Phones are the last plave kids have where they can interact with the world without being hounded by parents, disciplined by school staff, harassed by cops, watched by hostile Nextdoor Gestapo, chased out by shop owners, or expected to pay to exist.

    Like when was the last time you saw an eight year old or a ten year old wandering around unaccompanied catching bugs and swinging a stick? I literally cannot remember, but I used to wander all over town back in the day, walk miles to and from school, try to catch turtles in the creek all afternoon. This was not idyllic, i was maximizing my time away from an abusive home situation at some points. But not being home, and not being bothered about it, was an option to get away from that situation.

    This is a rant i've ranted many times. Kids are no longer allowed much if any autonomy and are subject to constant, sometimes violent (physically and otherwise) surveillance and discipline wherever the go in life, supported by the digital panopticon that would have made the famed and much maligned STASI go "okay this is too intrusive y'all need to calm down"

    • Some ofnthat starred even earlier, with Stranger Danger and drugged halloween candy. Fearmongering was merely seen as profitable in the 80s and 90s. It became ideological after 9/11

    • (I have a separate screed about "mass shooting" being cynically refined in the public imagination from meaning situations where a person deliberately intended to kill strangers to any shooting where more than one person was hit

      Literally the definition used when you hear "x mass shootings have happened this year", where x is usually greater than the number of days we are into the year, is 4+ people shot. For any reason, with any outcome, with any relationship between the victims and the perpetrator.

      But that's not what you think of when you think of a mass shooting. You think school shootings, attacks on mosques, synagogues, and gay nightclubs, and whatever the fuck the Las Vegas shooting was about (side note: the deadliest mass shooting in history and we still have no idea what the motive was, that's always been suspicious). Public spaces, much more than 4 deaths, the victims usually don't have much of a relationship with the perpetrator or even each other (besides maybe whatever reason they were in the same public place, like classmates or fellow worshipers). i.e. someone decided they want to kill a bunch of people either for the terror, bigotry, infamy, revenge on society, or just because. What you don't think of is someone killing their partner and children in their home in a domestic dispute, but they count that for some reason.

      • I think TrueAnon has a pod on the Vegas shooter. I don't think they came to any definitive conclusions, but like everything in America it's weird as hell.

      • I dont really see the use in arguing the semantics of what is or is not a mass casualty event, considring many of what you mention as mass shootings in the popular consciousness do start out with the shooter killing people they know (often women) in their home, workplace etc.

        this post reads pretty conspiritorialy, they're not hiding the a mass shooting is 4 people number, it's there for anyone who cares to look. obviously there's some hyperbolic shit in the media, but by this statistic, someone like Kyle Rittenhouse is not a mass shooter, food for thought.

        i'm not sure if this is the mindset where they're taking our guns, we need them, rah rah revolution is the base, but do you know what we need a whole lot more than guns? comrades we can trust. communities that are organised and ready to support each other.

        I'm not from the USA, but i've seen friends argue about this, and i've especially seen the impact these semantic like points have had on friends who have lived in the USA. Talk of condemning ourselves to pointless slaughter if we're not armed, its unhelpful, it's only driving us apart and keeping us at arms length.

        The individualist drive to arm every man woman and child in school, churches, and supermarkets, in their bedrooms, for their protection, does nothing but line the pockets of the arms dealers who would have us all on the frontlines sooner than you could say I will not fight my working class brothers and sisters in Vietnam

        sorry that's scattered and a bit ranty, but I absolutely consider someone shooting their partner and child to be a part of the issue we're up against, the conditions we face, capitalism, imperialism, white nationalism, and oppression of the powerless.

        haha dark and awful, but we're almost discussing if a shooting is more impacting, if say, it were taken out on a large, christian family, 10 kids or something, uh, #greatreplacement or something I guess.

        whew i'm glad I've finally taken the time to articulate that, even for myself.

    • I grew up relatively near a mall, and "mall kids" were never a thing, even in the early 2000s. I would be the only kid riding my bike as all the other kids were inside playing video games or watching TV.

    • Homie, are you me?

      I have been thinking about the panopticon for a long time. We've slowly allowed one to be built around us ever since 9/11.

      I work in schools, I know how much surveillance exists now, from near 100% camera coverage in the hallways (and sometimes, depending on the state, the classrooms as well), to total visibility of all internet activity (including emails), all the way to things like internet connected Vape sensors in the bathrooms.

      I could go on and on but typing out all my thoughts via my phone would probably kill me.

