there's a whole bunch of people who don't understand the purpose of crumple zones and actually do think a 70s car is better because the car doesn't break without being hogs about it.
This stuff is always hilarious to me. Like you see essentially the entire industry in every country change their designs and materials to what they are now with crumple zones etc with experts in safety and car design. Then some random guy is like uhh yeah it's actually better if they do it old school.
Let's the driver survive crashes to see their families (gay)
Affordable (read: for poor people who have financial responsibilities)
Appeals to offline people (cringe)
Has tactile feedback on buttons/knobs for controls (primitive)
Normal transmission (woke)
Creator has never been featured on Rick and Morty or The Big Bang Theory (low IQ)
Safety features tested with "crash test Dummies" (dummy is already in the name)
Standard looking (normies reeee)
The Chad Bazingamobile:
Increases the chances of the owner dying and going to Techno-Valhalla (very cool and straight)
Prohibitively expensive (only for dank meme lords)
Appeals to the finest 9Gag connoisseurs (based)
Has touchscreens everywhere so you have to take your eyes off the road to confirm if you've changed any setting successfully (cyberpunk)
Transmission that will soon be renamed cismission in an update that bricks the truck if you don't download (tradpilled)
Creator has been featured on Rick and Morty AND The Big Bang Theory (high IQ)
Safety features tested on live Neuralink Chimpanzees (ape together strong!) Which have all died from brain trauma (but the logs say it happened way before impact)
Angular, straight lines (this car literally couldn't get any straighter)
Increases the chances of the owner dying and going to Techno-Valhalla (very cool and straight)
See this doesn't work because the corolla can't be the gay soymobile and also being slain by it gets you into valhalla. Ya gotta pick one. I say it stays the gay soymobile and every cybertruck driver killed by one is put down to "skill issue" and gets to whatever the opposite of valhalla is
I've worked in a few HGVs over the years. They too dont have crumple zones, they get around this by having multiple airbags, A-frames, good seatbelts. Makes me wonder if Musk's truck hasn't?