"I had a raging political argument with my family over Xmas dinner" megathread
"I had a raging political argument with my family over Xmas dinner" megathread
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"I had a raging political argument with my family over Xmas dinner" megathread
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Getting real fuckin sick of so-called "anticapitalists" with 0 materialism, 0 awareness of history and 0 ability to critique capitalism outside of the framework of capitalism, the market and economics
Help, having leftist politics is isolating me even harder than usual
"What do you mean, you hope the dollar collapses? Don't you know that's how I pay for my treats?"
Gotta recharge with comrades! We're surrounded by liberalism and need to educate people but that can be very draining. Spending time with cool people can fill your cup back up!
Also despite me giving advice I wanna say I'm with you on it being exhausting. I have to take a few weeks off of liberals every so often because I'll just hate people in general if I spend too much time in conflict over things like whether Palestinians are humans and as such shouldn't have their hospitals bombed by an occupying force.
I thought I knew cool people, is the problem. Especially in queer circles it's not uncommon to hear people say "eat the rich death to the bourgeoisie" or "capitalism is a death cult the empire is rotting" or similar variations. I figured that reading the Manifesto and absorbing a bunch of stuff through here would give me common ground with these people, but they're always shocked and confused whenever you try to talk about anything seriously, like the DPRK maybe not being a "personality cult"
So the only cool person I have is my wife (thank fuck) and all other social ventures have failed dramatically for this and other (autism) reasons. Exhausting indeed...
There is a huge leap from “america isn’t perfect but it’s an overall force for good in the world” to “america sucks” to “maybe AES are the good guys.” I have a friend who has made the leap to “america sucks” but he thinks socialism = concentration camps for everyone, China bad, etc. We haven’t had a serious conversation in a year or two now.
I have realised this now and it sucks. You can't even float "maybe AES are not Literally Hitler II" to these people, without them spewing nato talking points that stink of boot leather.