      • God damn.

        The last time I was in a high school, my old, very badly designed fire-trap highschool had been knocked down, and we were given a chance to tour the new one for some reason. The school was arranged thus - Central hallways. Coming off the hallways were long hallways leading to circular pods for classrooms and lockers. At the base of each secondary hallway where it left the main hallway was what was very obviously a guard room, a pill box. Even my non-gun-pilled normie friends recognized it for what it was - A bunker from which there were clear line of sight where anyone moving from the main hallways towards the classroom pods could be observed (or shot. The fucking thing screamed "Emplace a machine gun here!"). The pods were arranged just like the theoretical Panopticon. The classrooms were arrayed in a circle around the center of the pod. Lockers line the walls and were arranged in the center of the pod. there was no where to hide from observation, no where to have a quiet discussion, no where to get away from surveillance. Everyone I talked to about it was visibly creeped out, recognizing that our school had been torn down and replaced with some kind of bizarre prison. That was in 2003.

    • Also, "school shootings" given so much media attention people think they're common and widespread and kids are legit terrified they're going to be gunned down every day bc it's plastered across the news 24/7. "Active shooter drills". This is a personal peeve, I became sentient right when the 24/7 cable news cycle industry started with the First Gulf War. I've watched them go from war to PCP to salmonella on your kitchen counters to workplace shootings to "urban youth gangs" to trrrism (Al-Qaeda is in your shitty town!) To heroin, trying everything to discover what could create maximum terror in their viewership to ensure maximum engagement. Well the fuckers found it; there's nothing more terrifying than your helpless children being murdered at school where they're outside your control and observation. And the news has just hammered and hammered and hammered on that for years to keep people afraid and eyes on advertising, never you mind how low the odds of it actually happening are (i have a separate screed about "mass shooting" being cynically refined in the public imagination from meaning situations where a person deliberately intended to kill strangers to any shooting where more than one person was hit).

      School shootings aren't "rare" though, there have been roughly 57.5 school shootings annually on average since the year 2000 (I summed the lowest annual number and the highest and averaged it, if that's wrong someone please call me out on it). That's about 1 school shooting every week

      • "School shooting", as popularly understood, is an individual coming in to a school with the intent to kill as many kids as possible. That happens very rarely. Most of the shootings in schools are one kid shooting another kid, often over personal beefs.

        Conflating the popular idea of a mass shooting - A lone gunman killing a lot of people, with every shooting in schools and every shooting where more than one or two people are injured has wildly, wildly skewed public perceptions of what gun violence looks like in the US. Mass shootings as understood by the public are a tiny fraction of all firearms violence; It is still, and always has been, overwhelmingly violence related to petty crime, and domestic violence. The focus on mass shootings, and the re-definition of what constitutes a "mass shooting", has totally replaced awareness that the vast, vast majority of all firearms violence in the US is poor kids shooting each other over petty crime shit.

        To put this all in perspective; 70,000, that is seventy thousand, people are killed by firearms in the US each year. It's about half/half suicides and homocides. So out of 30-40k people murdered with guns each year in the US, about 100-150 of those killings happen in schools annually. And almost all of the killing, out of 70k dead and 30-40k murdered, is done with handguns. Long guns, especially ARs, are a tiny, tiny fraction. Like hundreds, not even thousands. Public perception of gun violence in the US is grotesquely distorted towards a media and political narrative that bears little relation to reality.

      • There are over 100,000 k-12 schools in the US. Rounding the numbers a bit, that's 1/2000 or .0005% chance of your school being hit.

        Not saying that it's not worth precautions, but the odds are low imo

        1. It's a country of over 300,000,000 people
        2. A "mass shooting" is like 3 or more people shot.
    • As an adult I still feel this. There's nothing to do and nowhere to go, just a big ugly ass concrete jungle that barely even has any sidewalks and is a 30 minute walk just to the nearest fastfood/grocery/convenience store. The "parks" are a tiny little enclosure of grass with nothing on it, similar to what poster said. Nowhere an adult would reasonably meet random people or just hang out with their friends if they had any.

  • You know, I'd hoped generations after mine would get some reprieve from the bullshit of things like stranger danger, but the last few years have been anything but kind.

    I mean a lot of young people spent time that they should have enjoyed in college/high school isolated at home as the people in power let the adults in their lives get sick and die for the sake of the economy. They had to go from living in fear of reactionary violence to witnessing institutional violence on screens.

    It's not a comparison, but when I think about the 2008 financial crisis and Obama's presidential win giving me hope (sigh), younger generations didn't even have the luxury of a charismatic politician trying to inspire hope. It was two openly monstrous candidates talking down to Gen Z with no meaningful promises to prove life.

    It's a fucking tragedy that we live in 2023, where there are enough houses for everyone, medical advancements that can sustain

    , and the internet, which in better hands, would allow for genuine connection.

    Instead, rent costs so much that you can't take a sick day, getting sick can bankrupt you, and every bit of media and knowledge is behind a paywall or cluttered with ads.

    But I try to think of what a better world would look like. It's all right there with the proper application of political will.

    I know the facade is crumbling as the contradictions in capitalism become more apparent. Capitalists can't help themselves - they're still wringing out profit instead of granting the smallest of concessions. I'm still holding on and speaking out where I can because I want to outlive capitalism or at least the US.

  • For the last ten years my local supermarkets force kids to leave their schoolbags at the door. No one guarding them. Out in the open where they can be stolen from.

    The message is clear. Your property doesn't matter. You are a criminal until proven otherwise. We are god. You are scum. We get all the consideration and protection, you get none.

    And the result? Youth crime has only increased! Big surprise, the people you treated like shit are lashing out. And instead of getting the hint? "WE MUST PUNISH THEM HARDER!"

  • I mean it's not just Gen z. I don't really have much of a social life and when I try and tell people about how lonely I am they mostly just say "well yeah it's hard for adults to make friends." Thanks? Guess I was right the first time when I thought about how shooting myself as the best way to stop feeling lonely? Glad I can come to you with my problems and be basically told to stop whining, pretty much every person in my life (not a big number).

    It's been mentioned before. The lack of "third places" where you can just exist without having to pay for it. Sadly, not only have these places been squeezed out of existence, the things that replace it are becoming increasingly expensive as people have decreasing amounts of disposable income. If a single night out at a bar costs me more than I spend on gas in a week, I'm not really going to go hang out at a bar.

    • Men getting any emotional support and compassion challenge level: impossible, apparently. I feel you. Trying to get anyone to understand that I have feelings and emotions and need support sometimes is very disheartening. bell hooks talks about it a bunch; Men need help to get out of the whole Toxic masculinity and even people who probably should know better either won't or can't support the men in their lives.

    • you deserve better my dude

      • Hours after typing this I had dinner with my brother and sister-in-law. We grabbed some stuff from a taco truck. Being with my brother outside of work makes me feel like a human being.

        I just need to find my place in the world, and my people. I've grown stronger in the past few years by leaps and bounds. There's something worth holding on to hope for. I can feel it now.

    • yep. 33 year old who hasn't had a single friend IRL since high-school here. I am so fucking lonely and it doesn't seem like it will ever end.

  • Going to xth noticing that pattern begining with the millenial generation and how gen A is still in the cage, as too many authors point out this is just a positive feedback loop for reinforcing a fascist society, you get the whole alienated AF nuclear family and then show the kids nothing but sacrificing everything for said society or else, they internalize these lessons and it makes it harder for them to question or realize anything is wrong as adults.

    • My conspiracy theory? A lot of this is one big tantrum from the ruling class about the civil rights act. If they can't be as naked with giving white people utopia at the expense of everyone else, then they'll make life shit for everyone.

      It does a disservice to white people as well, it's the dynamic of a golden child and scapegoat. If bumper-to-bumper traffic and shitty suburbs in rural wyoming are my only options for transportation and housing alike, then the ruling class can spare me their "help".

      • A lot of this is one big tantrum from the ruling class about the civil rights act.

        Always a firm basis for any conspiracy theory in America. A lot of this shit is 24/7 tough on crime war on drugs blowback; Decades of 24/7 "if it bleeds it leads" has people convinced we're living in the mad max movie instead of what was, up until the pandemic, the safest point in American history since they started keeping records, and all that crime reporting shit is tied in to the ruling classes "solution" to the civil rights "problem" - But everyone

        in jail, justify it by convincing the :mayos: that they're about to be murdered at every second.

  • As much as I hate the small town I grew up in (with a passion, it killed my brother and my closest friend) in a way I am thankful for the freedom it granted me. My parents are fans of the "free range kid" method of parenting so I was free to roam around town on my bike. If I asked my parents to drive me they'd say "you have legs don't you?". I didn't have a cell phone till I was 16. I can't imagine growing up without that kind of freedom